Soviet Sport Methods

Unlock the secrets behind the USSR's legendary athlete preparation with the Soviet Sport Methods book. This comprehensive analysis delves into the evolution of Soviet training techniques, providing invaluable insights for athletes and coaches aiming to elevate their performance.

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Soviet Sport Methods

The Soviet Sport Methods book offers a profound exploration into the training methodologies that propelled Soviet athletes to international acclaim. Authored by esteemed sports scientist Dr. Michael Yessis, this work dissects the principles and practices that underpinned the USSR's sports dominance.

Key Features:

  • In-Depth Analysis: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Soviet model for athlete preparation, meticulously examined by Dr. Yessis.
  • Historical Context: Explore the evolution of training techniques that led to unparalleled success in Olympic Games and World Championships.
  • Practical Applications: Learn how to integrate time-tested Soviet methods into modern training regimens to enhance athletic performance.


  • Author: Dr. Michael Yessis
  • Format: Paperback
  • Language: English


  • Enhanced Performance: Implement proven strategies to boost strength, endurance, and overall athletic prowess.
  • Expert Insights: Leverage the knowledge of Dr. Yessis, a pioneer in translating Soviet sports science for Western athletes.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: From periodization to psychological preparation, this book covers all facets of elite training.

Elevate your training approach by embracing the methodologies that forged champions. The Soviet Sport Methods book is an essential addition to any serious athlete or coach's library.

Critique of the Soviet Methods is an analysis of the evolution of the famous USSR model of preparing athletes from the mind of history’s greatest coach, Dr. Anatoliy P. Bondarchuk. As a coach and athlete who grew up in this system, Dr. Bondarchuk takes the reader through the origins and history of foundational principles such as block training, waving volume and intensity, and gives critical analysis of the Soviet Model of annual periodization of sports training.

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