4-Week Blast For Arm Growth
4-Week Blast For Arm Growth
Don’t you want a big arm hanging out your car window as you drive around this summer?
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competitors, Weeks 5-8
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competito...
The introductory four weeks should have improved your joints and helped you become accustomed to high reps. Now it’s time to get more challenging.
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competitors, Weeks 1-4
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competito...
A good off-season program gives your joints a break, helps you put on quality muscle, and gives you a mental break from the rigors of competing so you can just have some fun training. This program provides all of those things.
How To Use The SS Yoke Bar For Your Triceps
How To Use The SS Yoke Bar For Your Triceps
Now you can use the yoke bar to help your bench. What can’t you use it for?
4 Weeks To Bigger Arms
4 Weeks To Bigger Arms
A very simple four-week training block to put some size on your arms, help stabilize your basic lifts and increase overall strength.
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
Short Explanation: Triceps Anatomy
Short Explanation: Triceps Anatomy
There are three heads to your triceps, but none of them are the 'short head.'
Elitefts™ Triceps Training Techniques with Dave Tate
Elitefts™ Triceps Training Techniques with Dave Tate
Dave Tate explains and demonstrates an exercise variation for a seated triceps dip machine, the JM Press with the Swiss Bar and Chains, and a mechanical drop set of Tricep Pushdowns
21's for Guns
21's for Guns
Not every expert will agree on what to do in the weight room.
How Shelby Maintains His Huge Pipes
How Shelby Maintains His Huge Pipes
John’s workouts are taking my physique to a whole new level.
Get Jacked - Train Like a Bodybuilder
Get Jacked - Train Like a Bodybuilder
It will burn like hell, your pecs will be tired, but your joints will be fresh headed into next two exercises.
Reverse-Grip Bench Press
Reverse-Grip Bench Press
Video demonstration of the reverse grip bench press.
JM Floor Press with Chains
JM Floor Press with Chains
Kids, don’t try this at home.
Barbell Bent Over Row
Barbell Bent Over Row
If you bench, you should row. If not, you should still row.
Seated Barbell Curl
Seated Barbell Curl
Barbell Push Ups
Barbell Push ups using chain
Power B - Tricep Hell
Blast your triceps like there’s no tomorrow.
Power B’s "Jack Me Ups"
Power B’s "Jack Me Ups"
Many years ago, Jim Wendler and I made a trip out to ASU to see Joe Kenn and his staff.
One Arm Pull-Up
One Arm Pull-Up
I’m not sure what to do with this exercise except to say that this will definitely increase your “cool” quotient (CQ) with fellow gym-goers.
Feet Elevated Stability Ball Push Ups
Feet Elevated Stability Ball Push Ups
This is a great movement to be performed after a heavy upper body movement.
Chain Press
Chain Press
This movement is outstanding for tricep and top end bench strength.
Weighted Dips
Weighted Dips
As with everything, moderation is the key.
One Arm Seated Clean & Press
One Arm Seated Clean & Press
This exercise can be used as a warm-up or as a progression to the standing version utilizing a barbell or various odd objects.
Double Biceps Curl
Double Biceps Curl
This is my kind of curl.
Decline Plate Extensions
Decline Plate Extensions
Exercise should be done by grabbing Olympics plates or dumbbells while on a decline bench.
Alternate Hammer Curl
Alternate Hammer Curl
Harboring unlawful weapons.
Alternate DB Curl
Alternate DB Curl
The Ocular Organ/Muscle connection; Wendler Principle #1
Machine Curls
Machine Curls
I don’t think so.
Fat Bar Extensions with Kettlebell (on floor)
Fat Bar Extensions with Kettlebell (on floor)
Now this is a new one and pretty strange.
Tricep Extensions with an Olympic Plate
Tricep Extensions with an Olympic Plate
Tricep strength and shoulder stability while maintaining beneficial elbow and wrist positioning
Med Ball Pushups
Med Ball Pushups
This is a tremendous exercise that really puts a lot of emphasis on stability.
Prowler Tricep Extensions
Prowler Tricep Extensions
To set this up, we attached a sled strap to the Prowler and then attached the blast straps (see picture).
Keg Tricep Extension
Keg Tricep Extension
This is a simple tricep exercise but made harder by using the keg.
Plate Pinch with Curl
Plate Pinch with Curl
Building Grip strength in open hand position while creating stabilization in the wrist
Standing One-Arm Cable and Band Extensions
Standing One-Arm Cable and Band Extensions
This is cut and dry. Grab the cable handle and walk away from the machine.
Spud Strap Pushdowns
Dave has always been a big proponent of pushdowns; not because it helped his bench but because he loves having big arms.
Overhead Triceps Pushdown With Spud Strap
Overhead Triceps Pushdown With Spud Strap
I would caution against this exercise.
Fat Bar Pushdowns
The pushdown is a pretty straightforward movement.
1-Arm Cable Prone Extensions
1-Arm Cable Prone Extensions
This is not a major mass builder or strength developer but it a great movement for adding Volume to your tricep training.
Overhead Triceps Extension With Straps
Overhead Triceps Extension With Straps
Initiate movement with shoulders and elbows flexed just past 90 degrees
Standing EZ bar Curls with Chains
Do you ever do an exercise and then think to yourself, “What the hell was I doing?”
Barbell Curls w/ Chains
Barbell Curls w/ Chains
I’m not a big fan of curls. In fact, I can count on my back hairs how many reps I’ve done over my lifetime.
Band Suspended Barbell Push Down
Band Suspended Barbell Push Down
Increase cross-section, promote restoration, alleviate DOMS

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