They are NOT Angry Birds!
I used to hate the term “special needs,” but now I can’t stand people who say they hate the term. FACT: My son has special needs.
Under The Bar: They are NOT Angry Birds! The Monster Within Special Educ...
Special education is an unfunded federal mandate. Contrary to popular belief, it is not funded by the feds at 100%. Not even close to a third. Cutbacks and downsizing are hitting education hard, and it’s directly impacting student delivery in the classroom.
WATCH: Defining Autism — Beyond the Label [Documentary]
This documentary is the culmination of years of intimate interaction with a child with autism. Interaction as a father, a mother, an educator, a trainer, and a friend.
Four Exercises Your Child Wants To Do
Using some basic equipment from elitefts, here are four easy and inexpensive ways to make typical exercises child friendly.
Under The Bar: They Are NOT Angry Birds! The Fight for Funding
Each step you take towards getting your child the support he needs, is one more step towards your child having the most fulfilling life possible.
Under The Bar: They are NOT Angry Birds! The Holidays
I saw a chance to pull out and hide and took it. This is not something I’m afraid to admit.
They are NOT Angry Birds! (Part 3)
I already had my column for the week done (“Aggression”) when I received this email from my mother.
They are NOT Angry Birds! (Part 2.1)
We are two different people and his experiences will not be the same as mine; they will be his own. I want SO badly for him to not to go through the things I did, that it’s taken me a long time to see that he won’t.