This interview from 2001 between Kirk Herbstreit and LeBron James offers a few guidelines for success:

"We Work Hard"

LeBron immediately credits his teammates work ethic. "We work hard every day at practice...every night we went out there, we played like it was our last."  Goals are not accomplished with wishes and handouts, they require real, hard, work.

One Step at a Time

When asked about 4 state championships and the team's goal, LeBron replies, "That is the long term year we're going to be worried about 3 and then after that we'll be worried about 4."  Taking on a big challenge can be intimidating, but a whale is devoured one bite at a time.

Competition Crushes Complacency

When asked about complacency, LeBron says, "Every day you gotta go out there and work because there is someone out there workin too, and if you stop, I think, they can pass you up."  It is said that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard, and LeBron was well aware of this.

The Big Picture

Kirk asks, "what is your individual long term goal right now as a 16 year old?" and without hesitation LeBron answers "To get to the NBA."  LeBron knew his goal, without question or doubt.  Treat your goals the same way.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

When asked about what he might need improvement on, LeBron also doesn't hesitate with "getting stronger, defensively, and shooting a 3."  Having weaknesses does not make you weak, and accepting those weaknesses along with working to improve them will ultimately make you strong(er).

Talking about weaknesses...LeBron trains using EliteFTS bands!

You can find them here.