What To Do With Expired Ammonia Capsules
What To Do With Expired Ammonia Capsules
What a shame. This is what you’re going to do…
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Training Hard Through Chemotherapy
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Training Hard Through Chemotherapy
Training through chemotherapy took everything Clint Darden had. All in all, he believes it was important that he did. There was nothing else he’d rather do and no place he’d rather be.
WATCH: Farmer's Walk Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
WATCH: Farmer's Walk Tutorial with Brian Alsruhe
Fun fact: the farmer’s walk is one of Brian Alsruhe’s favorite exercises of all time. It works your grip, back, traps, biceps, core, and calves… what’s not to love?
7 Reasons Why Conjugate For Strongman Makes Sense
7 Reasons Why Conjugate For Strongman Makes Sense
Strongman, like any strength sport, can be programmed intelligently, allowing an athlete to reach their zenith for that time in their life. No training style has allowed me to do that quite like the conjugate method.
WATCH: I am Clint Darden
WATCH: I am Clint Darden
“I don’t need a psychiatrist. Give me a squat rack and a deadlift platform and a bench and a couple of Atlas stones, and that’s my psychiatric chair right there.” Everyone needs a safe haven, and elitefts coach Clint Darden has found his at the House of Biceps in Cyprus.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Going All In
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Going All In
What does it mean to go all in? Is there a point where you’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole of all in? Clint Darden and Dave Tate attempt to answer these questions with their different perspectives.
WATCH: DIY Sissy Squats
WATCH: DIY Sissy Squats
Want to mix up your home gym training session with the equipment you already own? Grab your rack, a pair of elitefts Pro Light Bands, and a pipe, and we’ll get you all set up in no time to do some sissy squats.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #24 with Clint Darden
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #24 with Clint Darden
Clint Darden is taking some time to travel out of Cyprus and to the U.S., where he’s finally made his way to the elitefts S5 Compound as a Table Talk Podcast guest.
WATCH: SS Yoke Bar Setup How-To
WATCH: SS Yoke Bar Setup How-To
If you have the elitefts SS Yoke Bar, stop what you are doing right this instant. Why? Because you’re setting it up all wrong! Watch and learn to see how it’s REALLY done…
WATCH: Build Your Press 9 Ways
WATCH: Build Your Press 9 Ways
Don’t be afraid to mix up your workout routine with something new. Try a new exercise and see if it works well for you. That’s what I did today, and it ended up being a solid workout session. Plus, my bench press has felt stronger every week. Try it! What’ve you got to lose?
Union Fitness: Pittsburgh's Community Gym
Union Fitness: Pittsburgh's Community Gym
“We only have our word.” For Union Fitness owner Casey Williams, his history with elitefts, staff, integrity, and the imagery of Pittsburgh unions and steel are the things that hold his gym and community together.
WATCH: Why Geared Lifting?
WATCH: Why Geared Lifting?
I think a lot of people who’ve never used anything like these in training have a negative perception of people who use gear. It’s easy to think it’s cheating since you can lift a bunch more with gear or that it makes the lifts easier. But these are misconceptions, and they’re gravely wrong.
Arnold Strongman Offers $50,000 for Breaking Deadlift Record
Arnold Strongman Offers $50,000 for Breaking Deadlift Record
If you break a world record at the Arnold Strongman Classic this year, you'll leave the competition with glory, a submission to the Guinness Book of Records, and a fatter wallet and fuller pockets... but it's not a reward without controversy.
WATCH: Why Do I Always Wear a Belt?
WATCH: Why Do I Always Wear a Belt?
This question makes me want to bite someone’s head off. But then I remember it’s one of those questions that also requires me to take a step back and reflect on how I got to where I am today. That’s an extremely valid question and one I haven’t answered in many years.
WATCH: Who Do You Take Advice From?
WATCH: Who Do You Take Advice From?
I’ve been completely immersed in the sport of powerlifting for over 25 years. When you reach this level of knowledge and experience, some people assume that you just stop asking questions. Wrong! I ask questions all the time.
WATCH: Is My Gym Too Expensive?
WATCH: Is My Gym Too Expensive?
I want to take a moment to address a comment that I recently received related to the pricing of my gym here in Cyprus. I’ve only just now cooled down enough so that I can talk about it and officially address the question.
WATCH: Cut Your Training Time in Half
WATCH: Cut Your Training Time in Half
In one way or another, we’re all working against a clock. If you want to shave time off your training day, invest in these office supplies.
