Yeo Kim Yeong is not your average gym rat. You won't find him deadlifting and any kind of leg work is out of the question. Instead, you'll find him slaving away building his pullup prowess. On June 6th, 2015, Yeong broke the Guinness World Record for most pullups in one minute with 44 reps.
Yeong, from Singapore, trained specifically for this record attempt for over a year.
And no, there was absolutely NO KIPPING. From Guinness:
For the purpose of this record, a pull-up is defined as such that the body must remain straight throughout, i.e. no bending at the waist. The body must hang limply before attempting the first pull up and must be raised until the chin is raised above the level of the bar. The body is then lowered until the arms are straight. The above comprises one pull up.