SS Yoke Bar
Innovative bar design to build your squat and pulls while SAVING YOUR SHOULDERS and back with our ultra-load displacing pad design, ensuring optimal comfort and performance. It is ideal for powerlifters and strength athletes, individuals recovering from shoulder injuries, and fitness enthusiasts looking to diversify their training.
Key Benefits:
- Reduce Shoulder Strain: Ergonomically designed to minimize shoulder pressure, making it ideal for those with upper body limitations.
- Improve Squat Form: Helps maintain an upright torso and better squat mechanics.
- Versatile Usage: Great for various exercises, including squats, good mornings, lunges, JM Presses, and more.
- Load Bearing: Built to handle over 800 Pounds
- Weight: 65 pounds
- Length: 92”
- Includes pad warranty!
- Made in the USA
- Spring collars do not fit specialty bars. We recommend these
- Black or Clear Coat
Limit ONE Bar Per Customer
Will usually ship within 1-3 business days. AK, HI, and international orders please call for a shipping quote.
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SS Yoke Bar
Improved Design
In January of 2012, we took on the task of taking a great product and making it better. This was first accomplished by touching base with existing bar users and inquiring about what improvements they would like to see. This was then added to feedback from Dave Tate who, due to shoulder injuries, has been exclusively squatting with this bar since 2005.
"Since 2005, the only way I have been able to squat is with the use of the SS Yoke Bar. When you extensively rely on a product week-in and week-out, you will inevitably begin to find its flaws. I went into this project with my own personal reasons...a better bar for myself, but as time and testing progressed, I began to see just how much of an impact the changes we were making were affecting the quality and feel of the bar. It took over 10 months, MANY bars, and MANY squat sessions to get this dialed in, but I strongly feel we have the best Yoke Bar ever created.” —Dave Tate, Cofounder of elitefts™.com Inc
As we worked through this process, we quickly discovered that a small change in one aspect created flaws in others. The goal was to eliminate these negative aspects, not to create more. For example, making the pad denser (so that it wouldn't break down like all of the others) changed how the bar would sit and move on the lifter's back. The length of the handles also affected how the majority of lifters would come out of the bottom of the squat. In turn, the length of the bar affected the stability, the handle thickness, the stress on the arms, the length of the camber, the strength of the bar, etc. Therefore, this process—what we thought would be a couple of simple upgrades, became a major project. In time, however, we did get it done.
New Bar Features
- Added padding. Another layer of padding was added to allow for maximum weight displacement across the back (no daylight anywhere), thicker shoulder pads, so big heads still fit but those with narrow shoulders could also feel stable and tight.
- Shorter and thicker detachable handles. This improvement allows the lifter to support the bar without aiding in the lift or tossing the lifter into a compromising position. Detach the handles and use this amazing bar for JM Presses!
- A longer bar camber. A longer bar camber greatly increases the strength and rating of the bar.
- Drop-tested. Our first prototypes and all competitors at the time snapped the end of the bar off with five plates per side. This may not seem like a big deal unless you start using 600 pounds on concentric-only suspended good mornings. This is why we always build with the strongest lifters in mind because it not only ensures their safety but everyone else’s.
- Pad warranty. While we do warranty our pad, we do so only for those who purchased the bar from elitefts. We do not sell our pad as a standalone item.
- No rotating sleeves. This is for a reason. Although this would be easy to do, it negates what makes this bar work so well. Take the thoracic extension movement (what we’ll call an upper back good morning). If the sleeves rolled with the plates, it would change how the muscles are being loaded and where.
- Other upgrades include: Better packaging so your bar arrives AWESOME, higher quality handle grips, and a clear-coated finish.
Use the SS Yoke Bar for:
- All types of Squatting
- Chain Suspended Good Mornings
- Zercher Squats
- Good Mornings
- Partial Arches
- Lunges
- Back Raises
- JM Presses
- Plus much more!
- Weight: 65lbs
- Length: 92"
- Distance Between Inside Surface of Pads: Close to 9in or 22.8cm
- Measurement between cambers: 49.5in
- Big enough for all purple-faced bloated monsters yet small enough for all those who TRAIN
- Spring Collars do not fit or work with any specialty bar
Things About The SS Yoke Bar You May Not Know
This bar was reverse-engineered by Dave Tate, because he couldn’t use any of the existing safety bars on a weekly basis. Once a month for max-effort work or short phases was fine, but any longer than that and his back would get trashed and his recovery take a hike.
He realized the reason he couldn’t use the other bars for longer training cycles was due to the short pad and the spinal compression. Plus, the pads were breaking down, so it didn’t take long until they began compressing his vagus nerve.
A wider and higher-density inner pad to displace the weight across the upper back and not break down, while still providing all the benefits, was needed.
What still needed addressing was ensuring that the pad would have better stability and be fit for all sizes of people. Another layer of padding was added to allow for maximum weight displacement across the back (no daylight anywhere), thicker shoulder pads were also added so that big heads would still fit but those with narrow shoulders could also feel stable and tight.
What we ended up with was an expensive pad that nobody wants to reverse-engineer, and the reality is that most of this won’t matter unless you can squat over 400 pounds, so there is no need for other suppliers to change.
We also meathead-drop tested the bar to see if it would bend at around 800 pounds when a 6’7 350-pound guy flipped the bar off his back from a standing position to lower safety. Our first prototypes and all competitors at the time snapped the end of the bar off with 5 plates per side. This may not seem like a big deal, unless you start using 600 pounds on a concentric-only suspended good morning.
We also do not offer the bar with rotating sleeves for a reason. This would be easy to do, but it would negate part of what makes this bar work so well. Take the thoracic extension movement (what many call an upper back good morning). If the sleeves rolled with the plates, it would change how the muscles are being loaded and where.
When we take it out of our stock (it happens often), it’s always due to the pads. This is something we won’t compromise on.