How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Supplements, Training, and Posing
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Supplements, Training, and P...
Now that you've committed to this tiring, sometimes painful process, there are several things to remember to make this experience achievable.
Lee Priest Fires Back at Bob Cicherillo's Criticism
Lee Priest Fires Back at Bob Cicherillo's Criticism
They aren't getting along so well right now. Let's talk about it.
2015 New York Pro Final Results Scorecards
2015 New York Pro Final Results Scorecards
Signed by Jim Manion, these results are official.
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Starting the Journey
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Starting the Journey
Before determining the process I would use during this grueling path to the leanest I've ever been, I first had to ask myself, "Is there a good reason why?"
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
The Contest Prep Survival Guide: Show Day
The Contest Prep Survival Guide: Show Day
The day has finally come. All of your hard work comes together for the moment you step on stage. Are you ready?
Can You Handle The Couth?
Can You Handle The Couth?
You're welcome to your opinion about any man — living or dead. But sometimes you should just keep that opinion to yourself.
Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Blood Lipids—Who’s Foolin’ Who?
Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Blood Lipids—Who’s Foolin’ Who?
Is this “natural” supplement used to reduce blood lipids all it’s cracked up to be?
Glute Ham Raise 21's
Glute Ham Raise 21's
The 21's sequence isn't just for biceps...
The Search for Meaning
The Search for Meaning
How you spend your time on this earth determines what you define as meaningful. Does your lifestyle reflect your vision?
3 Tips to Maximize Muscular Development
3 Tips to Maximize Muscular Development
Pull from bodybuilding and powerlifting regimens to achieve a dense look.
Bodybuilding: Absent of Homophobia?
Bodybuilding: Absent of Homophobia?
Hey bro, I'm mirin' that juicy homo.
What Is Post-Activation Potentiation?
What Is Post-Activation Potentiation?
This fancy term might make you sound smart, but is there a way to use it to your advantage in the gym?
The Fit Chick Reality
The Fit Chick Reality
Underneath every hot body is a person's reality—what are you willing to give up for that appearance? Is it worth it?
WATCH: 14 weeks Out of Masters Nationals with Justin Harris
WATCH: 14 weeks Out of Masters Nationals with Justin Harris
Watch back and bicep training footage of Justin as he preps for his first show since 2007.
Corrective Work: The Overlooked Necessity for a Long Competitive Career
Corrective Work: The Overlooked Necessity for a Long Competitive Career
You may not know it yet, but you need corrective work—your longevity depends on it.
Ben Hartman to Retire from Competitive Bodybuilding
Ben Hartman to Retire from Competitive Bodybuilding
The columnist-on-hiatus has finished what he claims to be his final competitive bodybuilding show.
John Meadows: The Journey Begins... again
John Meadows: The Journey Begins... again
The John Meadows story (re-post) as he begins his prep for the 2015 season.
The Importance of Muscle Glycogen for Anabolism
The Importance of Muscle Glycogen for Anabolism
Why are carbohydrate intake and muscle glycogen levels important when attempting to promote anabolism within muscle?
The Repercussions of Poor Training Habits
The Repercussions of Poor Training Habits
Two smart tips that support why you're V-taper may look more like a U-taper.
LIVE Q&A with Jennifer Petrosino and Alycia Israel
LIVE Q&A with Jennifer Petrosino and Alycia Israel
Join the conversation on Monday, March 23rd!
Contest Prep Survival Guide: Getting Started
Contest Prep Survival Guide: Getting Started
You might think you're ready for your first time on stage, but have you overlooked these crucial details?
Bigerrexia / Megarexia - It's For Real!
Bigerrexia / Megarexia - It's For Real!
There is no way I could sit through and watch this entire video but what I did skip through was interesting enough to become this news post.
The Daily Diet of an IFBB Pro
The Daily Diet of an IFBB Pro
A detailed look at my off-season menu.
Matt Porter speaks out on the current state of the industry
Matt Porter speaks out on the current state of the industry
"I literally walked away choked up trying to comprehend what is going on in this current era."
Mexican Turkey Meatloaf
Mexican Turkey Meatloaf
Mobile and delicious nutrition that is quick-and-easy to make!
