Are You Hearing Advice But Don't Know How to Listen?
You need someone who isn't afraid to criticize; you need to listen to what you're doing wrong.
Consistency is the Name of the Game
To develop and ingrain the habits of success overlook no fine details.
The Right Tool for the Job
Strength is a journey, not a quick fix. Take the time to choose your tools correctly and create something indestructible.
It's All About Heart and Will
There are a lot of factors involved in being a good strength athlete. From most to least important, here is my list of what you need to excel in this industry. Do you have them all?
Inspiration and Motivation: 6 Articles to Help You Find Your Inner Drive
Being truly great means finding a way to help others the same way you seek to improve yourself.
Chad Aichs's Guaranteed-to-Work Miracle Program
Are you still searching for the holy grail of programs? Here it is, in all its perfection.
The 5 Worst Mistakes I've Made in Powerlifting
You learn a lot from the mistakes you make at your first meet. Imagine all you can learn from the mistakes spanning an entire powerlifting career.
What the Godfather Can Teach Us About Powerlifting
This crime classic is full of strength training lessons from the Corleone family. When you take the platform, are you the hot-tempered Santino or the calm, calculated Michael?
Are You Overtrained or Under-Recovered?
Some people will tell you that overtraining isn’t real. Don’t listen to these people. Take the time to consider your recovery just as much as you consider your training.
The elitefts Powerlifting Experience II: From Reno to London
Even at my reduced bodyweight, the travel was rigorous. In the end, getting to see my family was worth every uncomfortable plane seat.
Living and Training as a Bipolar Narcoleptic: Changes and The Future
I have my own demons to keep in line. They’re a product of my disorders and I’ve learned to accept this.
The Six Best Pieces of Training Advice
Guidance through many years of elite-level powerlifting has produced six specific lessons for platform and personal strength.
Determining When to Back Off Training
Every online critic has his own idea about central nervous system recovery. When should you step away from the gym to accelerate progress and avoid injury?
Have You Tried Gateway Gear?
C’ mon guys, everybody’s doing it. It won’t hurt you (as long as you use it correctly).
Surviving Reno: International Travel for a Bigger Total
If you want to become the best, go learn from someone even better.
Yep, I'm Still Doing Photography
I hope that some of you that have been wondering about my photography enjoy these photos.
Memories of A Young Wannabe Powerlifter's Christmas
Chad was nestled all snug in his bed, while visions of power racks danced in his head…
Glory Lasts Forever
Why don't you just go the safe route? Sit on the couch and think about all the things others have accomplished.
What's the Big Deal About a PR, Anyway?
You want to leave the gym on a good note. Aichs explores what that really means.
Veteran's Perspective of the Platform
Are you obsessing over the minutiae and overlooking the big picture?
You Will Be Stronger
At the last Learn to Train seminar, I saw attendees do amazing things. The Powerlifting Experience will be even better.
Big Wave Surfing and Powerlifting are Similar, Dude
Is driving out of the hole on a squat PR any harder than burying the rail on a sweet wave? Hell yeah, it is!
Somewhere Between Blast and Dust
When you are young and hungry to succeed, balance rarely enters the equation. As we mature, we tend to question things…
Powerlifting Is HARD
If you are limited by the work and sacrifice that are required to be a champion, then embrace your mediocrity!
WATCH: How Chad Aichs Overcomes Training Obstacles
If you are a serious lifter, you need to know how to overcome training obstacles before they derail your efforts.
WATCH: The Traits of a Champion
Do you have the strength of will to say, “Screw everyone. I know I can do it”?
Reno Hardcore: The Flying Scotsman
Mental toughness is the difference between getting huge PR lifts and missing them.
Reno Hardcore: Ten-Day Training Cycle
As we get stronger, everything changes and we have to keep adapting the program in order to keep getting stronger.
Freak Critique: Adam Driggers’ Deadlift
When you rip, you are at the mercy of wherever the bar goes with the rip.
It’s better to be proud of true, small accomplishments than great, elaborate lies.
Reno Hardcore: Train Less as You Advance
I think the biggest and hardest change for me was learning to train less.
Reno Hardcore: My Learn to Train Seminar 6 Experience
You would be hard pressed to find another seminar anywhere with the stacked deck in attendance at the LTT6.
By the Coach for the Coach: The Trip 2013
Enjoy the ride (including a bike ride) because it’s over too quickly.
Reno Hardcore: I Am Your Training Partner, Not Your Mother
Your partners are not your personal cheering section or your therapists. You are a team working together to get insanely strong.
Reno Hardcore: Dynamic Training
It’s an essential aspect of any great strength training routine. But are you doing it correctly?
Reno Hardcore: Neurological Considerations
Muscle memory is extremely important when it comes to lifting. However, have you instilled your muscles with the correct memory for proper technique?
Reno Hardcore: Arrogance
Arrogance, confidence, and pride all have their place. But when is it too much?
Reno Hardcore: Champions of Sport and Life
Many strength athletes are way more than just big strong muscle heads.
Reno Hardcore: I Am An elitefts™ Athlete
I hadn’t competed in anything since college and that fire was raging again after the meet.
When I first decided to pursue powerlifting seriously, I knew I could be good. How good? I didn’t know.
Reno Hardcore: Sacrifice
It’s just as important to have a strong mind as it is to have a strong body!
Being Hardcore
If I could walk up the stairs I would go directly back down and squat until I physically couldn’t make it back up the stairs.
Mistakes Made and Truths about Strength Learned
In my pursuit to become one of the best powerlifters in the world and get everything I could out of my body, I learned enormous amounts of training and strength information.
Cheap Crack for Powerlifters
When you need that little pick-me-up for a big squat, your little friend, will never let you down.
Econo Prowler Review
Team DOS just received the new Econo Prowler a couple months ago with the intent of using the hell out of it.
Hardcore Extreme Jan. 09
I’ve been fighting it for a few weeks, but I’m definitely overtraining again. I don’t do shit anymore, but I keep overtraining. One of my training partners asks me what I expect, because don’t sleep. That’s easy. I’m Chad Aichs, and I expect to train hard every day while still getting stronger.
Hardcore Extreme Sep. 08
This games didn’t really go as planned. In hindsight, I made some mistakes that really affected my throwing. On the plus side, I won the national caber championship.
Hardcore Extreme July 08
My latest Highland Games competition didn’t go as well as I’d hoped it would, but I learned some stuff and didn’t finish too badly. I took second place overall, and second in the stone championship.
Hardcore Extreme: Is it all worth it?
Lately, it seems that I’ve gotten a lot of questions and comments from people talking about how frustrating powerlifting is, and asking if it’s all worth it. They’re thinking about the dedication, sacrifice, stress and pain powerlifting can cause.
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