Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes After a Bodybuilding Contest
Don’t Make These 10 Mistakes After a Bodybuilding Contest
I have always felt that a big part of my writing should be to save as many people as I can from making the mistakes I have made or witnessed others make in my 3.5 decades of bodybuilding. I've narrowed that list down to 10, and hopefully this saves you from yourself.
Franco, Sartre, and The Gym
Franco, Sartre, and The Gym
I read about the loss of bodybuilding legend, powerlifter, and two-time Mr. Olympia, Dr. Franco Columbu. I hardly need to go into the impact he had on bodybuilding. His life was a life well-lived, one with a deeply personal and meaningful purpose.
What To Do When You Are Stuck
What To Do When You Are Stuck
If your lifts are stagnating, it's time to think and look outside of the box.
How to Get Huge in Less Than 1,000 Words
How to Get Huge in Less Than 1,000 Words
Train hard and train to failure. That's it. That's really all it takes to get huge.
WATCH: Training Frequency Considerations for Strength Sports
WATCH: Training Frequency Considerations for Strength Sports
Keep in mind the training frequencies listed here can still vary a lot depending on the person. These are just numbers to keep in mind as you figure out the best frequency for you!
Peak Week for the Physique Competitor
Peak Week for the Physique Competitor
You’re at the point where you have nothing left, but you still keep going because you see yourself at the end of this crazy 20-plus-week diet complete with one month of self-induced torture, a week full of waterboarding, starvation, and a pissy temper. Welcome to peak week.
What's Changed at Age 45
What's Changed at Age 45
As I approach my 45th birthday in December, people keep asking me what things are like now that I’m in this life stage. Some things change; some things don’t. But the things that change are important, and I’m going to talk about them here.
WATCH: Back Training with Justin Harris
WATCH: Back Training with Justin Harris
“Dumbbell rows are bodybuilding burpees.” For more wisdom and the full post-Table Talk Podcast workout with Justin Harris, read on. This back workout is complete with pull-overs, pull-downs, deadlifts, and multiple row variations (one by which Justin deems as the best lat exercise there is).
Can I Continue to Build Muscle in My 40s Without Getting Injured?
Can I Continue to Build Muscle in My 40s Without Getting Injured?
Oh, lordy, are you over 40? Sure, you might not feel like 40 most of the time (or all of the time), but you need to remember you’re not a 20-something anymore, so you can’t be training like one, either. Back to the question in the title… Yes.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How Dave Tate and Justin Harris Met
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How Dave Tate and Justin Harris Met
Dave Tate and Justin Harris reflect on how they first met and a handful of the adventures they shared during Dave’s post-powerlifting retirement diet.
Popular Diets, Simplified
Popular Diets, Simplified
Not sure if you should be going vegan or keto? What is the difference between vegan and vegetarians? Learn the basics of popular diets and nutrition and how to make them work best for you.
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
When performed properly, deadlifts can be a powerful exercise movement for strengthening your lats. Emphasis on “when performed properly.”
I’m Going To Die
I’m Going To Die
As I close in on turning 50 this next March, I admit that death has had a much more profound impact on me, to the point of almost making me dwell on it… and taking a 3,000-mile-long trip to spend time with my mother-in-law who has stage-4 cancer didn’t really help much, either.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Justin Harris Talks Hormones and Janae Kroc's Bodybuilding Prep
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Justin Harris Talks Hormones and Janae...
In this snippet from a Table Talk Podcast episode, Dave Tate and Justin Harris discuss Janae Kroc’s return to the bodybuilding circuit and how hormones may (or may not) affect her return to the sport.
Putting Our Equipment to the Test at Monster Garage Gym
Putting Our Equipment to the Test at Monster Garage Gym
It’s one thing to read about elitefts equipment, but it’s something altogether different to see it being used in the hands of competitive powerlifters at Monster Garage Gym.
The Scale is Ruining Your Physique (and Bodybuilding)
The Scale is Ruining Your Physique (and Bodybuilding)
In bodybuilding, numbers aren’t represented on stage; you’re scored based on your overall look or (I almost hate to use that phrase for reasons I won’t get into here). It makes no sense to add 20 pounds of muscle only to have your midsection increase by 4 inches or more.
