Considered the most respected diet program expert in the bodybuilding world, John Meadows has gathered a legion of followers. His track record goes beyond achieving granite hard, single-digit bodyfat levels for himself. He has earned a record for helping other bodybuilders, figure competitors and athletes reach goals that surpass their wildest expectations.
Now, Meadows has released “Adjusting a Meal Plan Made Simple,” an eBook that cuts through the BS and marketing about creating your own diet. He generously lays everything out for you, an uncommon game plan for someone that makes their living as a contest prep coach.
With the help of co-author Frank Mingst, Meadows shows readers how to create a strategy, make adjustments based on your results, and integrate diet and fat-burning cardio. Being a lifelong student of the game, Meadows feels that the dedicated just need to know how to start and those they want to take things to an even higher level will use this book to lay down a strong foundation.
“Adjusting A Meal Plan Made Simple” is available for a limited time only for just $14.99 from http://mountaindogdiet.com/adjusting-meal-plans-made-simple/
NOTICE: elitefts.com does not receive any compensation for the promotion of or sale of this eBook. We support this book solely based on the fact that it provides quality information at a more than reasonable price. Check it out!