"There are a few major ways I see lifters go astray when it comes to supplemental training. The first and biggest way is doing every set to failure. We are not bodybuilders, and we have very different goals than bodybuilders.
The second mistake is training supplemental exercises too heavy. Most of the seriously heavy lifting is supposed to be done in the main movement.
Intertwined with these first two mistakes is the third: having seriously poor technique. I often talk about technique in the main lifts, but it very much pertains to every single lift, exercise, and rep.
The last big mistake is a lack of or too much intensity and focus during the supplemental session of training. Too much high intensity can end up in lifters trying to do too much in terms of reps and weight (mistakes mentioned earlier).
On the flip side of that, the focus and intensity can be too low, where lifters put very little focus or energy into their supplemental sessions. Any of these things can end up derailing gains or at the very least making it an uphill battle.
Solid supplemental training is not complicated, but it takes some thought and control to get the most out of it. My biggest difficulty or mistake in this area has always been training to failure. Maybe it’s because I started out training like a bodybuilder and some sick part of my mind still enjoys it."