LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Only Have 3 Days Per Week To Train?
If you're struggling to make your workouts fit a new and tighter schedule, Dave Tate shares his pro tips for making 3-day and 2-day week splits work with great results.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Brian Alsruhe and Dave Tate Discuss Fi...
Dave Tate and Brian Alsruhe both know you can't do the same thing forever and expect results. In the pursuit of maximal performance, you have to find your way to step ahead of the crowd. How do you identify what your own edge is?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What's Missing From Younger Lifte...
“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room...” — Socrates
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — This One Time, at Westside Barbell…
Great coaching, brawls and talking trash all go hand in hand at elite powerlifting gyms. When Dave Tate has a story to tell about Westside Barbell, it's a good idea to stop and listen.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Swede Burns & Dave Tate Discuss Ba...
Being jacked as hell got your shoulders a little tight? Here's how you fix your squat bar position for better performance, less pain, and a bigger total.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What Age Should Kids Start Lifting Wei...
Did you miss out on your peak potential by picking up powerlifting too late? Or would you be nowhere near where you are by starting too early?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Swede Burns Talks About His 9000-Calor...
Need a little bit of bulking inspiration? Swede Burns and Dave Tate trade tips. Swede lays out the entirety of his diet he used to maintain a 330-pound bodyweight as a powerlifter.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate Reminisces About His Early D...
Dave Tate knows it all right? Not always… Here’s a major blunder and how he bounced back.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate and JM Blakley Discuss Their...
The idea that powerlifting might not be an option one day is terrifying, but at least Dave Tate and JM Blakley can share some wisdom for you to be prepared.
Sick of Your Gym? — How to Start a Private or Home Gym
In this part, you’ll understand how you can start a private or home gym of your own — on a budget. It’s not as expensive as you might think.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How to Build Upper-Back Strength For a...
Looking to beef up your upper back or increase your bench and squat numbers? Of course you are. Check out Dave Tate’s best advice on how to structure your routine to best gain upper back strength.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #49 with Mark Bell
Dave Tate sits down for an episode of the Table Talk with Mark Bell and his co-hosts of the Mark Bell’s Power Project, Nsima Inyang and Andrew Zaragoza. Dave and Mark talk about their past time training together, and life and business lessons they’ve learned since then.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #48 with Brian Carroll
Elite multi-ply powerlifter and world-class coach and educator Brian Carroll is on the Table Talk Podcast today to chat with Dave Tate. Whether it’s Brian’s methodology or his experience as a lifter and a coach, this under the bar duo is a wealth of knowledge.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Should Bigger Lifters Pull Sumo or Con...
Debating switching stances? How can you know which one is better for you? Dave Tate drops some wisdom on how you’ll know when it’s time to switch, and how to best train the deadlift.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #47 with Dave Tate
Table Talk #47 coming in live to answer your questions and teach you a thing or two! In today’s Table Talk Dave Tate will be focusing specifically on beginners and their programming for this episode.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate and Brian Alsruhe Discuss Da...
Whether you’re trying to avoid a heart attack or a stint of diarrhea you might want to heed the words of Dave and Brian about how you shouldn’t play around with your heart health.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #46 with Dave Tate
Dave got you a Valentine’s day present… His undivided attention answering your questions from Instagram and Youtube! He’s rolling solo today answer prepared questions and live ones!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #45 with Dave Tate
After a sickness that kept Dave out of the office for a few days, he returns to the table to talk everything conjugate. Joining in on the collaboration, our trusty strength and conditioning editorial intern is by his side. Tune in and enjoy!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #44 with Dave Tate
This week’s table talk will be a combination of Dave’s weekly sport science meetings with the strength and conditioning intern and answering your questions. Whether you want to advance your knowledge as a coach or athlete this one is sure to be a knowledge bomb on everything strength!
Test of Time: The Power Rack
Most people walk into a gym and expect to see a power rack. It’s as natural a thing as the grass is green or the sky is blue. Over the decades, the power rack has remained a gym staple due to its versatility and reputation.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #43 with Julia Anto, Yessica Martinez, and Al...
This episode will have a little less testosterone than usual, but don’t let that stop you from listening! Tune in to find out what makes these three women strong(er) than you…
3 Things I Learned From Training My @ss Off with Dave Tate
The Train Your @ss Off with Dave Tate event was not only a life-changing experience; it was also truly something I will remember forever. It has made me a better coach, a better training partner, and a better overall human because it helped me figure out what is truly important in my life.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Common Causes of Hip Shift
Hate to break it to you, but you can’t out-correct a corrective exercise.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #42 with Mason Nowak
This week’s Table Talk features elitefts strength and conditioning editorial intern, Mason Nowak. Tune in to this dialogue between the industries of powerlifting and strength and conditioning.
