Everyone is aware of the benefits of proper sleep. It can make the difference between having an awful day and a great day. Almost 30% of americans get less than 7 hours of sleep on any given night. Thats almost 1/3 of the american population functioning below what they are capable of and relying on stimulants to make the difference up, which is another subject all together.
The Schools of Business from the University of Michigan gives refreshing ideas on how to improve the sleep habits of your employees with 7 power strategies included.
- Create a work culture that values sleep: Create policies and actions that back up what you say and model as a leader about the importance of sleep.
- Leverage your wellness programs to improve sleep habits: Utilize your health programs to reduce health issues that can cause difficulty sleeping, like smoking or obesity, and encourage activities that improve one’s sleep, like meditation and yoga.
- Allow employees separation from work when the workday is finished: 26% of people sleep with their phones, 70% check their phones within an hour of waking, and 56% within an hour of going to bed.
- Create nap rooms and encourage their use: A number of the best leaders and innovators throughout history, including Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Eleanor Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy relied on frequent naps.
- Limit the number of hours employees are scheduled to work: Employees should not work more than 12 hours per day or more than 60 hours per week
- Try to reduce shift work: Avoid work schedules that fight natural sleep patterns, especially shift work that necessitates constant changes in sleep schedule. Disruptions in sleep schedules and patterns result in a much higher rate of accidents.
- Keep sleep in mind when you create a disaster plan: Employees will be able to sustain their best performance over time through a crisis recovery when they are well rested.