2018 Zoo Run Run: Team Not Team Old Man vs. Team Old Man
2018 Zoo Run Run: Team Not Team Old Man vs. Team Old Man
This was more than a 10-week prep geared to beat our previously recorded race time of 52 minutes and 32 seconds while flying past a self-proclaimed mashed-up meathead.
2017 Zoo Run Run: Blaine Tate Runs a Faster 5K
2017 Zoo Run Run: Blaine Tate Runs a Faster 5K
At 3.1 miles, we cross the finish line in 52 minutes and 32 seconds — four minutes quicker than our 2016-competition time. A success! Beating our previous time was exactly what we came to do.
Zoo RunRun — Blaine Crosses the Finish Line in His First 5K
Zoo RunRun — Blaine Crosses the Finish Line in His First 5K
Two faces in a crowded zoo, here’s our story: a 14-week play-by-play that prepared us for the rigors of race day.
Take Your Training Day to the Zoo
Take Your Training Day to the Zoo
A trip to the zoo provides the trainer and child a great opportunity to accomplish new challenges and exercise gym lessons. Consider these tips for the planning process.

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