Good Training Gone Bad
Good Training Gone Bad
In training, many choices must be made. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.
WATCH: The Three Best Recovery Tools
WATCH: The Three Best Recovery Tools
It doesn’t matter how hard you train if you don’t recover. Clint has used a lot of different tools to help with recovery, and these are the ones he relies on most often.
WATCH: Mastering Leg Drive in the Push Press
WATCH: Mastering Leg Drive in the Push Press
Whether you’re using a log or a weightlifting bar, you need to follow these rules to make sure you aren’t wasting the strongest half of your body.
WATCH: Isometric Deadlifts vs. Paused Deadlifts
WATCH: Isometric Deadlifts vs. Paused Deadlifts
A lot of lifters want to use these deadlift variations interchangeably, but Clint has a strong preference for one — and good reasoning to back it up.
WATCH: How to Perform Strongman Axle Clean Pulls
WATCH: How to Perform Strongman Axle Clean Pulls
By breaking the movement up into several segments, you can avoid overuse of your biceps and reduce risk of injury.
Why You Should Hire an Online Coach
Why You Should Hire an Online Coach
Not all online trainers are bad. Many members of team elitefts have been in this line of work for decades, training people long before social media even existed. Here’s what to look for.
WATCH: Learning the Strongman Jerk
WATCH: Learning the Strongman Jerk
Improving the jerk is all about getting the reps, trusting your technique, and not being afraid to miss reps.
WATCH: The Biggest Mistakes of the Strongman Axle Clean and Press
WATCH: The Biggest Mistakes of the Strongman Axle Clean and Press
In weightlifting, the bar has the power and your body will move around it. In strongman, your body has the power and the bar will move around it.
WATCH: Sumo Deadlift Technique for CrossFit Competitors and Weightlifters
WATCH: Sumo Deadlift Technique for CrossFit Competitors and Weightlifters
Clint walks through simple adjustments to help an experienced weightlifter and current CrossFit competitor overhaul his deadlift.
WATCH: My Biggest Mistake in Strongman
WATCH: My Biggest Mistake in Strongman
Being in this sport for long means making mistakes, but for Clint, there’s one that he considers worse than all others.
WATCH: Painless Hook Grip Technique
WATCH: Painless Hook Grip Technique
Despite all of the positive aspects of using a hook grip, there’s one significant deterrent: pain. What if you could avoid it?
Home and the Home Gym: Making Your Home into a Gym
Home and the Home Gym: Making Your Home into a Gym
Nine athletes and coaches who have owned home gyms were asked to share the purpose and evolution of their early setups.
How Are YOU Performing the Dimel Deadlift?
How Are YOU Performing the Dimel Deadlift?
Even the best of the best display small form errors while performing common lifts — Clint Darden challenges Dave Tate.
WATCH: I'm Sick! Should I Train?
WATCH: I'm Sick! Should I Train?
After missing Strongman Sunday, Clint had a serious question to answer: when would it be safe to train again?
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Strongman Training
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Strongman Training
He critiques each of the following movements: Weighted Car Deadlifts, Axle Press, Stone Over Bar, Yoke Carry/Sleg Drag, Triceptecon Press, SS Yoke Bar Box Squats, Car Deadlift, Press Medley, and Keg Carry.
Intra-Workout Nutrition Q&A: BCAAs, HBCD, and Supplements on a Budget
Intra-Workout Nutrition Q&A: BCAAs, HBCD, and Supplements on a Budget
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today’s topic: intra-workout supplementation.
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Bench Press
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Bench Press
From setup adjustments to training intensity, Clint’s coaching adjustments are all explained in this video.
Squat Q&A: Zercher Squats, SS Yoke Bar Breathing, and Tight Hips
Squat Q&A: Zercher Squats, SS Yoke Bar Breathing, and Tight Hips
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today’s topic: the squat.
WATCH: Do You NEED A Dynamic Effort Training Day?
WATCH: Do You NEED A Dynamic Effort Training Day?
Power output is what you’re looking for. Will a speed day produce it?
WATCH: Weightlifting, Baby Formula, and Wild Cats
WATCH: Weightlifting, Baby Formula, and Wild Cats
In some way all these things come together before, during, or after a House of Biceps training session.
How Powerlifting Saved My Life
How Powerlifting Saved My Life
Years of self-destructive life and eating habits led me to 430 pounds and a combined diagnosis of pre-diabetes and hypertension. I had two options: make a change or die.
