6 Foundational Movements to Move, Feel, and Look Good
6 Foundational Movements to Move, Feel, and Look Good
Being lean, strong, and healthy are byproducts of moving right. Are you squatting, hip hinging, lunging, pressing, pulling, and carrying?
6 Foundational Movement Pattern Variations
6 Foundational Movement Pattern Variations
If you’re not spending time with each of these patterns weekly, you’re leaving gains on the table.
A Meathead’s Take on the Army Combat Readiness Test
A Meathead’s Take on the Army Combat Readiness Test
Maybe this is coming from a place of bias and resentment, because at a lean 205 pounds, I was always the fat guy with a two-mile time over 14 minutes…but I digress.
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Want to be lean, muscular, strong, and conditioned, with the ability to move without pain? There are many variables, but these guidelines apply to everyone.
Back to the Basics, Back to Functional Training
Back to the Basics, Back to Functional Training
Let me introduce you to the Core 4: push, pull, press, and carry.

5 Item(s)