5/3/1 for Strongman: Programming Adjustments, Competition Prep, and Trai...
Take the core philosophies of 5/3/1, make two key adjustments in exercise selection and timed AMRAP sets, and you’ve got yourself a damn good strongman program.
5/3/1 and Run
Concurrent training, commonly known as hybrid training, can be a frustratingly fine line to walk. Here’s the recipe.
Conjugate For A Little Old Man
People have asked me to write about how I train. I haven’t done it because I figured you guys thought it’d be boring… until now. Here’s a look at my training and the process behind it.
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Dan Dalenberg
Dan Dalenberg found his way through life with the help of fellow powerlifters. As a Team elitefts athlete, he intends to give back to the community by passing on information he’s learned from those who got him through his lowest points.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #3 with Jim Wendler
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate and Jim Wendler talk about a couple of documentaries, majoring in exercise science, the best way to break down the conjugate method, and more.
Your First Meet Cycle — How to Lay the Program's Foundation
Don’t be the newbie lifter who falls into the tiger pit traps during your training cycle. That’ll only hurt you in the long run — or at least in those first competitions. Don’t be afraid to start training too light and save your attempts for the platform. Not enough advice? I’ve got six other tips, so read on…
How to Train While Working a Physical Job — Create Your Program
Once you go through these seven steps, you should have a nice simple program that will allow you to reach your goals while staying true to your priorities and meshing with your daily work demands.
Reasons Why You're Weak — Inefficient Technique, Outcome-Focused, M...
Without question, the number one reason most lifters don’t lift the weights that they are able to is…
Ego Is the Enemy
Let me introduce you to a young gentleman from my gym. Like a lot of inexperienced lifters, he didn’t understand what it really means to keep your nose to the grindstone.
Training Advice Worth Repeating
If I could go back in time to when I first started in this industry, I’d force myself to follow these five rules of training. Those of you starting now should listen.
Fun Is for Children
I have some grown up advice for your training: start training like an adult and quit worrying about whether or not it’s fun. This program actually produces results, and in my book, results are a hell of a lot more fun than feel-good training.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training...
This video is Jim’s full 20-minute introduction to his UGSS presentation.
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
There’s a lot of history shared between these two men. Now they’re adding to it.
5 Strategic Questions Everyone Should Ask About Their Training
When moments of failure start to cloud your perspective of training, you need to return to your core philosophy. Asking these questions will force you to refocus on the big picture.
Implementing 5/3/1 Principles in a Conjugated Program
These options can help you combine the best parts of Wendler’s program with your regular routine of max effort and dynamic effort training.
Maximum Effort Training for the Front Seven
Using this three-step approach, strengthen, motivate and challenge a team to excel in the sport of football.
WATCH: Who Would Jim Wendler Train with for a Powerlifting Meet?
Louie Simmons? Ed Coan? Steve Goggins? Brian Shaw?
Back from the Dead: Starting Over with Jim Wendler
My journey from hospital bed to Jim Wendler’s power rack started with one decision: to do what the doctors said I couldn’t.
Building Pure Strength With Jim Wendler
Wendlers program will turn you from a boy into a man. Grow a beard and get strong Wendler's way.
Twelve-Week Explosive Bench Program
Drive that bar off your chest like you’re wearing a C4-laced bench shirt.
Paying Your Dues, Paying Respect, and Knowing the Difference
We have to give this author a high-five.
Programming Predicaments
When designing programs, don’t follow any blind allegiance to a certain template.
Understanding the Principles Behind Programming
It is not the percentages in 5/3/1, or the use of bands in Westside training that make these programs special.
Reprogramming the Overhead Press
The body has the amazing ability to adapt to any stimulus. This can be a bad thing when it comes to training.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Training Update
What the hell could this old man have discovered that is not already known?
Training Logs: Do More Than Just Track
Remember in math class when your teacher told you to show your work? Well, you need to do it again.
NSCA National Conference: Wave Cycles, The Tier System, and Auto-Regulat...
The day you stop learning is the day you stop living.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Baby Steps
He’s back…and he’s getting ready to take the platform!
Ten Training Principles from the Art of War
Training is a daily battle in which our will and desire are tested.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: The Long and Winding Road
The road back to the platform can be long and winding.
Kentucky Strong: How Do You Get Your Girl to Train?
Getting your girlfriend or wife interested in training can be a real challenge, so I figured I’d get more than one opinion on this issue.
Elitefts Classic: 52 Most Common 5/3/1 Questions
You’ve read the book, you know the program. Here’s how to perfect it.
Calories Redux (Bulking and Cutting for the Natural Athlete)
Think you have to gain mass before you can add lean muscle? Think again.
A Multifaceted Approach to Pull-Up Improvement
Barring injury, everyone should be able to do at least ten quality pull-ups.
Breaking Down Your Training Program
Having a problem with your programming? Jennifer Petrosino can break it down for you.
Deadlifts, Chains, and Good Mornings
Once again, Jennifer Petrosino is ready and willing to help answer your questions.
5/3/1 and 40
A training program is not “one size fits all.” As Jesse Rosenberger discovered, you will have your own keepers, mistakes, preferences, and throwbacks.
Master Your Goals
During the last couple years, I’ve seen a very welcome change in the mindset of many guys and gals entering the gym.
Did you hear the one about the…
Did you hear the one about the guy that gets 200lbs out of his bench shirt?
My Experience with Strength Training in the Military
Sometimes I would question what kept me going back to train; I rarely set a new record.
Strength: What Are You Going to Do with Yours?
I’m going to push through that ache in my hips, that sting in my shoulder, and get that damn PR.
If You Won’t Take the Medicine, Don’t Ask for the Prescription
Imagine going to the doctor to get attention for an illness, receiving a drug prescription from the doctor, and tearing it up and throwing it in his face because you don’t take prescription drugs.
Squat Like the Man You were Designed to Be
Believe me, your training will all of a sudden be turned into another kind of important.
Wanna Lift? Meet Me at the…Playground
You don’t have to be completely regimented and stick to the script session after session with your program.
More Tips for the Raw Lifter
These tips can help steer you in the right direction, but they aren’t any substitute for common sense and hard work.
A Twist on 5/3/1 for a Recovering Weightlifter
I don’t take any credit for this but instead give credit to the mind who published his idea for the 5/3/1 program—Jim Wendler.
Five Things Bodybuilders Can Learn from Powerlifters, Part 1
No matter what niche your lifting passion falls into, there are a few universal truths on which every lifter can agree.
6 Things I’ve Learned So Far This Season
We’re just over halfway through the season with twenty-two games played and, if successful in the playoffs, the prospect of sixteen more without any time off for good behavior.
Things I Learned Vacationing in the Developing World
Man, do I love vacation time. It’s the best time of year for resting, recovering, reflecting, and replanning.