This year on July 16th & 17th on the beautiful campus of The University of Richmond in Richmond, VA Central Virginia Sport Performance will be hosting their fifth annual Seminar. For this year’s CVASPS we have stepped it up another notch, bringing back many of the favorites from past years, and introducing some new presenters as well.
- Michael Regan: Port Adelaide Football Club
- Erik Korem: University of Kentucky
- Dr. Ben Peterson: Catapult
- Jimmy Snider: University of Wisconsin
- Landon Evans: University of Iowa
- Dr. Bryan Mann: University of Missouri
- Cal Dietz: University of Minnesota
- Dr. Vladimir Issurin
Thursday Schedule
3:00 PM Registration

4:00 PM – Key Note Speaker TBD

5:30 PM – Michael Regan
Michael Regan: Port Adelaide Football Club
7:00 PM Social
Friday Schedule

8:00 AM – Erik Korem
Erik Korem: University of Kentucky
Erik Korem’s Introductory Q and A
“The New Era of High Performance”

11:30 AM – Landon Evans
Landon Evans: University of Iowa
Landon Evans’ Introductory Q and A
“Physical Preparation in the NCAA: a complementary approach”

1:30 PM – Dr. Bryan Mann
Dr. Bryan Mann: University of Missouri
Dr. Bryan Mann’s Introductory Q and A
“elitefts.com—Strength Coach Q&A: Where the profession is going”

3:00 PM – Cal Dietz
Cal Dietz: University of Minnesota
Cal Dietz’s Introductory Q and A
“The Triphasic Undulating Block Method”

4:00 PM – Dr. Vladimir Issurin
Dr. Vladimir Issurin
Dr. Vladimir Issurin’s Introductory Q and A
“Block Periodization”

5:30 PM – Andrew Althoff
Andrew Althoff: Baylor University
Andrew Althoff’s Introductory Q and A
“Inside #CampBU: Baylor Uses Sports Science For Freak Performances”