THREE DAYS LEFT — Win 12 Weeks of Free Online Training from Team Elitefts
THREE DAYS LEFT — Win 12 Weeks of Free Online Training from Team Elitefts
Participating coaches include; Swede Burns, Clint Darden, Julia Ladewski, Brandon Smitley, Joe Schillero, Ken Skip Hill, Zach Gallmann, Matt Ladewski, Shane Church, David Allen, Casey Williams, Dani Overcash, David Kirschen, Sheri Whethem, Ken Whethem.
The Work Comes First
The Work Comes First
You will find no forward momentum by doing nothing. Without work, passion and purpose won’t take you anywhere.
WATCH: Choosing the Right Weightlifting Singlet
WATCH: Choosing the Right Weightlifting Singlet
Sleeves? Zippers? Material? Fit? Here are a few specific qualities to look for.
WATCH: Getting Into A Deadlift Position
WATCH: Getting Into A Deadlift Position
It might take you 10 reps to find your groove, or it might take you 100. Keep working until that position becomes automatic.
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — Beginners, When to Compete, Injury Prevention
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — Beginners, When to Compete, In...
Do you know the number one secret to being a great strength athlete?
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
What is the best way to prepare for your training session? Do you need a foam roller? Muscle activation techniques? A reverse hyper?
WATCH: How to Coach Yourself
WATCH: How to Coach Yourself
Your training partners and coaches aren’t always going to be there. When they’re not around, what will you do?
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — Weightlifting for Strongman, Deadlift Stance
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — Weightlifting for Strongman, D...
Clint answers your questions: Olympic weightlifting for Strongman performance? Sumo or conventional deadlift stance?
A Day in The Life of Clint Darden
A Day in The Life of Clint Darden
What does Clint do with his time when he’s not tightening his belt and huffing ammonia caps for his next set in the House of Biceps?
WATCH: Managing Knee Pain and Targeting Trigger Points
WATCH: Managing Knee Pain and Targeting Trigger Points
If you haven’t suffered an impact injury, finding the cause of your discomfort will be a complicated challenge. Use these adjustments to help alleviate pain and discover the source of your lower-body aches.
Under The Bar: How to Pull off a MASSIVE Bloat
Under The Bar: How to Pull off a MASSIVE Bloat
That time of the year is right around the corner. No, I’m not talking about giving and receiving gifts. What I’m talking about is…
WATCH: What Is Team elitefts?
WATCH: What Is Team elitefts?
Many definitions may apply, but how does Clint Darden define Team elitefts?
WATCH: CNS Burnout in the Gym
WATCH: CNS Burnout in the Gym
With all the energy Clint spends on being a chaotic animal in the weightroom, is he vulnerable to central nervous shutdown?
WATCH: How to Bench Press 300 Pounds This Year
WATCH: How to Bench Press 300 Pounds This Year
Unimpressed? This old school method will help you get to 500 pounds, too.
Inspiration and Motivation: 6 Articles to Help You Find Your Inner Drive
Inspiration and Motivation: 6 Articles to Help You Find Your Inner Drive
Being truly great means finding a way to help others the same way you seek to improve yourself.
WATCH: Clint Darden Shares Weight Gain Secrets
WATCH: Clint Darden Shares Weight Gain Secrets
Gaining weight is comfortable. Said no one ever. These methods will have you sweating, grasping for air, and searching of the nearest sink and fan.
Clint Darden is Back on YouTube!
Clint Darden is Back on YouTube!
WATCH: What Makes the Texas Squat Bar So Special?
WATCH: What Makes the Texas Squat Bar So Special?
Listen to Clint Darden and learn all of the features that really matter for you, the lifter.
WATCH: Clint Darden Teaches How To Fine-Tune the Log Press
WATCH: Clint Darden Teaches How To Fine-Tune the Log Press
An experienced strongman competitor already knows the basics. This video shows how to clean up the sloppy habits and press heavier weight overhead.
WATCH: Clint Darden Coaches How to Shave Seconds Off the Farmer's Walk
WATCH: Clint Darden Coaches How to Shave Seconds Off the Farmer's Walk
These simple pick and acceleration adjustments will give you the edge you need during the initial seconds of the farmer’s carry.
WATCH: Clint Darden Shows How to Teach and Use the Clean for Athletes
WATCH: Clint Darden Shows How to Teach and Use the Clean for Athletes
An old football programming staple, the clean is used (and misused) by hundreds of coaches every year. Clint Darden starts at the bottom and fixes everything a football player needs for better carryover and better performance.

Items 1 to 59 of 117 total
