The Joy of Programming
Discover why understanding the “why” behind workouts matters, how to blend classic and modern techniques, and what it takes to tailor programs for athletes, especially rugby players.
5 Equipment Must-Haves to Train Anywhere
As a novice or pro, these pieces of equipment should always be at your disposal.
Why Speed Work for Bench Press Isn’t Forever
Key words: bench press and forever. It took Nate 15 years of speed work to come to this conclusion.
How To Train for Selection
Train for selection with this how-to guide with strategies ranging from aerobic capacity to calisthenics.
The First 700-Pound Bench Press at Westside Barbell
Kenny Patterson shares his intense training to his historic event of being the first to bench press 700 pounds representing Westside Barbell.
How to Bench 5 Plates Raw: 0 to 400 Real Quick
As long as you are meeting your caloric needs and are getting enough sleep every night, training is by far the most important thing you have to get stronger.
6 Tips to Blow Up Your Bench Press
If your bench has stalled, I guarantee there’s a tip in here that will start to move the barbell.
Cluster Training for Strength and Hypertrophy
Cluster training methods, like many
of the less “traditional” methods, don’t get utilized enough in people’s training programs. Try them now!
5 Tricep Finishers for a Bigger Bench
Learn about proven tricep exercises to boost your bench press and improve performance, even if you’re dealing with elbow pain. Program included!
4-Day Outlaw Program
The 4-Day Outlaw Program is a combination of conjugate and bodybuilding style training, setup for the multiply lifter yet modified for raw lifters.
Create a Whole-Body Training Program
In this final part of these series, let’s create a full-body training program. Rule 1…
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Peaking for your meet day should happen around six weeks out. Here’s a thorough plan to make sure you get the most out of your lifts when the time comes to step on the platform.
You Are Not a Genetic Outlier
Most people train like the athletes and Olympians they admire, but that’s poor practice. Train for YOU, and watch your progress skyrocket.
Training Considerations for the Aging Powerlifter
Your biological age is different than your training age. If you’ve racked up years of training in the gym, you should learn the difference between the two.
#137 AJ Roberts ⎸ 1,200 Pound Squat, WSBB, and Entrepreneur
AJ Roberts takes a seat in this 137th podcast episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk.
#117 - Into the Lion’s Den With Joey Szatmary!
In this 117th episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk Podcast, Joey Szatmary (@Szatstrength ) takes a seat. Joey is the gym owner of The Lions Den in Colmar, Pennsylvania. He attended Albright College and played collegiate lacrosse. Joey’s most notable athletic feat as a poly-athlete is earning the 2019 United States Strongman (USS) Heavyweight National Champion title.
#110 - BONUS: Jim Wendler's Strength Training for High School Footb...
Jim Wendler’s seminar Strength Training High School Football Players is compiled for you to implement as a coach or an athlete.
Movement Tiers for Bench Press Weakness
We figured out the movement tiers for the squat and deadlift, so let’s use the movement tiers to combat weakness in the bench press.
#105 - Training YOUR Ass Off with Dave Tate and Coming Full Circle
Sam talks about what it was like going from “Training HIS Ass Off” to “Training YOUR Ass Off” and going from a participant to an assistant.
Try This Warm-Up Before You Bench
How much you bench is reliant on a good warm-up. Here’s an upper body warm-up to help answer this question while reducing the risk of injury.
#77 - Injuries, Perceived Maxes, & Squid Game
Dave Tate and Sam Brown discuss how injuries can make you better, perceived maxes, and Squid Game? What’s going on?
Foam Training Alternatives for Bench Pressing
If you’re looking for alternative ways to keep pressing for extra recovery or to safeguard wear and tear in elbows and shoulders, it’s here.
PR Your Next Bench Training Session
If your movement is constrained, how will this directly affect your bench stroke? A LOT. Try these four stretches.
