Make Bodyweight Exercises Stronger With This Progression
The Triple Progression Model is perfect for bodyweight exercises allowing for gradual growth.
Chin-Ups at a Higher Bodyweight
If you’re a heavier trainee, chin-ups are difficult… but not impossible. Case in point: I’m nearly 50 years old and weigh 245 pounds, but I do chin-ups for volume rather than output. Here lies the secret to my chin-up success.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate's Strongest Bodyweight
Keep in mind that Dave’s bodyweight here was before Westside and was around the time when he tried out bodybuilding for a little bit… ’cause why not?
Meet Report: Back-to-Back XPC Finals Super Heavyweight Champion
Not only was I there to defend my “title,” but I was also there to finally reach a milestone only achieved by a handful of lifters: a 2300-pound total.
Resistance Training for Young Girls — Building More Than Strength
As a father raising a young girl, I have seen the importance of empowering the next generation of women. Here are my recommendations.
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Overtraining, Openers, and Body Composition
JL, Swede, and Casey answer multiple questions in this video, ranging from how to control training intensity to picking openers to nutrition for powerlifters.
Body Weight Big Three
Focusing on making the athlete stronger with just his own body weight will help reduce his risk of injury as well as make him more functional and athletic.
NBA Elites and Lifting?
The elite NBA players of today includes Steve Nash, Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady, LeBron James, Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, and Dirk Nowitzki and their athletic ability.
Top Ten Training Tips for Athletic Conditioning Success
The IRON-ic rule of strength training for sport: The objective is not to get stronger per se but to improve athletic performance to build better athletes. I It’s important for the coach and the trainee to focus on improving sports performance.