You Can’t Get Jacked if You’re All Jacked Up: How to Warm Up Your Client...
All you need is five minutes to foam roll, five minutes to do the breathing and bracing, and five minutes to do the dynamic warm up and you’re all set!
Chain Me to the Squat Rack
I’ll try to give you my advice as best as I can without reviewing your strengths, weaknesses, training, etc.
Reverse Band Bench Toss
I’ve seen bench press throws prescribed by several coaches over the years, but personally I never liked the idea of tossing a barbell up in the air and catching it.
Putting Bands to the “Test”
Over the last twenty years, the focus of strength and conditioning has been on productivity of the lower body, more specifically concentrating on manipulating the squat and bench exercises.
Decline Machine Press With Bands
Dave Tate and John Meadows were hitting the decline bench machine pretty hard. So hard, in fact, that they rigged up some bands to add more tension to the lockout. The machine barely survived this encounter.
When Body Weight Is Just too Heavy
Barring the obvious exceptions of sumo wrestlers and single heavyweight lifters, nearly all athletes could benefit from more relative strength.
A Program That Failed: My Quest for a 500-lb Push Press
Several years ago during one of the more Olympic lifting intensive periods of my lifting career, I hit a long awaited personal record—a 420-lb push press.
Hip Lift with Band
Hook a mini band up to the power rack as shown so that it spans across the bottom of the power rack.
Power Squat With Bands
This exercise was recently done by Dave for higher reps (15 reps) and done as a lactic acid tolerance workout, which is code in Dave’s world for getting a big pump.
Parallel Grip Biangular Chest Press with Band
This is one way to take a great machine and make it better.
One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press w/Bands
These are an added variation to military pressing with kettlebells.
Shoulder Band Traction (forward)
Hook the hand around your wrist so you are NOT holding it with your hands.
Standing One-Arm Cable and Band Extensions
This is cut and dry. Grab the cable handle and walk away from the machine.
Double Band Rack Pulls
Take a band (band strength depends on your strength and how much extra tension you want to add to the DL).
Straight Arm Band Pulldowns
So every time you want to do this exercise, remember Troy and his annoying ways.
Reverse Band Incline Press
This isn’t a common exercise but it great variation to throw in as well as a great way to do inclines if you have shoulder problems.
Reverse Band 5 Board Press
This lift is usually only done by lifters that have a very long wingspan and have a very large ROM.
Reverse Band 3 Board Press
This lift isn’t very popular but I have seen it done by lifters wishing to do something very different and for those that do have shoulder problems.
Pull-Thru Band Goodmorning
Loop the band around the base of the rack. Place the other end of the band around your neck.
Pin Pulls with Double Mini Bands
Using Bands with Pin Pulls is a great way to get extra work out of the glutes.
Low Row with Band
Attach two bands (any size, depending on your strength level), each to one side of the power rack. Run a lat pull bar through the middle of the bands.
Leg Raises with Mini Band (med ball)
Loop a mini band to a power rack or other stable piece of equipment.
Hip Squat with Bands
This is a special exercise I use to teach the hips to fire while keeping the back arched.
Good Mornings with Bands
This is an excellent exercise to develop your low back, glutes and hamstrings.
Fat Bar - Reverse Band Press
This movement is performed by attaching a band around the top of your power rack.
Brockensteins (Band Pull-Outs)
Grab the bar with your bench grip and pull the bar out like you were going to bench.
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