The Steel Yard (Jan 09)
Same old, same old. Just training. I just did a meet about eight weeks ago, and I’m still feeling like hell.
Your First Meet Part II: Getting Diesel
Everyone starts from different points, everyone has different training backgrounds, and everyone is a little bit different from top to bottom.
How I Tore My Pec
The following is a recollection of an incident that I suffered close to 12 years ago. It changed my approach to personal exercise and ultimately helped me carve my career in the fitness field.
Dynamic Chest Training: What’s Your Upper Body Vertical?
At some point in their training careers, most people reading this have probably been asked, “What’s your bench,” as if the bench is the one and only indicator of strength.
2008 NASA Unequipped Nationals
This was my second raw training cycle this year. I did the USAPL State meet to qualify for the Raw Nationals and didn't get to train for it. I had eight weeks to train for this meet, and the maxes that I based my training on were very conservative.
The 5/3/1 Bench Routine for the Equipped Lifter
The entire routine is structured around the strength curve that you would use while benching in a good shirt. The main exercises are floor presses with chains, 4-boards, 5-boards, and shirted bench work.
Hardcore Extreme Sep. 08
This games didn’t really go as planned. In hindsight, I made some mistakes that really affected my throwing. On the plus side, I won the national caber championship.
The Steel Yard (Aug 08)
On February 17, 2001, Dave Tate opened up the Q&A section on the EFS server to find the following inquiry:
Incorporating the “Big Three” into Sports Training: Part 2
For as long as I have been involved in sports and training, I have seen more cookie cutter training programs than you can shake a stick at (and that’s a lot).
After the Meet Is Before the Meet
Fans of Run Lola Run might recall a piece of wisdom featured in the beginning of the movie—“After the game is before the game.”
Tricks of the Trade
In my many years of powerlifting and traveling to meets and gyms to train and through association with many shady characters, I have amassed a “bag of tricks” to help me on meet day.
Your First Meet Part I: Setting a Date and Developing Goals
Congratulations! You’ve finally decided to take the plunge and compete in a powerlifting meet
Incorporating the “Big Three” Into Sports Training, Part I
Sports training or sports-specific training is a different beast than competitive powerlifting. However, the “Big Three” have a great impact on the overall strength and explosiveness of the athlete. The $1500 question is how to develop a strength and speed program to help athletes excel in their sport of choice.
My Experience with Dan John’s 40-Day Workout Plan
I started lifting weights in my early teens, using the York concrete-filled plates down in my parent’s basement. This was only the start.
The SOS Way
On day one in November of 2005, I completely committed myself to making sure that everything, every day was going to be as productive as possible to enhance my strength.
Interview with Chad Aichs
If you did hit that 3000-pound total, what would the breakdown look like for each lift?
On Freud’s Couch (an excerpt from the book, The Tao of B)
Humans alone are granted the gift or capability of pondering their existence and the meaning of life. Weightlifters sometimes contemplate why they lift in a quest to uncover underlying factors or reasons that may shed light on their lifelong pursuit of power.
Powerlifting as Evolution
“Carryover” is a word often used to describe how equipment improves lifts. What kind of carryover has powerlifting had in other aspects of your life?
An Interview with Jim Hoskinson
Big Jim Hoskinson is a top level 308-lb lifter. He has a huge 1100-lb squat and 2500-pound total.
The Kroc Files March 08
I just always had this desire to be big and strong. I remember at a very early age being impressed with size and strength and having a strong hunger to get that way myself.
My Encounter with the “Beast from the East”
As a chick, I must admit it was somewhat intimidating to pull into the parking area of Ocean State Gym alone.
Manipulating a Training Program
I know I’m not the only one guilty of this, but far too often, individuals like myself go online and search for workout routines, help, or guidance
One Thing We Can Do
Basically, success is a simple formula. The difficult part is the hard work and dedication that is required.
A Breakdown of Powerlifting
Do you understand the purpose and usefulness of the powerlifting movements?
A Powerlifter’s Guide to Making Weight
The reality of competing in powerlifting is that at some point in time we all have to make weight. Making weight can make or break your lifting performance.
Brian Schwab's Orlando Strength Jan 08
The Lexen Xtreme 2008 IPA Columbus Pro-Am was both a positive experience and, most likely, the last time I’ll drop to 148 lbs.
Corrective Power Lifting: Getting Jacked Without Getting Jacked Up
Size and strength doesn’t have to mean injury.
Theodore Roosevelt on Powerlifting
You can’t choose your potential. But you can choose to fulfill the potential you do have.
Hardcore Extreme Jan 08
The Kaz press is performed in the Smith machine. It’s similar to a JM press, except there is no rocking back or to a skull crusher – and it’s over the clavicle. Start in the Smith machine lying on a flat bench. Have the arms straight up at shoulder width or a little wider.
