The Coach's Guide to Programming and Periodization: Variable Manipulation, Training Units, and Building Your Annual Plan
The Coach's Guide to Programming and Periodization: Variable Manipu...
In the first article of this series we covered the basic principles of programming and periodization. Now let’s discuss strategies to manipulate volume and intensity, and start examining the training units used to structure training.
The Most Important Thing You Can Do As A Strength Coach
The Most Important Thing You Can Do As A Strength Coach
It isn’t the squats. It isn’t the cleans, nor the reverse hypers or pull-ups.
WATCH: How to Design An Annual Programming for Powerlifting — Weeks 1-5 After A Meet
WATCH: How to Design An Annual Programming for Powerlifting — Weeks 1-5 ...
This 52-week approach begins immediately after a meet and constructs a long-term plan for tying together all parts of a training program.
 Periodization, Part II
Periodization, Part II
Complete recovery after a hard day of training may last more than 48 hours, and training every other day isn’t really an option for elite performance (there are exceptions to this rule).

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