12 Tips for a Stronger, Safer, More Efficient Bench Press
Lifting, and the bench press for that matter, is not rocket science, but you do need to use your brain. Use these twelve tips to fix your damn technique and showcase all of your strength.
Build Your Bench with this KILLER Workout from IFBB Pro John Meadows
Big triceps = big bench. Here's a BRUTAL workout from John Meadows himself, included as part of "Benchipedia: Dave Tate's Free Bench Manual!" "What if your goals don’t have to deal with strength, but you are just looking to build bigger arms? This does change a few things such as exercise selection, order, volume, and execution […]
Swede Crushers for Strong Lats, Big Triceps and a Monster Bench
Elitefts Coach & Columnist Swede Burns demonstrates and coaches "Swede Crushers", which Swede refers to as a hybrid between rolling tricep extensions and the JM press. The purpose is to build both the triceps and the lats. Swede coaches Tragen Moore on how to do Swede Crushers to increase his bench press.
Swede Burns Discusses Training To Failure For Maximal Strength Gains
Elitefts Coach & Columnist Swede Burns explains his thoughts on training to failure in powerlifting.
Bench Press Tips & Tricks For Tall Lifters
elitefts team member Christian Anto came to the Elitefts S5 Compound with his team of powerlifters and shot some videos with the crew. In this video, Christian teaches how get the most out of your leverages if you're a long-limbed lifter, for the bench press.
Powerlifting Coach Casey Williams Answers What Grip To Use On The Bench ...
From Casey's Coaching Blo I had a question come in the other day regarding bench grip: "Does the whole finger need to be covering the ring or does it simply need to be in contact with the ring?" I don't pay attention to feds or their rules with any type of regularity. As far as […]
JM Blakley's *MAXIMUM INTENSITY* Bench Lockout Training Using GRIND...
Elitefts Columnist and Bench Press legend JM Blakley teaches how to get past sticking points in the bench press, specifically the lockout.
Dave Tate's Top 5 Max Effort Bench Press Movements
1. Various Board Presses — Same as bench press except you'll bring the bar down to a select number of 2 x 6 boards on your chest. The two board press would be two 2 x 6's (one on top of the other). The board is usually around 12 to 16 inches in length to […]
Sticking Point Breakdown for a Bigger Bench Press
There’s no way to put up impressive numbers if you can’t get the bar off your chest or you’re stalling halfway. Let’s get back to some bench press basics.
7 Intermediate Bench Hacks
Pick one or two of these hacks, run them for about two months, and see where it takes your bench. Hack #4 was a tremendous help getting my raw bench to the best it’s ever felt.
Editor's Letter for July
For July, we move from the weight room to the kitchen. Fun fact: In totality, considering all of the content we produce, nutrition is the one topic that doesn’t get as much airtime. Why? No one knows. It’s provocative.
A Fast Way to Get Stronger in the Bench Press!
I increased my competition bench with more than 40 pounds in one month when I did it the first time. I can’t promise you will make the same progress, but I think you will get close!
Ladies, So You Want to Bench 315?
I never missed 315. I went for it when it was time and when my training had prepared me for it. I attempted the weight when it was the next logical step in the progression of my coach’s orders. It wasn’t a YOLO, it was what came next.
Three Phase Offseason Bench Protocol to Replace Dynamic Effort Waves
Following these phases, there seems to be, on average, around a five to seven percent increase in 1RM bench by the end of phase two, with a further increase after phase three.
4 Tips for the Injury-Plagued Bencher
These ideas are all things that have helped me as my lifting age has advanced and nagging injuries have come creeping in. Don’t settle for tweaks and breaks. Instead, make these changes today to avoid being banged up.
Bench Press More Weight
Watch this 4-part video series to learn everything from the technique of the movement to more advanced methods like overload training.
INTERVIEW: 1035-Pound Bencher Jimmy Kolb
Jimmy hit his first 600-pound bench press at the age of 18. Whether you train geared or raw, he has the info you need to harness to improve your bench press.