Cheat Meals, Refeeds, and Triple-X Eating
Cheat Meals, Refeeds, and Triple-X Eating
Could abandoning your diet be the secret to a leaner physique?
Applying Bodybuilding Science to Create a Genetic Freak
Applying Bodybuilding Science to Create a Genetic Freak
If your simple training program is not producing results, your satellite cells, hormone balance, and intensification techniques might be to blame.
Important Steps to Reach Your Goals
Important Steps to Reach Your Goals
Let go of your past, bury old habits, and look to a brighter future.
The Largest Sporting Event in the World!
The Largest Sporting Event in the World!
The Arnold Classic Fitness Expos is something everyone should attend at least once.
Arnold Schwarzenneger: The Greatest of All Time in…Competitive Chess?
Arnold Schwarzenneger: The Greatest of All Time in…Competitive Chess?
The festival's namesake will be on the main stage this weekend, but this time he won't be posing.
Catanzaro's Calf Training Rules
Catanzaro's Calf Training Rules
No, not that kind of calf. The ones attached to your legs.
Schwarzenegger Guides a Tour of Venice Beach
Schwarzenegger Guides a Tour of Venice Beach
The Oak shows you his old stomping grounds!
How to Dial in Your Bodybuilding Condition
How to Dial in Your Bodybuilding Condition
This is the introduction of my journey, explaining the training and nutrition I am implementing, to complete my goal of winning the overall at a National-qualifier.
Who is the Greatest Bodybuilder of All Time?
Who is the Greatest Bodybuilder of All Time?
In 39 years, a lot has changed in bodybuilding. Is there a definitive champion?
The Rise of Breast Implants on Stage
The Rise of Breast Implants on Stage
Who's going under the knife? WHY?
Training Program for Building Slow Fibers
Training Program for Building Slow Fibers
Pavel Tsatsouline gave slow fibers one more article — this time with a program.
The Protein Chef: Turkey Chilli Recipe
The Protein Chef: Turkey Chilli Recipe
We're trying to survive winter. Derek Howes his helping with his quick-and-easy bodybuilding recipes for inexperienced cooks.
Branch Warren Obliterates Back
Branch Warren Obliterates Back
Eight minutes of inspiration from the most hardcore bodybuilder still in the game.
Seeing the Big Picture with your Training and Nutrition
Seeing the Big Picture with your Training and Nutrition
How to understand and breakdown the complexities of your food intake for better weight management.
New Book From John Meadows and Scott Stevenson!
New Book From John Meadows and Scott Stevenson!
How does John define "difference makers"?
Arnolds Bodybuilding Success
Arnolds Bodybuilding Success
You can never get enough of Arnold. This is one video worth watching.
Is That...Breast Milk in Your Blender Bottle?
Is That...Breast Milk in Your Blender Bottle?
Maybe you should clarify before trying a drink of your friend's new supplement.
New elitefts Columnist Reflects on Competitive Days
New elitefts Columnist Reflects on Competitive Days
Buddy Dreimann shares tales from the most hardcore gym on the East Coast.
Greatest Bodybuilders of All Time
Greatest Bodybuilders of All Time
"Documentary on the sport and philosophy of bodybuilding. The human body - strength and weight training to sculpt large, muscular and ripped bodies."
Should Powerlifters Train Like Bodybuilders?
Should Powerlifters Train Like Bodybuilders?
Here you go! Should Powerlifters train like Bodybuilders?
Training Motivation & Desire
Training Motivation & Desire
Are you ready to TRAIN!
The Food Philosophy of an IFBB Pro
The Food Philosophy of an IFBB Pro
Fill your cart with stuff that's smart.
Three F Words Everyone Should Use During the Holidays
Three F Words Everyone Should Use During the Holidays
The holidays aren't meant to be a time for calorie-counting.
Marriage and Muscle
Marriage and Muscle
How I balance love and life to stay engaged in the things that matter.
Training the Mind-Muscle Connection
Training the Mind-Muscle Connection
Get those stubborn muscles flexing with this neuromuscular innervation protocol.
Live What You Love!
Live What You Love!
Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes toward acting, performing actions and achieving. - #BM Motivation
Live What You Love!
Live What You Love!
Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes toward acting, performing actions and achieving. - #BM Motivation

Items 355 to 413 of 593 total