LISTEN: Table Talk Clip — Are Cheat Meals Worth It?
LISTEN: Table Talk Clip — Are Cheat Meals Worth It?
It’s better to have one cheat meal a week than to go off of the program and eat on a day that you’ve burned off a lot of calories and now have taken in more calories than lost. Don’t turn a fat-burning day into a fat-gaining day.
What A Powerlifter Can Learn From An IFBB Pro
What A Powerlifter Can Learn From An IFBB Pro
As strength athletes, we care only about lifting the weight from Point A to Point B, but from a bodybuilding perspective, that is dead wrong, but how does that translate to powerlifting? The idea is to challenge the muscle — not just focus on completing reps and sets.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — John Meadows' Favorite Physique in Bodybuilding
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — John Meadows' Favorite Physique i...
It was in the year of 1993 and he weighed somewhere between 218 to 220 pounds. Who does that narrow it down to?
Social Media Eliminates the Small Pond
Social Media Eliminates the Small Pond
I love the Internet. I really do. But at the same time, I can tell you that I absolutely miss those days where I was able to feel like a big fish in a small pond before the Internet came about. It’s a paradox for us as we’re all small fish in a very big pond.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #22 with Justin Harris
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #22 with Justin Harris
Dave Tate sits down with bodybuilding contest prep guru Justin Harris, who helped bring Dave down to single-digit body fat levels — a feat few people thought possible.
4 Things I Learned in Prison
4 Things I Learned in Prison
My bodybuilding mentor invited me to run a training seminar for inmates at the second-largest prison in Washington state. Let’s say I learned a few things while I did my time… teaching inmates, that is.
Universal Pro Gym: Full Service With a Personal Touch
Universal Pro Gym: Full Service With a Personal Touch
Universal Pro Gym’s clientele might mostly be made up of bodybuilders, but that doesn’t stop owner Bob Caron from ensuring that all people who walk through the doors get a personalized experience and a variety of services — including an on-site barbershop.
20-Year-Olds, You’re Off The Hook — I've Got Smaller Fish to Fry
20-Year-Olds, You’re Off The Hook — I've Got Smaller Fish to Fry
Here’s a riddle for you. What’s worse than 20-something-year-olds? Teenagers. Teenagers are the worst. Worse than that, even? Teenagers on Instagram. Where on Earth are they learning all of this annoying stuff? Jeez…
Phases of Performance Nutrition
Phases of Performance Nutrition
Looking at dieting as one big picture can be incredibly stressful. Let’s break that big picture up into three more manageable pieces. We’ll call them phases: the post-show phase, the reverse dieting phase, and the meet prep phase.
The Mind-Muscle Link
The Mind-Muscle Link
You must slow down to truly get a feel for the mind-muscle connection. I know some of you who do slow-motion reps or time under tension think you do not need to slow down. Well, then, this article is ESPECIALLY for you!
4 IG Exercises That Don't Suck
4 IG Exercises That Don't Suck
Out of all of the crap floating around on the Internet, I’ve only found 4 exercises to be worthy of mentioning. By the way, that says a lot because 2 of ’em use bands, and I am not a band guy.
Hi, My Name is Anne, and I'm an Alcoholic
Hi, My Name is Anne, and I'm an Alcoholic
Believe it or not, sometimes words can be heavier than your PR. These words and the ones that follow are my weights to bear… and also, to share with you and others who may need to hear them. This is my story.
A Hypertrophy Method for Strength Athletes
A Hypertrophy Method for Strength Athletes
The thing to keep in mind as you read the remainder of this program is that I’m describing a method of training — not a set-in-stone program. It’s up to you to apply the method to your particular context: your body, your goals, and your life situation.
