For a man that's given his life to strength and conditioning, helping pioneer the industry from a fad into a necessity in the game of football, receiving the NFL's Strength and Conditioning Lifetime Achievement Award was just about perfect.
Miller was one of the honorees at the NFL Strength and Conditioning Coaches Award Banquet on Feb. 17 in Indianapolis.
The strength and conditioning guru spent 24 years in the NFL with the Denver Broncos, New York Giants, Atlanta Falcons and Oakland Raiders.
"To sit there like I did the other night and see a full room, I told them it's so good to see the profession grow like it has," Miller said. "When this thing got started we didn't even have enough strength coaches to fill a card game.
"It makes you stop and look around and really see how far this thing has come."
Thanks to Adam Hunsucker of The New Star for putting this article together to honor one of the oringial strength and conditioning coaching. Al miller paved the way for a lot of us and it's nice to see him recognized.
Miller receives NFL Lifetime Achievement Award
Read the entire article here:
Miller grew up in El Dorado, Arkansas, but since coming to school at then-Northeast Louisiana University in the 1970s, Monroe has served as the home base for a career that has taken him to both coasts.
After beginning his career as a full-time strength and conditioning coach at Mississippi State, Miller returned to NLU in 1981 to be the strength coach for Pat Collins. He planned on being at his alma mater for a long time.
Then Bear Bryant called.
From there Miller was off to Tuscaloosa where he worked for Bryant and later Ray Perkins until joining up with Dan Reeves and the Broncos in 1985. Miller was Reeves' strength coach for 19 years, in that time working with a plethora of riches at quarterback that included John Elway, Phil Simms and Michael Vick.
Read the entire article here:
More on Miller
I met Al at the CSCCa National Conference in 2007 where he was presented the Legends in the Field Award. Here is some more info on Miller.