Gaining My First 20 Pounds
Gaining My First 20 Pounds
There are many articles about gaining (quality) weight and its importance in performance in strength-related competitions.
 Cardio for the Strong
Cardio for the Strong
No matter who or what your goal is, I feel some form of cardio will help you reach that goal faster.
 Performance Training to Look Better
Performance Training to Look Better
Performance training for improved looks is a concept that seems to get lost behind the dozens of magazines that promote your favorite bodybuilder and the supplements they’re trying to sell us.
Separate from the Pack
Separate from the Pack
After serving four years in the Marine Corps and one tour in Iraq, I was finally done. I had served my country valiantly and fought for my freedom. I said to myself, “It’s time to let loose.” So I did exactly that. Five months and thirty pounds of fat later, I was a mess.
Nutrition Q&A (Part 2)
Nutrition Q&A (Part 2)
Dr Serrano, I have a tough time bouncing back after making weight for MMA fights and powerlifting events. I have to work hard to get my weight down, but then I feel depleted by the time I need to compete. What is the best way to drop 5 lbs leading up to a weigh in?
Spotlight on Nutritionist Dr. Chris Fox
Spotlight on Nutritionist Dr. Chris Fox
My name is Dr. Chris Fox. I'm a chiropractor who specializes in spinal rehabilitation. I'm 35 years old, I've been lifting since I was 13, and I've been seriously bodybuilding since I was 20.
Nutrition for Optimal Performance
Nutrition for Optimal Performance
In a perfect world, athletes would eat real food in balanced amounts of carbs, proteins, and fats about every 2–3 hours. We would also eat the proper foods before and after training to give fuel for the workout and fuel for the recovery after the strenuous exercise.
Nutrition Q&A
Nutrition Q&A
I’ve been using the Dietary Fat Loading plan since the article was posted about a month ago, and I’ve seen a 10-lb drop in body fat based on a caliper test.
 A Better Way to Achieve Fat Loss
A Better Way to Achieve Fat Loss
Forget what you think you know about losing fat and pay attention. The best way to lose fat is to train for performance.
 Under The Bar: WTF
Under The Bar: WTF
Have you ever been asked a question or heard a statement that made you think or say, “WTF?!?”
 Gain One Inch on Your Arms in Thirty Days
Gain One Inch on Your Arms in Thirty Days
Just recently, a man who was very well acquainted with Vince Gironda contacted me. He told me some stories about the old “Iron Guru” that I hadn’t heard before. It got me thinking about Vince.
 Thirty Days Without Weights: Part III
Thirty Days Without Weights: Part III
Many bodybuilders and physique specialists have wanted to know more about how to gain muscle mass using basic, body weight exercises.
The Big "T"
The Big "T"
Testosterone decreases protein degradation and increases protein synthesis, and most evidence concludes that it has a significant effect upon muscle tissue.
Basic Tips to Lose Weight
Basic Tips to Lose Weight
Everyone at one point or another wants to lose weight or get “ripped.” Some of these people succeed in their goals and strive to keep improving. However, many fail miserably and make excuses as to why they didn’t succeed.
My Journey into Bodybuilding (Part 3)
My Journey into Bodybuilding (Part 3)
My journey to bodybuilding hasn’t been an easy one. The diet, the cardio, the training—it’s all become old pretty quickly. I’ve found that the most difficult thing about this “sport” is the time you need to invest in it to make it work.
Stop Wasting Your Time!
Stop Wasting Your Time!
You are wasting your time! That’s right. I said it. You are spending countless hours in the gym and hundreds of dollars on organic foods and exotic supplements, and you’re wasting your time!
Two Reasons Why Your Muscles Want Super Fast Carbs
Two Reasons Why Your Muscles Want Super Fast Carbs
It may be due to my recent bout of carbophobia, but whenever I was asked about carbohydrate use for strength athletes, I’d shrug my shoulders and say, “eat more protein.”
 Dietary Fat Loading for Destroying Body Fat (Part 1)
Dietary Fat Loading for Destroying Body Fat (Part 1)
Up to a point, every strength athlete is better off leaner. Depending on the sport, there is a level of being too lean, but few reach this unfamiliar territory, especially powerlifters.
My Journey into Bodybuilding
My Journey into Bodybuilding
Well, the diet has started! I decided to cut my off-season down by a few weeks and start dieting. I felt like I was getting to a point where adding more weight would make getting into shape too difficult to accomplish, so I started dieting January 1.
 Ten Nutrition Tips for Parents of Young Athletes
Ten Nutrition Tips for Parents of Young Athletes
It’s your responsibility as parents to start developing good habits for your children in all aspects of life. Nutrition is no different.