Show Report: 1st Place Novice at the 2019 NPC Mid-Atlantic Cup
Show Report: 1st Place Novice at the 2019 NPC Mid-Atlantic Cup
I started my bikini prep at 147 pounds with 27 percent body fat and ended at a low of 113.8 pounds with 15 percent body fat — a total of 33 pounds lost. Despite that loss, after my results from the first show, I knew I had to bring in my glutes tighter…
Risk Versus Reward
Risk Versus Reward
If we all sat inside a cage and didn’t go anywhere, we would certainly be safer with less chance of injury or death. But what kind of life would that be? No one cares what you think, so shut up.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #14 with John Meadows
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #14 with John Meadows
In this Table Talk Podcast episode, Dave Tate talks with John Meadows about accommodating resistance, putting on and maintaining muscle size, sport longevity, and more.
10 Things You Can Start Doing to Extend Your Lifting Career
10 Things You Can Start Doing to Extend Your Lifting Career
To this day, I still have new members of my gym argue with me on nutrition and training, only to regret not listening later on. Follow these tips and you will not only continue to get stronger for years to come, but you will also stay injury-free.
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
The Grand Unified Theory of Everything
A few years ago, I attempted to bring 4 strength sports together into a training plan for rugby. This time, I want to delve deeper into the framework that makes up the programming of these sports and how we can program them into a usable athletic development plan.
Be Part of a Groundbreaking Strength Sports Study
Be Part of a Groundbreaking Strength Sports Study
elitefts columnist Marilia Coutinho needs help gathering data for her latest scholastic endeavor: a first-of-its-kind scholarly series about the science of lifting gear benefits. No matter your sport or gear use, take a survey on knee sleeves. Remember to share!
5 Ways to Find a Healthy Balance Between Bodybuilding and Family
5 Ways to Find a Healthy Balance Between Bodybuilding and Family
Contrary to what some people may tell you, it IS possible to balance between bodybuilding and your family. It takes work, and I’ve done the work. These 5 steps might not save your marriage, but they’re certainly worth trying.
How to Use Blood Flow Restriction with a Knee Injury
How to Use Blood Flow Restriction with a Knee Injury
Indoor soccer took a toll on my knee, so my training has been a bit limited. But that didn’t stop me from using Blood Flow Restriction on leg day, which I highly recommend using when working around injuries that force you to use lighter weights.
The Best Bang for Your Buck: SS Yoke Bar
The Best Bang for Your Buck: SS Yoke Bar
The elitefts SS Yoke Bar is a cut above the rest. “It’s the most valuable, the most versatile, and it’s pretty much bulletproof.”
Bulk Up: It's National Hamburger Day!
Bulk Up: It's National Hamburger Day!
National Hamburger Day is a great day if you're working on jumping up a weight class... or if you need an excuse to enjoy some delicious juicy burgers. Or both. Both is good.
Push/Pull/Legs Split for Muscle Size
Push/Pull/Legs Split for Muscle Size
Try out this very effective program for hypertrophy that’s ideal for beginners and intermediates alike. All you’ve got to do is train four days per week using this three-day split: push, pull, and legs.
Fan Attacks Arnold Schwarzenegger with Drop-Kick
Fan Attacks Arnold Schwarzenegger with Drop-Kick
The 71-year-old former California governor, former bodybuilder, and actor confirms via Twitter he was not harmed and asks fans to watch the feats of young athletes at The Arnold Sports Festival Africa event.
Back and Biceps Workout of the Day with Kneeling Biceps Cable Curls
Back and Biceps Workout of the Day with Kneeling Biceps Cable Curls
There are no cheat days here. Naturally, this workout of the day includes a movement that makes it harder to cheat. Go grab your kettlebells, dumbbells, and cable attachments so we can get started.
Top-3 Cardio Options for the Powerlifter, Strongman, Bodybuilder, and Athlete
Top-3 Cardio Options for the Powerlifter, Strongman, Bodybuilder, and At...
Cardio can help you cut weight, get shredded for the stage, and increase athletes’ performance. But with so much cardio out there, where do you start? Start here with elitefts team members’ top-3 cardio items, based on their sports or areas of expertise.
Bang Legs Without Banging Your Lower Back
Bang Legs Without Banging Your Lower Back
It took me 26 years to develop lower back issues. But over the last 10 years, I’ve learned ways to work around them since becoming a slob is not an option. If you’re looking for ways to train legs without getting hurt (again), this article is for you.
