Union Fitness: Pittsburgh's Community Gym
Union Fitness: Pittsburgh's Community Gym
“We only have our word.” For Union Fitness owner Casey Williams, his history with elitefts, staff, integrity, and the imagery of Pittsburgh unions and steel are the things that hold his gym and community together.
Top 5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat — New for 2019
Top 5 Accessory Exercises for the Squat — New for 2019
I still stand by my original Top 5 article series, but even I can admit it needed an update. So I expanded on the list I already had. The original articles were for assistance and accessory work. This series is for accessory work only. We’ll start things off this time with my 2019 accessory exercises for the squat.
C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #3
C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #3
In my first two Specialty Bar Car Shows, I showed you a plethora of specialty bars: the elitefts Power Bar, trap bars, deadlift bars, the elitefts Rackable Cambered Squat Bar, and the Tsunami and Bandbell Bars. Now, in the grand finale, I’ve saved the best, most badass bar for last…
Don’t Do It: Interns
Don’t Do It: Interns
Keep these rules in mind if you are an intern or have an intern.
44 and Broken, Part 3
44 and Broken, Part 3
I’m three weeks into my journey to return to competition after a six-year layoff. So far I have received a lot of positive feedback for putting my quest out there.
44 and Broken, Part 1
44 and Broken, Part 1
When I was younger, I read about Hatfield’s 1000-pound squat and said to myself, “I will do that someday.” That day never came.
What Programs Will Get You Brutally Strong?
What Programs Will Get You Brutally Strong?
So, to sum up: pick a program you believe in, work HARD at it and get brutally strong.

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