BCAA Supplementation Roundtable
BCAA Supplementation Roundtable
Do we need BCAA supplementation? The debate rages on. The following is an excerpt from Knowledge and Nonsense: The science of nutrition and exercise by Jamie Hale.
Carnitine L-Tartrate Supplementation for Powerlifters
Carnitine L-Tartrate Supplementation for Powerlifters
When I read that l-carnitine l-tartrate (LCLT) could help me burn fat, recover from exercise, favorably affect my hormone levels, and deliver more oxygen to my muscles, I was intrigued.
 The Top Five Mistakes Made by Basketball Players
The Top Five Mistakes Made by Basketball Players
There is a cornucopia of training information for almost every athletic endeavor that you can imagine partaking in. This information can be found online, in books, and from seminars. You don’t have to go very far to learn about training for your sport.
 Fats: The Real Performance Enhancing Supplement
Fats: The Real Performance Enhancing Supplement
Do you want to sound smart at the water cooler in your office? Well, let me save you the 500-page read of the famous book, “Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill.”
Transforming Together (Part 2)
Transforming Together (Part 2)
In March of 2009, I was contacted by Nate and Donia, training partners from Iowa who were looking to get into better shape. Eight months later, they both competed in their first competitions (bodybuilding for him and figure for her) with completely transformed physiques.
Transforming Together (Part 1)
Transforming Together (Part 1)
In March of 2009, I was contacted by Nate and Donia, training partners from Iowa who were looking to get into better shape. Eight months later, they both competed in their first competitions (bodybuilding for him and figure for her) with completely transformed physiques.
My Journey into Bodybuilding (Part 2)
My Journey into Bodybuilding (Part 2)
Dave Tate and I recently exchanged e-mails. I proposed to him an idea about a series in which I share an entire year’s worth of training, dieting, and other information needed to prepare for a bodybuilding show. The series will end with me actually competing in a show.
The Relationship Between Size and Strength, Part 2
The Relationship Between Size and Strength, Part 2
The strongest lifter in any given weight class is not necessarily the lifter with the most muscle mass because lifting maximal weights involves more factors than just muscle mass.
The Relationship Between Size and Strength, Part 1
The Relationship Between Size and Strength, Part 1
It always bugs me when someone says that there is no relationship between size and strength.
 Sixteen Rapid Muscle Growth Tips (Part 2)
Sixteen Rapid Muscle Growth Tips (Part 2)
Let us remind you that immediately following training, it is vital for you to take your 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis right there on the gym floor.
Citrulline: An Ergogenic Nitric Oxide Stimulator?
Citrulline: An Ergogenic Nitric Oxide Stimulator?
We’re always on the lookout for the next ergogenic supplement, but only every so often does one catch our eye.
 Why Bodybuilding Is NOT for Athletes
Why Bodybuilding Is NOT for Athletes
The biggest problem I come across with athletes is their current training regime. Everyone wants to train like a bodybuilder. I don't know if it’s the current trend in muscle magazines or misinformation, or maybe the athletes simply don't have the proper goals in mind. Nevertheless, changes need to be made.
 Seven Strength and Conditioning Tools for Firefighters, Part 1
Seven Strength and Conditioning Tools for Firefighters, Part 1
Have you ever grabbed one of those muscle magazines while waiting to check out at the supermarket and skimmed through it? They are filled with pictures and workouts of bodybuilders with awesome genetics who train with the primary purpose of looking good in a Speedo.
 Fascia Function: Building a Tough Trunk
Fascia Function: Building a Tough Trunk
Bodybuilding is here to stay. As long as there is a desire to get stronger, grow bigger, or look better, bodybuilding will remain an invariable foundation in the world of physique improvement.
 Practical Nutrition Tips for Busy Lifestyles
Practical Nutrition Tips for Busy Lifestyles
The fast-paced, hectic climate of today’s world makes it difficult for many of us to find the time to eat properly.
Sixteen Rapid Muscle Growth Tips (Part 1)
Sixteen Rapid Muscle Growth Tips (Part 1)
Gaining lean muscle tissue is never as simple as it seems. However, there are some sure fire ways to increase your rate of progress.
 Plateau Buster: A Look at Goals and IIx Fibers
Plateau Buster: A Look at Goals and IIx Fibers
When developing strength and speed, fiber type matters.
