Schizophrenia can be an incredibly debilitating mental illness. Visual and auditory hallucinations, dissociation, paranoia.. just to name a few symptoms, wreak havoc on people's lives. However, there may be a way to prevent the onset of schizophrenia using common health supplements.
Researchers have checked back in on a study from 2007, in which adolescents with early schizophrenia symptoms were given fish oil pills in an effort to keep their illness from progressing. After 8 years, only 10% went on to develop schizophrenia...whereas the control group saw 40% develop the illness. The omega-3 fatty acids fight brain inflammation, allowing brain cells to develop and function properly. These research results come right after finding that a lack of fatty acids is implicated in multiple mental diseases. Schizophrenics have been shown in particular to have lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood cells.
While the main limitation of this study is the size - 81 participants, it helps contribute to the scientific literature pointing to omega-3 fatty acids being used to maintain mental health.
Have you taken your fish oil today?
Source: Science Alert