Beginners Guide to Strength Training: To Speed or Not to Speed
Congratulations on your choice to enter the world of strength sports. You’re in for a treat. The training is fun, the results are priceless, and the people are second to none.
Powerlifters have Values?
There aren’t many among us out there who make a living from their three lift totals.
Texas BBQ, Part 2: More Shop Talk with Mark Rippetoe
I haven’t made it back to Texas yet, but I have come up with some more questions for Mark Rippetoe after reading some new material and reviewing some of his previous writings.
Passing the Test, Part 1
I was talking with Jim Wendler the other day, and he asked me to write an article about some stuff that has been going on with me lately. This will cover some time so I’ll date the different phases for a real world, real time perspective.
The Machines Aren’t Alright
Technology is a beautiful thing. I used to work part-time as a DJ, and I remember hauling around hundreds of records and thousands of CDs. Transporting all the equipment and the music felt like powerlifting.
The Virgin
Great, another article about some dweebs first meet? Well, I’ve reviewed the other articles posted in the last year to make sure that I didn’t reiterate every point made.
Hardcore: Part 2
I guess that I should explain why the subject of hardcore means so much to me. This is a very strong word in the world of powerlifting. Most lifters want to be considered hardcore to the point that they will train like maniacs so that people think they are hardcore.
What is Hardcore?
I’ve been training with weights for 25 years and have spent the last 25 competing in both bodybuilding shows and powerlifting meets. Although I’ve done fairly well in the sport, it seems my Internet persona has overtaken anything I’ve done lifting.
Powerlifting: The Choice of the Two Pains
The great philosophers pontificate about man’s existence preceding his essence.
Creating a Game Plan with the Right Mental Attitude
I believe that goal setting and mental attitude or sport psychology are often the most overlooked elements of any athlete’s preparation. Without a proper plan, what can really be accomplished? Without the right attitude, what can get done? The answer to both questions is not much.
New Scars
This the first week I’ve been to my gym since the meet. It hasn’t been the greatest month of my life—or year for that matter—but other people got it much worse so I ain’t bitchin’ too much.
Active Release Therapy
Tired of banging your head against the wall trying to fix old injuries that have been preventing your total from going up? What should you do when the foam roller, specific sport stretching, equiblock, and massages are no longer helping? Well, guess what? Here’s your golden ticket to PRville…
Welcome to Candyland
As I approached the entrance to Fit N’ Fun, a large neon sign displaying the facility’s name caught my eye. When I walked in the front door, I noticed several nice paintings and exotic plants in the lobby.
Hardcore: Part 1
I happened to be scanning though some of the powerlifting forums, and I read an interesting post.
Handling Lifters at a Meet
Make sure you, the handler, knows where to meet your lifter and when. Make sure to be on time. The lifter doesn’t need to worry about whether his help is going to show or not, he has too many other things on his mind.
My Life as a Heavyweight
Being pregnant has changed many things—my workouts, clothes, eating habits, you name it! However, on a long car ride to Indiana to visit family, I realized that I’m not unlike a large, super heavy powerlifter.
Addicted to Ammonia?
Recently, it has come to my attention that I and team “Disciples of Strength” may have possibly developed an addiction to ammonia caps. I don’t really agree with this, but it may be possible.
The Thinker Discusses Olympic Lifts
Question 1: I’d like to thank you for all of the helpful tips, but this is where we’re going to crash. As an athlete, I’ve been performing the Olympic lifts since middle school. I use them with the athletes I train from day one and haven’t had any problems.
Under The Bar: Boston Seminar Recap
If strength and powerlifting are the topics, then I want to hear from those who are in the trenches day in and day out
Scott “Hoss” Cartwright: Get Injured and Get Stronger Interview
He has elite totals at a body weight of 275 lbs and 308 lbs and totaled 2204 lbs in single ply gear. After that, Hoss tried to make a jump to double ply gear but only added 18 pounds to his total.
Defending the Deadlift: An Interview with Coach and Powerlifter, Eric Cr...
If you needed an expert on Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, you might contact Daniel Mahoney, a professor at Assumption College. For an expert on squatting, there’s Fred “Dr. Squat” Hatfield of the International Sports Sciences Association.
Sick of Your Gym, Part 7 - The Visitor
I first experienced The Visitor shortly after move to Columbus and began training at Westside Barbell. Over the years I have seen hundreds of visitors to the club
The Power of the Team
It’s similar to when your favorite song comes blasting through the speakers at the gym and you get that little extra charge of power for the movement that you’re performing.
What Determines Proper Squat Technique?
The question of how deep you should go in the squat is constantly debated.
What I Learned from Bodybuilding and How It Can Help Your Powerlifting
In May of this year, I competed in two bodybuilding shows: The NPC New York Metropolitan Championships and the NPC New England Championships. I
Strength Czar: An EliteFTS Roundtable Discussion
With James Smith, Mark McLaughlin, Tom Deebel, Jim Wendler, Travis Mash, Julia Ladewski, C. J. Murphy, Matt Brand, Nick Zostautas, Kevin Deweese, and Tim Kontos
The Lift Strong Letter
Let me cut right to the chase here—I’m asking for your help. And it has to do with cancer.