Spud Speaks: More News From Marc Bartley
Spud Speaks: More News From Marc Bartley
Saturday was great because there was no cardio to do. I was drained from the week, and it took about two hours to get going. I usually do light upper body and then a dynamic speed pull day, but since I couldn’t get it going, I did some reverse bands, thinking that would be easy.
elitefts Nutrition Roundtable
elitefts Nutrition Roundtable
...with Jim Wendler, Mike Ruggiera, Tom Deebel, Julia Ladewski, Mark McLaughlin, Alwyn Cosgrove, Lance Mosely, James Smith, Brian Schwab, and Travis Mash
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 3
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 3
This strength program is a combination of several styles and programs that I have discovered in my ten years of experience. You will read about systems that I’ve learned from Joe DeFranco, Dave Tate, and Louie Simmons. You will learn philosophies that I’ve adopted from BFS’s Greg Shepard, Mike Boyle, and Paul Chek. I’ve learned a ton by training with
Spotlight on Nutritionist Shelby Starnes
Spotlight on Nutritionist Shelby Starnes
Shelby Starnes, a brand new addition to Team Elite Fitness Systems, is one of Justin Harris’/Troponin Nutrition’s premier nutritionists.
Top 17 Tips for Losing Body Fat ASAP (Part 2)
Top 17 Tips for Losing Body Fat ASAP (Part 2)
Summer is quickly approaching. Will you be at the pool proud of the way you look or hiding at the snack bar?
Top 17 Tips for Losing Body Fat ASAP (Part 1)
Top 17 Tips for Losing Body Fat ASAP (Part 1)
Summer is quickly approaching. Will you be at the pool proud of the way you look or hiding at the snack bar?
Optimizing Muscle Strength and Recovery with CLT
Optimizing Muscle Strength and Recovery with CLT
Through the haze of misinformation clouding the supplement industry, strength athletes are often left wondering if anything will actually help them. Recently, a little known supplement has emerged that can do just that.
Optimizing Your Size, Strength, and Recovery with Protein
Optimizing Your Size, Strength, and Recovery with Protein
I have one of those good news/bad news situations for you. Which do you want first? Let me guess….
Cutting Edge Nutrition Q&A
Cutting Edge Nutrition Q&A
Scott, I feel great so far following the Power Fat Loss plan from your article earlier this year. I have lost about 12 lbs of fat, which is a record for me in such a short period of time.
Popular Diets: Hale’s Review
Popular Diets: Hale’s Review
With so many diet plans and books on the market, how do you choose which one to follow? Which diets will work for you?
Post-Workout Insulin Spikes
Post-Workout Insulin Spikes
Many authorities speak of high glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates post-workout to spike insulin levels. One of the most common is 80–100 grams in the form of dextrose/maltodextrin.
The Marc Bartley Undertaking: Helping Spud Drop Weight
The Marc Bartley Undertaking: Helping Spud Drop Weight
It was mid-October of 2007. Fear set in as I read my email…
Does Drinking Water Aid Fat Loss?
Does Drinking Water Aid Fat Loss?
Recently, I've seen the merits of drinking large amounts of water and it's effects on fat loss mentioned in many places. In one day, I saw it mentioned in Craig Ballantyne's blog, Lyle McDonald's forum, and in two newspaper articles.
A Fat That BURNS Fat?
A Fat That BURNS Fat?
Many forms of fat are “healthy.” Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to decrease inflammation and benefit circulatory system health.
Addicted to Ammonia?
Addicted to Ammonia?
Recently, it has come to my attention that I and team “Disciples of Strength” may have possibly developed an addiction to ammonia caps. I don’t really agree with this, but it may be possible.
Oils to Promote Health
Oils to Promote Health
One of the latest health crazes is oil. Many people take krill oil and coconut oil to promote healthy joints and fish oil to promote a healthy heart. But how effective are these oils and do they really promote healthy joints and a healthy heart?
What I Learned from Bodybuilding and How It Can Help Your Powerlifting
What I Learned from Bodybuilding and How It Can Help Your Powerlifting
In May of this year, I competed in two bodybuilding shows: The NPC New York Metropolitan Championships and the NPC New England Championships. I
Putting Things into (Another) Perspective
Putting Things into (Another) Perspective
My thanks go to Jim for posting this. For those who don’t know, I’ve ranted at him before about other articles, and he has patiently responded and suggested that I write my own if I felt that strongly. This time I do. Maybe it’s because it’s the holidays. I don't know.
Breaking Glass
Breaking Glass
I was recently honored when Charles Glass mentioned me in his Q&A in Muscular Development magazine. For those of you who don’t know who Charles Glass is, first off, shame on you. But, here’s a short bio.
Lift & Learn II: The Benefits of Bodybuilding
Lift & Learn II: The Benefits of Bodybuilding
When I look back at my experiences as a bodybuilder there are plenty of good memories, tons of fun workouts, painful workouts and some injuries.

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