Tissue Takes Time — 3 Lessons From Improvement Season
Given the advantage of hindsight and the progress I enjoyed during a productive six month off-season, it's time to share the most valuable lessons from placing all my efforts on getting big without letting my physique get sloppy.
Bench, Squat, and Deadlift Alternatives for Bodybuilding
If you’re beat up from powerlifting or more concerned with hypertrophy, some of these variations may prove useful. In all honesty, alternatives of the basic lifts have done the most for the development of my physique and hypertrophy.
Generation Pussy
I can’t help but be annoyed at what has come of this generation in the gym. Basketball shorts over tights? Nalgene bottles? Functional exercises? What is wrong with these kids?
14 Things About Bodybuilding and Building Muscle That I Know to Be True
These underlying training principles contribute to keeping your body healthy, growing, recovering, and building muscle over the long-term. You simply need to follow them.
The Psychology of Aging
I had another birthday, which meant the return of my annual day spent obsessing over my age. This time I realized something new: I know how I want to die.
2017 Arnold Classic Australia — Results Release, Scorecards and Photos
Attached are the results release, scorecards and winners photos for the 3rd Annual Arnold Classic Australia.
How Do You Periodize Intensity Techniques?
Intensity is much talked about in bodybuilding, but what is it? Is it taking sets to failure? Lots of volume? Dropsets? Supersetting?
2017 Arnold Amateur Championships — Results Release, Scorecards and Photos
Attached are the results release, scorecards and overall winner photos for the 11th Annual Arnold Amateur Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure, Bikini and Physique Championships.
Why Deads Are Overrated
If you want full back development, you're going to have to stop focusing on the deadlift.
WATCH: Table Talk with Mark Dugdale — Should I Hire A Bodybuilding Coach?
It may be tempting to put your entire trust in someone with experience, but there are a few things to consider first.
Vince Gironda — The World's First Personal Trainer
I've studied and experimented with Vince Gironda's methods my entire training career. He has had a major impact on me as a trainer and lifter.
WATCH: Table Talk with Mark Dugdale — Exercise Execution, Pre-Workout Fo...
Mark and Dave share their combined knowledge in both powerlifting and bodybuilding, gained from multiple decades honing their respective crafts.
WATCH: Dugdale UGSS Presentation — Fats, Blood Sugar, and Macronutrients
You know the importance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, but are you overlooking the finer details such as fiber and what types of fats are best?
Joe "The Lad" Ladnier Mississippi Monster
As the first man ever to break the 2100-pound barrier (2160) in the 220-pound class, Joe Ladnier rocketed to the top of powerlifting world more than 30 years ago.
WATCH: Mountain Dog Back and Biceps with Mark Dugdale
The following details my secondary back workout. I slightly deviated from the plan because the workout took place at the elitefts Compound and Dave Tate took over the biceps programming portion.
The Off-Season: Instastrong, Not Instafamous
There is a difference between what I want now and what I want most.
WATCH: Open UGSS with Mark Dugdale — Presentation Points
Eat your olives. Earn your carbs. Make a priority list. Most of your stuff is garage sale material.
Open UGSS Preview with Mark Dugdale
The weights have been lifted. The muscles are swollen with blood. The seminar can now begin.
Introducing New elitefts Columnist Alex Mullan
Check out his latest article published for today, Toothpicks to Horseshoes — How to Build MASSthetic Triceps.
WATCH: Table Talk Compilation Series — Justin Harris
All in one spot, check out the entire 7-part discussion with Dave Tate and Justin Harris. Pre-workout energy, GPP, muscle loss while dieting, and training age are just a few of the topics discussed.
Win Free Elitefts UGSS with Special Guest Mark Dugdale, Jan 14th 2017
Win Free Elitefts UGSS with Special Guest Mark Dugdale
7 Ways to Optimize Health
If you’re seeking advice on how to successfully navigate a mid-life crisis, I’m probably not the guy. I am, however, uniquely attuned to my body from years of competing at a high level of bodybuilding.
Pull Through Reps: How To Maximize Back Gains
It is my opinion that most body parts do not necessarily need to be worked through a full range of motion to be effective. Exclude the back.
Coming Soon - Mark Dugdale UGSS Event
Mark wants to know what YOU would like him to speak about in his Special Presentation! Please take a few seconds to let us know....
WATCH: True Age vs Training Age
There are rules about training age that apply whether you’re 15 or 50.
Home and the Home Gym — The Roots
This is the dimension occupied by nursing babies with their mothers, lovers having intimate sex, and friends and family hugging. The relationship between lifter and bar is that intimate.
Stimulate Don’t Annihilate
After all these years and cycles through training trends, it turns out that Lee Haney might have been right all along.
