How to Master the Art of Thanksgiving Eating
Although so many lifters seem to think a great bloat just magically appears after the big meal on Thanksgiving, there is an art to it. Here’s what you need to know.
I Know Shit
What’s common knowledge to me may in fact be new to you…so here you go: Thirty-five training, nutrition, and supplementation gems to reach your physique goals. And oh do these gems glisten.
LISTEN: Table Talk Clip — Are Cheat Meals Worth It?
It’s better to have one cheat meal a week than to go off of the program and eat on a day that you’ve burned off a lot of calories and now have taken in more calories than lost. Don’t turn a fat-burning day into a fat-gaining day.
Skip’s Guide to the Best Burgers in Columbus, Ohio
You’re heading to Columbus, Ohio for the Arnold in a couple of weeks. We know. If you care more about eating really good food and not as much about the crowd and being seen, here are my top-3 burger recommendations based on my foodie research.
Shit Coaches Need to Stop Telling Their Clients
Honestly, there are so many that I could go on forever. Within my sarcastic tone, I hope the message that comes across is simple.
Try This On for Size
It all started about two weeks post-Arnold, when I secured my second win back-to-back. I did what I’d always done—push the limits, take drugs, and eat food.
Dos and Don’ts of Dieting While Traveling or on Vacation
Being outside of your normal routine and away from home can make it challenging not to wreck your diet, but there are a few ways to manage the damage.
The Great Fructose Debate
Some believe that fructose only replenishes liver glycogen and is unable to replenish muscle glycogen. Others believe that fructose is used first to replenish liver glycogen and then will replenish muscle glycogen. All we care about, for carb-loading use, are the visual results.
No Planned Cheat Meals
As I am approaching my 29th week of this body recomposition, I have had no planned cheat meals. This might sound crazy and restrictive to a lot of people, but there is a method to the madness.
The Post-Contest Reality of Food
I recognize the value in celebrating an accomplishment, strategically spiking carbs within the context of your nutrition plan, or the need for a psychological break from the humdrum monotony of dieting. But it can go too far.
Shelby Starnes Q&A: Insulin Resistance, Contest Prep, Keto, and Blow...
Direct from the minds of aspiring physique athletes, these questions zero in on common (yet complicated) dieting dilemmas.
Cheat Day Delusions
You’re going to need to meet a very specific criteria before you can indulge on a day full of crunchy, salty, sweet, rich, and savory taste-bud bliss.
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave's Best Cheat Meal (13,909 calories!)
If you have only one opportunity per month to eat the foods you want, you don’t waste it. By the end of the night I felt like I was going to die.
Dirty Bulking: The XXX Edition
Take your eating seriously by following these ten tactics to pack on pounds in a short time.
WATCH: Clint Darden Shares Weight Gain Secrets
Gaining weight is comfortable. Said no one ever. These methods will have you sweating, grasping for air, and searching of the nearest sink and fan.
WATCH: Skip Hill Seminar (Part 3)
In this third installment, Skip Hill covers his training, supplementation ideas, nutrition, Skiploading, and other aspects of life as a bodybuilder.
Interview with Zack Khan and Mark Dugdale (Part 3)
What we do in the gym must be in alignment with our nutrition plan.
Iron Insights: Cheat Meal Power Guide
Sometimes you just need a cheat meal. Sheena describes how to do it right.