Special Strength Training Practical Manual For Coaches

Special Strength Training Practical Manual For Coaches

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Special Strength Training Practical Manual for Coaches

From one of the leading sports scientists in history comes this milestone and final monument to his brilliant and ground breaking career.

The Coaches Manual is the most cutting edge and exhaustive work of it's kind. It contains all necessary guidelines for the understanding and use of Special Strength Training, Complex Method, Stimulation Method, Contrast Method, Circuit Method, and Strength Aerobic Method. Elucidation of rationale of organizing Special Strength Training and it's application within the Block Training System is handled in a very clear and concise approach. Further, the practical use of SST in acyclic, cyclic, track and field, as well as team and combat sports. Also included is the most intelligent approach to the warm ups and the author's own Ultra Mass program for bodybuilders.

A complete history of the author's career and many contributions to the field are recounted. This book will prove to be the single most important tool in the arsenal of the best coaches around the world.

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