WATCH: John Meadows UGSS Presentation — Principles and Phase I
In this first video in the series, John discusses how Phase I of the Mountain Dog Training Program utilities a variety of hypertrophy principles to help you grow while avoiding injury.
2016 Olympia 212 Showdown Report
In four months, I tasted the emotional joy of winning and then the character-shaping process of dealing with missed expectations.
WATCH: Table Talk — Lessons from Training with John Meadows
What happens when an expert in powerlifting and an expert in bodybuilding train together for five years?
The Wingate Test: Dorian Yates Version of Cardio
If one were to make a Dorian Yates type of analogy between weightlifting and cardio, what would the cardio look like? Enter the Wingate Test.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Kevin Jabroni?
The 2016 Mr. Olympia ended up being more about Kevin Levrone than Phil Heath. Was it empty hype?
Does Phil Heath Have What It Takes?
Could the Maryland Muscle Machine put an end to The Gift's winning streak?
Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Diet and Training Gone Wrong
In this second part of the series I am going to discuss the top-three nutrition and training mistakes I see when competitors reverse out of a show, how they may affect long-term progress, and what to do if you make them.
Why Bodybuilders Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Vacations
I get asked a lot about what to do about workouts, diet, etc., while on vacation. My response?
The Five Factors of Being Stage Ready
After back-to-back-to-back wins, Mark Dugdale is sharing his methods for making sure he is stage ready on show day.
Hello, My Name is: Gym Visitor
During my first visit to the elitefts S4 Compound I was anxious, excited, and—yes—intimidated. These five things helped make my workout a great experience.
What to Do As A Novice Strongman — Writing Your Own Program
You need a lot in a strongman program: basic barbell lifts, accessory work, practice with the events, conditioning, flexibility, mobility, and recovery work. Use these ideas to build your own training program.
You’ll Be An Old Bastard One Day Too
If you had asked me when I was 20 if I was going to still be training at almost 50, I would have said absolutely. I just didn’t know these five things would change.
Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Dieting and Training
In this first installment of the three-part series, let’s dig into the rationale behind reverse dieting and why it is so important for not only your growth as a competitor but your long-term health.
Maximizing Muscle Growth Q&A: Rep Ranges, Chest Size Without Heavy P...
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today’s topic: building muscle through rep ranges and exercise selection.
Building the Raw Squat
While the squat is still the most technical lift we see in powerlifting, the gear whores and raw zealots have much more in common than we think.
Unification of Training Stimuli (with Program)
You might call this The Grand Unified Training Theory: attempting to combine the training elements of Olympic lifting, powerlifting, strongman, and bodybuilding into one single training program.
How to Naturally Manipulate Insulin to Improve Body Composition and Perf...
This is a highly effective tool when trying to gain new muscle and recover from tough workouts…but only if used appropriately.
5 Key Lessons From Contest Prep
Stepping on stage is reserved for a special breed of lifter, but the lessons you learn from competing apply to all training goals. Here are the things my rookie bodybuilding season taught me.
Relentless Hypertrophy Protocol: How Sequencing and Repetition Stimulate...
The goal was to create a training model that would maximize hypertrophy in minimal time and that would be “low tech, high effect” in its design.
Whiny Physique Competitors, Let’s Get Something Straight
It occurs to me that the large majority of whining is coming from physique competitors. Apparently no one has been honest with you up to this point.
IFBB Arctic Pro 212 — My First Pro Win
If nothing else, this show proved I still have something left in the tank at 41 years of age.
Quit Blaming The Judges
I’m getting tired of hearing words like “politics” thrown around to scapegoat a lost competition. Yup, it’s rant time.
Backward Sled Pulls for Quad Size and Strength
If your leg development is lagging, it’s time to start dragging.
The Diet of an IFBB Pro Six Weeks Out
This is a practical example of exactly what I ate during the sixth week before hitting the contest stage. Why is this important to you? Because it pushes right up to that life sucks and I hate dieting threshold.
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Juarez Valley 10 Push-Ups
The Juarez Valley 10 is the ultimate chest finisher — this sequence will have your chesticles swell up like the Himalayas!
7 Bodybuilding Lies That Are Keeping You Skinny and Weak
These fallacies are plastered in every shitty magazine and web blog — you may still be falling for them. I’m here to share the truth.
3 Old-School Exercises You Need in Your Training Plan
Growing and progressing is the name of the game. You should do what works even if it isn’t new.
WATCH: Interview with Stan Efferding and Mike Dolce
Alongside the World’s Strongest Bodybuilder, Mike Dolce and Chris Duffin discuss a plethora of training topics: nutrition, lifestyle, recovery, proper movement principals, and advanced methodology.
WATCH: Table Talk — Muscular Balance in Training Programs
Should you do twice as much pulling volume as pressing volume? Some people think so, but it’s not that simple.