Wow, lots of things are changing lately for the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness. Good or bad? That's for you to decide. One thing is for sure, change is constant.
At a glance, in recent years the following additions have hit the IFBB stage: Men's Bodybuilding 212 class, Bikini, Men's Physique, and Women's Physique. In contrast, Women's Bodybuilding has dropped in popularity and slowly Women's Physique, Figure, and Bikini are earning points by presenting harder and bigger physiques each year.
Effective in 2016, to reset back to the original look of Men's Physique, Classic Physique is introduced. The same judging standards are intended for females. Therefore, Bikini, Figure, and Women's Physique will also reset to there initial intended look (less muscle size and less hardness). And wait for it...more changes to come.
RELATED: NPC News: New Men's Division and Judging Standards Reset
Welcome two more divisions to likely hit the stage this year in the states: Fit Model Women and Fit Model Men.
According to IFBB.com, these divisions give attention to "overall lines and shape of the physique, elegance of moving on the stage, style, and attractiveness of presentation."
All these features will be assessed during four rounds, a bit different for women and men:
1. Prejudging – Elimination Round (Quarter Turns, swimsuit)
2. Prejudging – Round 1 (Quarter Turns, swimsuit)
3. Finals – Round 2 (T-walking, Quarter Turns, swimsuit)
4. Finals – Round 3 (Individual Presentation, evening gown)
1. Prejudging – Elimination Round (Quarter Turns, gymnastic shirt)
2. Prejudging – Round 1 (Quarter Turns, gymnastic shirt)
3. Finals – Round 2 (Quarter Turns, gymnastic shirt)
4. Finals – Round 3 (Individual Presentation, casual sport wear)
Women’s T-walking as well as individual presentation (45 seconds) will allow women to show their bodies and their elegance in move and in a very special attire: long evening gowns. Men will also have their individual presentation but in casual sport attires: an unbuttoned fitness style jacket, worn directly on the body, showing the front of the trunk and abdominal section and casual style pants like jeans, khakis, corduroys, chinos, cargo, twills, etc.
Full details on Women's and Men's Fit Model Division