Ask and you shall receive. As you may know we have hosted many successful events in the past such as Sports Performance Summit, Learn to Train Seminar, Powerlifting Experience, Open Underground Strength Session events, etc. However this time, we wanted to create a new opportunity and educational experience for our customers and the fitness community by developing an event geared towards the business aspect of the fitness industry. We designed the Strong(er) Business Summit do to exactly what it states, make YOUR business Strong(er). elitefts is known for educating and outfitting the strongest athletes around the world, so now it is our mission to help others create the strongest businesses possible. Below are the event details, so mark your calendars!
Strong(er) Business: elitefts Fitness Professional Summit
Event Details
Date: Saturday, October 21st, 2017
Location: The Ohio State University Fawcett Center, Columbus Ohio
*Registration Details Coming Soon
Speaker Line Up
Dave Tate
Dave Tate 'Under The Bar' is the founder and CEO of elitefts.com Inc.. Dave has been involved with powerlifting for over three decades, coach, consultant and business owner. He has logged more than 20,000 hours of strength consulting with professional, elite and novice athletes, as well as with professional strength coaches, authored 20 books and written more than 500 articles for magazines and prominent websites. Dave works as a business adviser, speaker, coach, and author, he shows how athletic disciplines teach valuable lessons for overall achievement. He lives with his family in London, Ohio.
Joe DeFranco
Joe DeFranco is the founder and owner of the world-famous DeFranco’s Gym. For the past two decades, athletes from around the world have hired Joe because of his remarkable ability to improve strength, speed, power, mobility, agility and sport-specific endurance. His resume includes NFL players from all 32 teams, MLB & NBA players, WWE superstars, UFC fighters, Olympic athletes and high school & college All-Americans. Joe is not only a pioneer in the sports performance industry – he has revolutionized the garage and warehouse gym business as well. Many industry leaders credit Joe for the paradigm shift regarding sports performance facilities. Joe’s “gym blueprint” is now the industry standard and DeFranco’s is a globally recognized brand. DeFranco’s has been voted one of America’s 10 Best Gyms by Men’s Health magazine and one of America’s Top 5 Most Innovative Gyms by Greatist.com.
Steve Diel
Steve Diel is the CFO of elitefts.com Inc.. He earned an MBA in Finance from Indiana University and has over 15 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies across a wide array of industries. While his key areas of professional focus have been Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Strategy, he has also served roles in Treasury, Financial Planning & Analysis, Internal Audit and Investor Relations. Steve totaled elite in powerlifting for the first time in 2011 at age 39.
Rachel Balkovec
Rachel is the first female strength and conditioning coach in the history of professional baseball. She spent the past seven years as a strength and conditioning coach for organizations such as Arizona State University, Louisiana State University, Los Tigres Del Licey Beisbol and the St. Louis Cardinals. Most recently, she has joined the Houston Astros as their Latin American Strength and Conditioning Coordinator. She has learned invaluable lessons throughout her journey to becoming a historic female in sports and is sharing her experiences with groups all over the world. Her mission is to live courageously while empowering others to do the same.
Marc Megna
Marc Megna has evolved into the foremost strength and conditioning coach in Miami. The former NFL football player is certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and owns Anatomy 1220 in Miami Beach Florida, voted Best Gym in Miami by the Miami New Times. Megna works with a wide variety of clients, from celebrities, professional athletes and novices. Megna trains clients from every walk of life, and can tailor a program for the most serious athlete to the motivated beginner. He writes about fitness, exercises, and training tips for Muscle & Fitness, Inside Fitness, Fitness RX, Train Magazine, Dr. Oz, and Elitfts.com. Marc’s expertise spans a multitude of areas within the fitness industry as a whole and fitness facility entrepreneurship.
JL Holdsworth
With a BA in Exercise Science from Wayne State, Master’s work at University of Kentucky in Coaching, a USAW Level-1 coaching certificate and well over 20,000 hours of practical experience, JL Holdsworth is one of the most respected strength coaches in the industry. As a competitive powerlifter, he has posted a 905 pound squat, 775 pound bench press, and 804 pound deadlift. He has also competed in mixed martial arts and grip competition. JL is the owner The Spot Athletics, where he works with athletes of all ages and sports discipline. The Spot Athletics located in Columbus Ohio, has grown to multiple facilities in just a few short years. JL also consults multiple teams in the NFL, NBA, MLB, MLL, and Division 1 football players. Creating champions in the weight room, and in business operations, is JL’s specialty.
Chris Cooper
If Chris Cooper has a superpower, it’s the ability to make mistakes faster than anyone else. Fortunately, none have been fatal, and they can help OTHER gym owners build happier lives. Chris is the owner of CrossFit Catalyst and IgniteGym, as well as several other small businesses. When Catalyst ran into trouble in 2008, Chris borrowed money to hire a mentor, and began recording everything he learned on his first blog, DontBuyAds.com. Four hundred blog posts later, Chris was invited to speak at a gym seminar in Florida. He compiled the best blog posts into his first book–Two-Brain Business–which has gone on to become the bestselling fitness business book of all time. He began mentoring gyms in early 2012. Soon after, he was invited to work as a journalist for CrossFit, Inc. for a year, and he began traveling around the world on the CrossFit for Hope and other projects. In 2015, he focused on writing two other books–Two-Brain Business 2.0 and “Help First.” In 2016, he launched TwoBrainBusiness.com and TwoBrainCoaching.com to focus on his two passions: building better entrepreneurs and training better coaches.
Open Training at elitefts s4 compound for all registerees.
- Friday 6:00pm - 9:00pm
- Sunday 9:00am - 1:00pm
* This will be the last time any visitors will be able to train at the s4 Gym as elitefts will be moving into our new location the following weekend.
Thank you
- Alycia