WATCH: Training IFBB Pro Cory Mathews
Josh Bryant shares training videos that explain mechanical advantage drop sets, origin and insertion supersets, and eccentric movements.
Now Available: Metroflex Gym Powerbulding Basics
If your goals involve gaining muscle, getting stronger, losing body fat or just improving your overall conditioning, this book can help you.
Bring your Bench Press Alive with the Dead Bench
A one second pause at the bottom of the bench press movement causes a 55 percent disruption of the benefits derived from stretch-shortening during the bench press.
The Effect of Whey and Soy Protein Supplementation on Lean Body Mass (LB...
Extensive research has been done on soy and whey protein supplementation in conjunction with resistance training
Frequently Asked Bench Questions
The next week you could rotate to some reverse bands with shirt off boards
Squats: Superior to Leg Presses for Muscle Hypertrophy and Athletic Prowess
After analyzing this, is the leg press really safer than the squat?
The Kroc Row: Metroflex
When I walked up the first day they had a hog cooking right in front of the building.
Powerlifting Sport Psychology Training
Have you ever been to a powerlifting meet and heard someone boast about colossal training lifts?