The Beginner's Guide to Strength Training: Modified Max Effort Trai...
Maximal effort training is a superior method of increasing strength in a core barbell lift. Make sure you aren’t misusing it.
Beginners Guide to Strength Training: To Speed or Not to Speed
Congratulations on your choice to enter the world of strength sports. You’re in for a treat. The training is fun, the results are priceless, and the people are second to none.
Powerlifters have Values?
There aren’t many among us out there who make a living from their three lift totals.
The Machines Aren’t Alright
Technology is a beautiful thing. I used to work part-time as a DJ, and I remember hauling around hundreds of records and thousands of CDs. Transporting all the equipment and the music felt like powerlifting.
Handling Lifters at a Meet
Make sure you, the handler, knows where to meet your lifter and when. Make sure to be on time. The lifter doesn’t need to worry about whether his help is going to show or not, he has too many other things on his mind.
From Paper to Iron Mike: Mike Stuchiner’s Journey to Elite
Mike Stuchiner is a paragon of tenacity. In 1991, the native of Long Island, New York entered his first powerlifting meet. On August 18, 2007, he earned his first elite total at the Cincinnati Pro Am with a 775-lb squat, a 555-lb bench press, and a 620-lb deadlift in the 275-lb weight class.
How to Increase Your Squat and Deadlift and Do Less Work in the Process!
While sitting in the warm-up room at the WPC World Championships in Lake George, New York, I reflected on the three squat attempts that I had just completed in bewilderment.
Scott “Hoss” Cartwright: Get Injured and Get Stronger Interview
He has elite totals at a body weight of 275 lbs and 308 lbs and totaled 2204 lbs in single ply gear. After that, Hoss tried to make a jump to double ply gear but only added 18 pounds to his total.
Sick of Your Gym, Part 7 - The Visitor
I first experienced The Visitor shortly after move to Columbus and began training at Westside Barbell. Over the years I have seen hundreds of visitors to the club
The Power of the Team
It’s similar to when your favorite song comes blasting through the speakers at the gym and you get that little extra charge of power for the movement that you’re performing.
What I Learned from Bodybuilding and How It Can Help Your Powerlifting
In May of this year, I competed in two bodybuilding shows: The NPC New York Metropolitan Championships and the NPC New England Championships. I
Strength Czar: An EliteFTS Roundtable Discussion
With James Smith, Mark McLaughlin, Tom Deebel, Jim Wendler, Travis Mash, Julia Ladewski, C. J. Murphy, Matt Brand, Nick Zostautas, Kevin Deweese, and Tim Kontos
How I Got Strong, How I Got Weak, and Where I Go from Here
When I first began powerlifting in 1993, I had about ten years of training and competing in bodybuilding under my belt. The first routine I followed when I made the switch to powerlifting was the one that Ed Coan had laid out in his training videos.
How to Break PRs
What I intend to offer you is an example of what has helped me increase my own lifts.
Putting Things into (Another) Perspective
My thanks go to Jim for posting this. For those who don’t know, I’ve ranted at him before about other articles, and he has patiently responded and suggested that I write my own if I felt that strongly. This time I do. Maybe it’s because it’s the holidays. I don’t know.
My To Do List
Sometimes I reflect back on my days (or is it daze?) in college when I could just wake up, go directly to the gym, and pump away.
Wanted: Hardcore Training Partners
I know this may seem a bit strange, but it crossed my mind the other day as I was showering that certain individuals in history would make great training partners. I quickly compiled a list of historical figures that met certain personal requirements for being a good workout comrade.
Repetition Work (or How to Rip Off Joe DeFranco, Add a Twist, and Call I...
Last week, I wrote about dynamic bench work and how you shouldn’t just kick it to the curb. I listed several different dynamic cycles, and there are approximately 5,000 more that have been written about. The whole purpose of the article was to revive the dead and bloated dynamic bench press.
Periodization for the Competitive Bench Presser
I think you may find it interesting because I compare what we train with to NSCA methods and explain to the reader why so many NSCA studies are not completely accurate for use when designing a strength program.
Goal Setting for Young Athletes
Back in high school, the most asked question for anyone who had access to iron was, “how much can you bench?”
The Collegiate Power Rack
What makes the Collegiate Power Rack such a great piece of equipment? Just about everything!
The Arnold 2006 in Review
I think everyone was holding their breath at this years WPO meet at the Arnold Classic.
And You Thought You had it Tough
“Well, I stand up next to a mountain I chop it down with the edge of my hand.” –Jimi
This article was inspired by Alwyn Cosgrove and something that he mentioned to me in passing.