Rest Intervals and Reps
Everyone seemed pretty fired up about the modified Westside program. I received an overwhelming response to my recent article, “Westside for Skinny Bastards.”
The Baller and the Barbell
When these young basketball players get older, they start searching for something to give them an advantage over their opponent. Most, if not all, think they must practice their skills more (shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding) in order to gain an additional edge. However, once these skills have been developed to a high level through repetition and technique mechanics, what’s next?
How to Break PRs
What I intend to offer you is an example of what has helped me increase my own lifts.
Texas BBQ: Talking Shop with Mark Rippetoe
The author of the book, Mark Rippetoe, owns and operates the Wichita Falls Athletic Club in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Marc Bartley’s Squat Routine
Squatting big in a meet is every powerlifter’s dream. For some, it can make or break the meet. The big squat sets the tone for the meet. This is truly the case for me. Therefore, my focus is always on the BIG SQUAT.
Guard Your Thoughts
November 13, 2005 is a day that I will never forget. I was competing at the IPA nationals in York, Pennsylvania, and on my opening squat attempt, I lost my balance.
Putting Things into Perspective
[Billy Mimnaugh is known for speaking his mind, whether it’s about politics or powerlifting. If you are easily offended, read no further. Billy has a loud voice, and we want to give him the opportunity to speak. —Jim Wendler, EFS]
My To Do List
Sometimes I reflect back on my days (or is it daze?) in college when I could just wake up, go directly to the gym, and pump away.
Must Have Movements (Part Two)
Training doesn’t have to be complicated and neither does life. Yet many people WANT to make it complicated.
What Being Big Means to…
Since the “reactivation,” everyone seems to be interested in Dave Tate’s log. Why? Well because it’s Dave.
Letter of Resignation
This letter is to inform you that I am resigning from my position as head strength and conditioning coach. I enjoyed my time while at the university and feel grateful for the knowledge and friendships that I have gained. I feel I owe it to you to offer an explanation as to why I have made this decision.
Interview with Eric Serrano
Eric, give us a little information about your background for the people who do not know you.
35 Reasons to Love South Side Gym
Billy Mimnaugh wrote an article for elitefts™ about the South Side Gym in Stratford, Connecticut. Here’s an update.
Snowed in with Dave Tate
I’ve never met “Big Bad Dave Tate.” I have never even met Dave “Fuckin” Tate. Supposedly, he is some terrifying lunatic who would throw you through a wall for squatting less than 800 pounds in his presence or suck the brains from your skull if you looked at him wrong. At least that’s what I have read on the internet.
Skepticism in Training
I am a powerlifter. One of my great passions in life is spending time in the gym lifting heavy weights. To this day, I cannot think of anything more satisfying than setting a hard earned personal record. Well, let’s just say there are very few things that are more satisfying.
Lift & Learn II: The Benefits of Bodybuilding
When I look back at my experiences as a bodybuilder there are plenty of good memories, tons of fun workouts, painful workouts and some injuries.
Doing it Differently
As a follow up to Bob Youngs article “Things I Would do Differently”, I decided to give this idea a shot and see what I could come up with.
Traveling with Timmy
Jim and Dave have previously written about going nuts with different machines/exercises when they are traveling and encountering a new gym.
The Kids are Alright
Last night I closed the doors to my strength and conditioning facility for the last time. After over ten years in the same town and the same building, it was time for me to move on to new challenges.
3 Training Reasons Behind Baseball’s Steroid Problem
If those guys want to cheat the game and the fans while they destroy their health, then they can suffer the consequences.
PR Rx: Todd Brock’s Bench Routine
I have been training with Todd Brock for over 12 years now. I first met Todd during my 2 hour road trips to Westside Barbell.
Causal Friday
How things have changed. Five years ago, all you ever read were articles on how to use your gear, how to use your bench shirt, squat suit, knee wraps, etc. Now people want articles on how to train without gear. Very strange.
Just Another Day…
The past couple of months have been the busiest of my life. My business is growing at a rapid pace and there are many “growing pains” that go along with this growth.
Hardcore Hip Hop for Hardcore Training
I decided to write this article a few months ago but never got around to it until recently. It wasn’t until last weekend, when I scrolled through Dave Tate’s hip hop training mix on his iPod, that I realized this article was a necessity. Too many people are listening to, and worse yet, training to bad hip hop.
On April 19th of this year I won the lottery. Our new precious baby girl, Taylor Lea, was a long time coming and definitely worth the years of waiting. We literally hit the jackpot and thus I refer to our bundle of joy as Lotto
No Rules Training: Part II
I’ve got another story for you, and it always brings back some of my favorite times in the gym. Actually, I have countless “favorite times” in the gym but this one is special to me, but honestly, all these memories are special to me.
Under the Bar - The Primary Aim
Since my first Under the Bar article and now after the release of the Under the Bar book I have been asked one question more than any other.
Hostile Takeover- The new direction of
As a strength and conditioning coach it is my job to stay on top of the latest findings and keep myself updated on the most advanced training methods out there.
Going Heavy
For those that don’t know how I train or how I think – it all comes down to one thing; Going Heavy.
Step-Up, Set-Up, and Bench
If you look at any of the biggest benchers out there, raw or equipped, two things that they all have in common (besides freakish strength) are solid bases from which to bench and great leg drive.