I wanted to pass on a great deal my friend Ken Kinakin is offering all readers and customer of elitefts.com. Ken is the promoter of the 2015 Swis Symposium. I have known Ken for many years and have presented at two or three of his past events.
These events are among the best in the industry!
He is is offering elitefts a discount code: elitefts-vip
The regular Symposium Price is $1098.00 Canadian - The discount price (using the code above) brings the cost down to...
$369 Canadian
$290 U.S.
Event Details
Date: November 13-14, 2015
Place: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, just outside of Toronto.
elitefts Team Presenters:
- Dave Tate
- JL Holdsworth
- John Meadows
- Julia Ladewski
Full List of Presenters
Disclosure: This is not an affiliate link and elitefts nor Dave Tate will not receive any compensation for this promotion or your registration. This is simply a great deal Ken has extended us.