Strength Athletes, Control Your Variables
Consider where YOU lack focus. These things are widespread knowledge, nothing ground-breaking but surprisingly not prioritized correctly.
Do the Legacy Work to Make Your Mark
Your time on this planet is limited. To make your mark, I challenge you to do the work and get ahold of your emotions.
Control What You Can
I’m hoping that by the time this article gets published, things are on their way back to normal, but in the meantime (and even if they are), there are a few key tools I’ve given my clients to help them to mentally move forward (not just survive) when we feel a lack of control.
9 Things I Learned From a Social Media Detox
Quitting social media will help you realize how you’re spending your time and where you’re spending your time. Most of us, myself included, are wasting entirely too much time on stupid stuff. Stop wasting your time there and start putting it where it’s most important.
The Allure of Powerlifting
What is it about powerlifting that draws people to it like a magnet? Is it the parts of us that start as iron ore and are melted down into knurled steel through training? Is it a religion we worship? What power does powerlifting have over us?
Who is in Charge Here, Anyways?
Don’t let your ego get the better of you. Think carefully about your choices — and if you’re really the one making those decisions.
Go With What You Know
Whatever the reason, what does a strength coach do when things are not going as expected? This is one of the hardest things to deal with, whether you are new at this business, or have been in it for a while.
Actionable Steps to Defeat Your Doubt
There are many cases where medications are overprescribed and are used only to treat the surface of a deeper issue rather than resolving the underlying cause. So, what should we do to address these common issues that persist amongst our society?
How to Teach a Team to Lead Itself
If the majority of leadership has to come from coaches, that’s usually a sign of a rough season ahead. In my experience, I’ve found this to be 100% true.
The Acute Phase of Injury: What Just Happened?
Once you’ve started the waiting game and it has sunk in you’re out of training for a while, there are definite ways to set yourself up for success. This is something I’m currently experiencing myself after tearing the adductor longus tendon from my pelvis.
Championship Nature Series: The Circles of Concern and Influence
Of the many things in your life that you care about, there are some you can control and some you cannot. Being aware of the difference will not only make you more successful but also happier.
The Do's and Don'ts of Leadership
Since college, I’ve worked at seven different universities and a few Globo gyms. I’ve run clinics, I’ve trained privately, and I’ve even worked construction. From all this, I’ve learned from some great leaders and some less than great leaders.
Why Do You Lift — Defining Passion
We need to discuss passion and our affective response to any autotelic activity: it is important to understand that humans engage in things for internal forces other than survival.
A Strength Coach's Lesson in Delegation
If you don’t trust your staff, you’ll try to do everything yourself. If you try to do everything yourself, you will fail. Break the cycle.
Five Plateau-Busting Bench Press Tips
Corrections to five common bench mistakes that will move you one step closer to your next PR.
Strong Mind: Circle of Concern/Circle of Influence
To be a more productive athlete and leader, one needs to focus on his circle of influence.
Filling in the Holes, Part II
Previously I discussed how adding in various training tools can “fill in the holes” of standard barbell lifting. Kettlebells have gained a stronger and stronger following in the strength training community, but sleds and sandbags are two tools that have yet to gain their recognition.