Spinal cord injuries are life changing incidents that can cause loss of nerve function throughout the body. The brain uses nerves as an avenue to stimulate muscular contractions that lead to movement. A major problem in SCI's is the atrophy of the muscles in the arms and legs. The lack of neural activation in the periphery and appendages drastically decreases the potential benefits of rehabilitation.
Science Daily brings us a review of a study that shows a very promising treatment option for those who have suffered a spinal cord injury.
"After six weeks of therapy, the nerves in the treated limb responded to electrical stimulation more like nerves in healthy subjects. Nerve function in the untreated limb did not change over the six-week period."
The treatment stimulates the neurons of the periphery via electrical signaling similar to the way an impulse would travel through a neuron. Neural stimulation therapy is showing a lot of promise and needs to be more widespread to increase its efficacy. Any therapy that can improve the quality of life for SCI patients should be pushed to be widespread.
Read the full article here. If you want to look into neck training as a preventative measure or learn more about neck/SCI injury click here.