I found this article to be very interesting due to the fact when reading this article at first I didn't see the connections between video games and bodybuilding, but afterwards it makes sense to an extent. Video games are perhaps the greatest pass time in between trips to the gym. It’s escapist fun that allows you to unwind and focus on beating the latest Call of Duty or level up in World of Warcraft. However, not everyone is into gaming, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn a thing or two from gaming, even a bodybuilder. Here’s how bodybuilders can learn from video games.
Create Your Own Character (Set Goals)
Creating your character is the first step in many modern day multiplayer games yet it’s something that’s been commonplace in bodybuilding. By understanding exactly how you wish to look and setting goals, you can create a better version of yourself. If you (your character) wants to have bigger arms then you set your goals to get bigger arms.
Learning The Move set
When starting a new game you have to learn the controls or "moves" before you start playing. Same applies to Body Building. Want a bigger chest? Then you’re going to have to research some exercises. Want ripped abs? Then you better understand the rules of losing belly fat. Every move you make is taken one at a time until you achieve mastery.
Leveling Up
Much like leveling up in a game, lifting for a new personal best can become addicting. With every new defined detail in your muscles, it feels like you’re bringing your physique to the next level. Leveling up takes time, experience and patience. Just like when playing a game you’ll need all three to see some progress in your bodybuilding journey.
Save Points
These can be a life saver in any game. No one wants to bust their ass and play through an entire game only to find all your hard work squandered when you’re killed off in the game. The same goes for bodybuilding. Not all games can be beat in one day and the same goes for your gains. It will take steady progression and rest to get to your end goals. Resting is the save point to your workout.
Connecting Video Games to Body Building isn't as crazy as it sounds. At the end of the day whether your a gamer, bodybuilder or both the principles are the same you create your character, set goals in how you want to look and how you want to be. You want to learn the moves to perfect your game or your workout. You level up in games by beating the tasks in that level and you level up in bodybuilding by putting up four plates instead of three. Finally your save points in a game or on recovery days after beating up your body can play dividends in accomplishing your goals to beat the entire game or win you that competition.
Source: Generationiron.com