#107 - Dr. Stuart McGill: Training with Low Back Pain
#107 - Dr. Stuart McGill: Training with Low Back Pain
Dr. Stuart McGill talks about lower back pain, how personality impacts recovery, and understanding how to ACTUALLY train your core.
6 Exercises to Strengthen the Spinal Erectors
6 Exercises to Strengthen the Spinal Erectors
This article will focus on the spinal erectors, when one needs to place a focus on them, the exercises/equipment used to strengthen them, and how the variations should be used, progressed, and changed throughout the training process.
WATCH: Back Training with Justin Harris
WATCH: Back Training with Justin Harris
“Dumbbell rows are bodybuilding burpees.” For more wisdom and the full post-Table Talk Podcast workout with Justin Harris, read on. This back workout is complete with pull-overs, pull-downs, deadlifts, and multiple row variations (one by which Justin deems as the best lat exercise there is).
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
When performed properly, deadlifts can be a powerful exercise movement for strengthening your lats. Emphasis on “when performed properly.”
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
If you have a garage gym, you want equipment that is reliable and will outlive you. That’s why elitefts equipment is the gold standard. But you’ll want equipment that’ll give you the bang for your buck. Enter the elitefts Back Raise…
Keyboard Warriors Need to Stop!
Keyboard Warriors Need to Stop!
People with similar issues can respond differently to the same treatments, so having multiple solutions is a great way to increase the likelihood of success. As for arguing about different solutions with experts on the internet? Not so great.
Back Workout of the Day with Rows, Pulldowns, and Pullovers
Back Workout of the Day with Rows, Pulldowns, and Pullovers
Another day, another back and bis workout. This one includes one of my favorite pulldown variations: Alternating Hammer Strength Pulldowns. You can do it from a stretched position or from a fully contracted position. Click to find out which one I chose and watch me do it in action.
Powerlifting and Wrist Straps 101
Powerlifting and Wrist Straps 101
There is a tool for every job, and as there are many jobs for the powerlifter, there are many tools at their disposal. The key is to apply the proper tool to the proper job at the proper time. Let’s focus on the tool known as the wrist strap.
Big Back, Big Bench
Big Back, Big Bench
While having a big back doesn’t guarantee big bench PRs, the back and bench press go hand in hand. The back plays an enormous role in benching effectively — most lifters just don’t know how to use their back in the lift!
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competitors, Weeks 5-8
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competito...
The introductory four weeks should have improved your joints and helped you become accustomed to high reps. Now it’s time to get more challenging.
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
There are a lot of great tips, but these are what I consider the best for training back, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, calves, legs, and abs.
WATCH: Time Under Tension Is King — Program Parameters and 3 Workouts
WATCH: Time Under Tension Is King — Program Parameters and 3 Workouts
This program isn’t for the faint of heart, but if you’re really willing to push each set as hard as you possibly can, the results will be worth it.
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competitors, Weeks 1-4
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competito...
A good off-season program gives your joints a break, helps you put on quality muscle, and gives you a mental break from the rigors of competing so you can just have some fun training. This program provides all of those things.
Build the Back, Spare the Spine
Build the Back, Spare the Spine
The healthier you can keep your spine, the longer you can train heavy and grow muscle. Here are my top-10, spine-friendly exercises.
Wenis and Wagina Training: Elbow Position Is Everything
Wenis and Wagina Training: Elbow Position Is Everything
Are you conscious of where you’re placing your elbows during presses, rows, flyes, curls, and pullovers?
A Powerlifter's Guide to Wimpy Exercises
A Powerlifter's Guide to Wimpy Exercises
As you focus on moving maximum weight on squats, benches and deadlifts, wimpy isolation movements just don’t have a place. Or do they?
Bodybuilder Back: A Different Approach
Bodybuilder Back: A Different Approach
Incorporate these alternative back-training methods into your programming to build a bigger back and sharper V-Taper.
A Back Complex To Stimulate Recovery
A Back Complex To Stimulate Recovery
Mark Dugdale takes us through a simple yet effective recovery complex he uses during back training.
WATCH: David Allen Discusses 3 Common Back Exercise Technique Flaws
WATCH: David Allen Discusses 3 Common Back Exercise Technique Flaws
The owner of NBS Fitness gives you a back-training focused edition of NBS Whiteboard Talk.
4 Ways to Test Your Grit in the Weightroom
4 Ways to Test Your Grit in the Weightroom
If you can survive these challenges it will be good for…but it won’t feel that way.
