Steve Silberman began an investigative mission five years ago, looking for answers to determine the roots of autism and discover why the prevelance of autism has recently skyrocketed.
"I learned that what happened has less to do with the slow and cautious progress of science than it does with the seductive power of storytelling."
In his search for answers, Silberman traveled back to the popular and forgotten figure heads of autism and revisited the theories of Leo Kanner, Lorna Wing, Judith Gould, Hans Asperger, and Andrew Wakefield.
Long and twisted story short...
If you're still under the impression that vaccines and poor parenting are the determinants of "Rainman" characteristics found in children and adults, please watch: The Forgotten History of Autism.
Steve Silberman is a writer and contributing editor for Wired who covers science and society. His newest book explores neurodiversity and the link between autism and genius.