In a perfect world, people could exercise whenever they want for as long as they want. Nothing would interrupt or interfere with their training. Unfortunately, life isn’t perfect. It is often chaotic and unpredictable. You never know what the day will bring.
No matter how busy you might be, its important to always get something in. Despite your preference for long, hard workouts, you might realize that something beats nothing.
If your involved with a hectic schedule and cannot block off a couple hours a day dedicated to training then follow these tips to still get in a quality workout without taking up the time during your busy work schedule.
I. Something Beats Nothing
Just because you don’t have an uninterrupted hour or more to train doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from shorter blocks of exercise. Doing something is almost always better than nothing. Don’t let the frustration of not getting in a perfect workout stop you from doing anything. Even a single set of pushups is better than sitting on the couch whining about how you didn’t have time to exercise.
II. Bodyweight Exercise Convenience
Bodyweight exercises such as lunges, squats, pushups, and pull-ups can be done literally anywhere. You don't need to drive to the gym to do them and you barley need to spend any time warming up before the exercises. You also won’t need as much time between sets when compared to heavy lifting. In other words, you can cram a significant amount of work into a short period of time.
III. Mini-Workouts
Training for approximately 10 to 15 minutes is what is referred to as a mini-workout.
Typically a mini-workout can be written out like this.
- A single exercise (ex. pushups, pull-ups, rollouts, etc.)
- An objective (ex. lower arms, neck, or core)
- Conditioning (ex. jump rope or run for 10 to 15 minutes)
- Isometrics (ex. static holds or push/pull an immobile object)
The amount of mini-workouts depend on you. Some feel one session in the morning and one session at night is good, others feel every few hours a mini-workout should be implemented. The amount of mini-workouts depends on how busy your schedule really is.
IV. Wake Up Earlier
There’s no denying that sleep is important, but most of us can adjust our schedules to go to bed slightly earlier, thus wake up earlier to exercise. Although this might be a daunting task for people to accomplish, however If you can wake up 30 minutes earlier, that’s 30 minutes that you can add to each day. Thirty minutes might not sound like much, but after 365 days, you will have freed up over 180 hours. That’s more than a week of time.
Final Thoughts
Clearly these are not the only options. There are many ways that people can get a quality training session in without wasting a lot of time. What works well for some might not work well for others. What matters is if you want it bad enough you'll make the sacrifices and necessary adjustments to reach your fitness goals.
Source: www.rosstraining.com