The Dante Row For The Lat Development You've Been Looking For
The Dante Row For The Lat Development You've Been Looking For
A forgotten back exercise that will pump blood into your lats like never before
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
WATCH: The elitefts Guide to Wrist Straps
WATCH: The elitefts Guide to Wrist Straps
No matter your purposes or training style, Mark Watts will show you which wrist straps to buy and how to use them.
3 Back Exercises to Build Your Bench
3 Back Exercises to Build Your Bench
Brandon pushed 315 at 132 lb body weight from the help of these accessory moves…
Prone Rows with Grenades and Chains
Prone Rows with Grenades and Chains
Elitefts™ Founder Dave Tate and Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training and Nutrition John Meadows demonstrate prone rows with grenades and chains at the Elitefts™ S4 Compound.
WATCH: Hypertrophy-Based Back Training
WATCH: Hypertrophy-Based Back Training
Dave and the BIG DOG bring on scapular Armageddon by inflicting trapezoid tyranny and latissimus dorsi demolitiion with just a touch of rhomboidal wreckage.
Elitefts™ Chained Low Cable Row
Elitefts™ Chained Low Cable Row
Dave Tate performs a set of chained low cable rows.
Elitefts™ Incline Bench 4" Grenade Ball Straight-Arm Pull Downs
Elitefts™ Incline Bench 4" Grenade Ball Straight-Arm Pull Downs
John Meadows performs incline bench straight-arm pull downs
Elitefts™ Alternating Low Cable Row
Dave Tate performs a set of alternating low cable rows
Lat Pull Down with Tsunami Bar
Lat Pull Down with Tsunami Bar
John Meadows performs a lat pull down with the elitefts™ Tsunami Lat Pulldown Ba
Elitefts™ Mid Back Hybrid Movement (Upper Spinal Erectors)
Dave Tate explains a variation of the SS Yoke Bar Upper Bake Good Morning
Elitefts™ Banded Pullovers
Elitefts™ Banded Pullovers
John Meadows performs an intense set of banded pull overs
Elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar Upper Back Good Morning (Spinal Erectors)
Elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar Upper Back Good Morning (Spinal Erectors)
elitefts™ Founder and CEO Dave Tate explains an upper back exercise using the SS Yoke Bar being performed by elitefts™ Advisor and mastermind of Mountain Dog Training John Meadows.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 4)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 4)
Brian’s plan of action to rebuild a powerful back.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 3)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 3)
The third segment in Brian Carroll’s journey to a strong(er) back.
Fat Bar DD Handle Pull Ups
Once again, utilizing grip work during the workout, not only at the end, allows athletes to develop grip strength endurance while also performing pulling movements.
Under The Bar: You Have Choices in Life
Under The Bar: You Have Choices in Life
If you do make time to do these things and implement and execute, the odds of outlasting your competition increases significantly.
Bent Over DB Row
Using a bench to stabilize yourself, grasp the dumbbell and pull it towards your lower pec.
Back Attack
Back Attack
Erectors of Steel
EFS Classic: You Can’t Handle the Truth
EFS Classic: You Can’t Handle the Truth
If you’ve been around this industry long enough, you surely heard more lies told and myths espoused than you could ever remember.
Reeves Deadlift
Reeves Deadlift
Steve Reeves Special
Back to Basics: Back Training Considerations
Back to Basics: Back Training Considerations
Joe provides a few pointers on some exercises that are widely discussed and debated.
Sumo Deadlift
Sumo Deadlift
Probably not performed by actual sumo wrestlers.
Ignite your Back
Ignite your Back
The athlete or lifter can either give up or fight and make it work.
Swiss Bar Yates Rows
Swiss Bar Yates Rows
Dorian Yates’ signature back exercise.
Swiss Bar Row With Chains
Swiss Bar Row With Chains
Add a little rattle to those rows.
The Kroc Row: Metroflex
The Kroc Row: Metroflex
When I walked up the first day they had a hog cooking right in front of the building.
Fat Gripz Strip Set - Rows
Video demonstration on how to strip you grip.
Deadlifts With Chains
Deadlifts With Chains
Video demonstration of deadlifts with chains.
Spider Bar Box Squat
Video demonstration of Spider Bar Box Squat.
Death Squat
Video demonstration of Death Squat.
Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains
Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains
Video demonstration of Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains.
Kroc Row
225 Kroc Rows
Deadlifts Off Mats With Chains
Deadlifts Off Mats With Chains
Pulling off mats using chains

Items 1 to 59 of 132 total