A Workout of the Day That'll Hammer Your Chest, Shoulder, and Tris
A Workout of the Day That'll Hammer Your Chest, Shoulder, and Tris
This workout left me hammered. Part of that’s on me for joining a co-ed indoor soccer team, and let’s just say bodybuilding and soccer don’t exactly mix. But that didn’t stop me from doing my Workout of the Day.
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Are Deadlifts Overrated?
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Are Deadlifts Overrated?
Part of my journey to getting that IFBB pro card includes getting more active in the online bodybuilding community… which also gets me into situations where I answer questions like this one: Are deadlifts overrated?
6 Strategies to Advancement
6 Strategies to Advancement
Consider this me throwing you a lifesaver in the vast sea of information. This will help you figure out how to improve yourself by seeking out the best information possible… and how to best find that information.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How the Hypertrophy Coach Met Dave Bautista
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How the Hypertrophy Coach Met Dave Bau...
“That’s kind of fucked up.” Learn how Joe Bennett met Dave Bautista, a retired WWE wrestler, former mixed martial artist and bodybuilder, and Guardian of the Galaxy — and Joe’s one full-time client.
Introduce Blood Flow Restriction to Your Leg Workout of the Day
Introduce Blood Flow Restriction to Your Leg Workout of the Day
This leg workout of the day was brief, but let me tell you something: it kicked my ass. You don’t have to be new to Blood Flow Restriction Training for it to do that, let me tell you!
Editor's Letter for May
Editor's Letter for May
Click for a sneak peek of what’s to come in the month of May, including the updated Team elitefts roster of new athletes, coaches, and columnists. We’ll also recap April’s top-5 coaching blogs, training logs, and articles.
Next Level Pec Training
Next Level Pec Training
An alternative title: Here are three things you can do to make your titties pop. I doubt any judge has ever said to a competitor that their chest was too large, so if you really want to wow the judges, start by working on your elbow position.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — "Figuring Shit Out" is Lost
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — "Figuring Shit Out" is Lost
If you’re new to strength sports, don’t be afraid to go into a gym and try to figure shit out. You don’t need to hire a coach immediately — in fact, Dave Tate and Hypertrophy Coach Joe Bennett recommend going into the gym with a friend and have some fun.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #8 with Tony Montgomery
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #8 with Tony Montgomery
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate announces a new member of Team elitefts: Tony Montgomery. They talk about training for the U.S. Marines, running gyms, furthering education, and more.
Back and Bis Workout of the Day with Decline Dumbbell Pullovers Supersetted with Farmer's Carry
Back and Bis Workout of the Day with Decline Dumbbell Pullovers Superset...
The big takeaway from this workout is that I have poor grip strength stamina. After this back and bis Workout of the Day, your forearms should be SMASHED.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #7 with the Hypertrophy Coach (Joe Bennett)
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #7 with the Hypertrophy Coach (Joe Bennett)
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate and Joe Bennett (aka the Hypertrophy Coach) discuss pursuing knowledge, balancing family and work, online coaching, Dave Bautista, and more.
What I Think About the Lifting World
What I Think About the Lifting World
The lifting world is small — if I’m being generous, there are a couple hundred thousand of us. There are over 7 billion people on this planet. You are no one. How’s that for some perspective? If you haven’t noticed, I’m going to rant about the crap that annoys me.
Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps Workout of the Day with 30-10-30 Cable Presses
Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps Workout of the Day with 30-10-30 Cable Presses
There are only two sets here but with a significant emphasis on the eccentric on the first and last rep. Select a weight in which you can get 12-14 reps. Begin each set with a 30-second negative, followed by 10 normal tempo reps, finishing with a final 30-second negative.
Just an Old Guy Fighting for Cool
Just an Old Guy Fighting for Cool
I went to the Arnold this year, and though I have berated guys in the bodybuilding industry for a very long time about how they dress, I wasn’t about to show up looking like my friend, who was the valedictorian of our high school graduating class, wearing 25-year-old Levi jeans, white New Balance tennis shoes…
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, you might want to grab your headphones because Dave Tate has some choice words on a variety of topics.

Items 60 to 118 of 592 total