3 Pressing Tips for Long-Armed Lifters
When I started my powerlifting journey, Louie Simmons tried to teach me to bench press like Fred Bolt. It was clear that I was not Fred Bolt, but more importantly, I did not have the musculature at that time to bench with my feet out. Here are some tips for all you long-armed lifters to create a great bench.
Editor's Letter for June
For this month’s content pillar, our writers shift to the press. Whatever falls under this category is fair game: pec size, bench press technique, overhead press exercises, board pressing… Join the conversation to drop knowledge for all. Plus, check out the best of May—the best articles, coaching blogs, videos, and posts!
230 Max Effort Variations You Can Do With 1 Bar
If you think having one bar means you can’t do max effort variations, you’re wrong. It’s time to think outside of the box. If you can’t, no worries! I already have, and I came up with 230 variations you can use with a straight bar. No specialty bars required!
Unstable Load Training for the Bench Press
All training means have value; this is just one more means to add to your arsenal, and after reading, you’ll have some information as to why and how it may be effective.
JM Blakley’s Top-5 Bench Press Tips
As told to Dave Tate, some 18 years ago, these tips stand up to the gauntlet of common sense and I’m sure that at least a few will be of use to you. Load the bar!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How JM Blakley Chooses His Supplementa...
Listen to JM Blakley talk about the reasons behind his supplemental exercise choices when aiming to increase his already massive numbers. Apply these to any of your lifts and you might find what you’re missing in your current program!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Does Anyone's Bench Press Impress...
There are universal traits that unite what elevates a powerlifter to the top regardless of what era you competed in. Rather than try to pick apart the differences of each we should focus on the things that the best still do today.
WATCH: JM Blakley Shares His Secrets on Bench Press Form
You won’t be able to properly improve your bench press without the proper form. JM Blakley recruits Yessica Martinez and Lily Starobin to share with us his secrets to a solid bench press form.
WATCH: How Tricep Extensions Can Improve Your Bench Press
Elbow pain is a common ailment of powerlifters, particularly when it comes to the bench press. However, an unlikely move can help treat and prevent bench press related elbow pain.
Project Return to Press: The Road Back
You really don’t appreciate something until it’s gone. But man, when you’re able to bench again… there’s nothing like it.
Project Return to Press: No Barbell, No Problem
OK, maybe I shouldn’t have gone so hardcore with jiu-jitsu, but you know what? I made the best of my injury and learned from it.
Got Upper Back?
It seems that lifters do not understand the importance of the upper back or how to use it in the three main lifts. The lifters I judged at a recent meet and just about all of my clients prove that to me, so let’s fix that.
WATCH: I am JM Blakley
“Our human potential is much higher than we recognize.” elitefts coach and columnist JM Blakley might be the namesake of the JM Press, but he hopes his impact in the strength sports world will go far beyond that and the weights he’s lifted.
5 Reasons Why Your Chest Sucks
I have compiled a list of what I have noticed in the 35 years I have spent in gyms that I feel are the five biggest obstacles to growing a great set of titties. Also, ease up on the bench press.
Daily Undulating Periodization Programming for Your Next Powerlifting Meet
Want to smoke your old PRs? Try applying daily undulating periodization, or DUP, to your programming. Rather than changing sets, reps, and intensity every 6 to 12 weeks, DUP changes those variables on a daily basis.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Key Indicators for a Big Bench
There are so many movements you can do when it comes to strengthening the back for the bench press — so which ones SHOULD you do?
Is Technique the Same for Raw and Geared Lifters?
The debate between raw versus gear has died down, more or less, but the debate of how to train one versus the other is still on-going. This might be controversial, but for the most part, I don’t think you need to train differently raw or geared with a few exceptions.
The Dogg Shitt Method™ 12-Week Powerlifting Program
This 12-week cycle is very effective when followed to a T. If picked apart, it won’t work as well, so listen closely.