#112 - Westside Barbell Stories (Discipline and Consistency)
Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes to discuss training, coaching, consistency, discipline, and past Westside Barbell stories
Earn Student-Athlete Respect with These Principles
You can prescribe the best programming out there, but if your group of student-athletes do not believe in it or you, then it’s never going to work.
Skip's Do-Overs from 1984: What I Wish I Knew 34 Years Ago
Of all of the things I wish I could go back and redo, these five things stand out as the most important or all-encompassing.
Training Is Where Your Life Happens
There’s nothing that will ever replace good old-fashioned hard work and practice. Not only that, this is where your life happens one plateau at a time.
Avoid These Group Programming Mistakes
Simply winging it won’t cut it. It’s incredibly important for your clients’ health and success that you stop making these errors.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Lifters
When you look at the best lifters, you find that they have several things in common. Make these behaviors a regular part of your life and you’ll continually see progress, too.
Rehab Report: Repairing My Hand and Planning My Return to the Platform
This article was meant to have been about the results of my meet in December and the setting of PRs and possible world records. All of those aspirations ended on October 7, 2016.
Guest Judging Boss of Bosses 3
Watching a lifter going for a lift he knows he has to make to move into first place…
Watching a lifter going for a record that has stood for 15 or 20 years…
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Powerlifting is one tool I use to measure my strength. Through relocation, job change, a virus, a motorcycle crash, and children (the list goes on), there’s one thing I learned this past year: consistency.
Consistency is the Name of the Game
To develop and ingrain the habits of success overlook no fine details.
3 Things You Will Need to Be Successful
This isn’t rocket science people. Stop complicating every damn process and start simplifying.
6 Ways To Increase Strength
Six REAL factors to getting strong, not the same crap we’ve read over and over… and over again. Seriously, how many times do we have to be told to train hard, be consistent, follow a program and eat right? Those may not even matter anyhow but these do.
You Down with OCD?
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to not overcomplicate something simple.
The College Student's Guide to Powerlifting
Welcome to Blast and Dust 101. I’m your professor Joe Schillero.
Kentucky Strong: Passion, Consistency, and Strength
It is what sets the good lifters apart from the GREAT ones.
The Simple Truth About Supplements
Unfortunately, there aren’t any shortcuts and there isn’t any easy way.