

Vladimir Issurin defined residual training effects as the retention of changes in the body state and motor abilities after the cessation of training beyond a certain time period. In other words, how long after you stop training will a certain quality be retained. You have to know how fast you will lose the obtained ability when you stop training it. This allows you to optimally program your yearly cycles and implement stress according to its retention length. As you can see, strength and endurance retain their adaptations for the greatest length of time. This is one of the reasons you should always have a solid foundation of these two as you tend to want to adapt the qualities with longer residuals first, as then you can focus on those with shorter residuals later on in the training cycle while these two remain elevated. Something else to keep in mind is the role previous training plays. If a specific quality has been trained to a great extent previously, it will be regained more rapidly than if it has not been previously trained. Combine this with the training compatibility charts from yesterday and you have formidable set of tools to take your training to the next level.


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