WATCH: Dave Tate's Powerlifting Warm-Up Circuit
If you’ve dreamed of training the same way Dave Tate’s athletes do, today’s your lucky day… well, not exactly. Maybe you can’t train like them, but you can sure warm up like them!
Writing Through the Storm
Three years and counting, through change of grounding and shelter, one thing remains. Here’s my attempt at living, learning, and passing on.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #41 with Swede Burns
Join Dave Tate and Swede Burns for today’s Table Talk.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Gives Advice to College Students
“It’s going to feel heavy as fuck, but it doesn’t mean you can’t do it.”
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Are Hex Bars, High Squats, and Box Squ...
What do Dave Tate, Nick Showman, Louie Simmons, and high school athletes have in common? A love-hate relationship with the trap bar… and a few other movements.
6 Training Rules for the Washed-Up Meathead
These rules are NOT for those competing. They are not for those who want to increase their “longevity” in the sport. They are not for the beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifters. There are different rules for all of these groups, and these are NOT them.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What is NEVERsate?
NEVERsate started off as a band name and became the name of Brian Alruhe’s gym — but there’s more to the name than that.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #39 with Dave Tate
Fun fact: Dave’s out of the purple Monsters, so green is his next best option (the white Monster’s make him shit). Tune in and ask away!
WATCH: I am JM Blakley
“Our human potential is much higher than we recognize.” elitefts coach and columnist JM Blakley might be the namesake of the JM Press, but he hopes his impact in the strength sports world will go far beyond that and the weights he’s lifted.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #38 with Dave Tate
Is that Santa Claus or a powerlifter? It’s Dave Tate, back to host another Table Talk Podcast episode.
5 Things Every Small Garage Gym Owner Should Have
Your training space is a one-car stall garage, and you want quality equipment at a decent price. Does this sound like you? Great, say no more. Every small garage gym owner should have these five things for endless training possibilities and year-round gains.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Training Hard Through Chemotherapy
Training through chemotherapy took everything Clint Darden had. All in all, he believes it was important that he did. There was nothing else he’d rather do and no place he’d rather be.
Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving
We all have things that we are grateful for. You won’t know it, though, because it isn’t posted on social media or the headline of the e-blast you are about to receive. Likely, it’s a culmination of little things that collectively bring happiness to our daily lives.
5 Essential Items That'll Keep You Warmed Up Without Doing Warm-Ups
It’s winter, it’s cold, and Dave says fuck warm-ups. With these items, you’ll stay warmer than you’ve ever been, in and out of the gym.
THIRST: Bringing Quality, Service, and Integrity to Terre Haute
Anyone who walks into the Terre Haute, Indiana-based gym, THIRST, can see both quality and integrity through the primary services it offers, along with its affiliation to elitefts through gym owner Brandon Smitley.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How Steroids Can Damage Long-Term Trai...
Don’t do drugs. Negative side effects and addiction concerns aside, PEDs can really harm athletes’ long-term development and careers. They’re not worth losing the future gains over, we promise.
Two Lifters, One Ultimate Holiday Shopping List
If you have gym friends with different focuses, no worries! The gifts on this shopping list are sure to please both of your powerlifting pals, regardless of their goals, focus, or social media presence.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #37 with JM Blakley
Since you guys couldn’t get enough of him the first time, we’ve asked JM Blakley to come back to record another Table Talk Podcast episode. So sit back, relax, and listen to JM’s soothing voice instruct you on how to become a better lifter!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dan Green on Using Intensity to Build ...
“…I’m using powerlifting lifts in a bodybuilding style…” Dan Green shares the secrets to building muscle as a powerlifter and as a bodybuilder.
Paying the Price of the Platform
The wear and tear of the sport doesn’t end when the lifter stops competing. The price of the platform may be one that they will pay for throughout the rest of their lives.
5 Gifts for the Garage Gym of Your Dreams
Having a garage gym has been my dream since 1999. Now I’m going on my 10th year in my second marriage with two kids and working as a part-time Mr. Mom and a part-time gas utility worker in Northern California. That dream is slowly becoming a reality, and the items on this list will help speed things up.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #36 with Jordan Shallow
The Muscle Doc is in the house! Dr. Jordan Shallow is here to answer your (bench) pressing questions, so hop on the livestream and ask away!
WATCH: Giant Sets with Brian Alsruhe
Brian Alsruhe’s training style is going to be different than what you’d usually see at the elitefts S5 Compound, but that certainly didn’t stop him or Team elitefts athletes from exchanging ideas and having a good time.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dan Green and Andrew Herbert's We...
“I do feel the back is the engine of the powerlifter. You could almost not train anything else but just pound the shit out of your back four times a week and still be strong.”
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate's Simple and Effective ...
The conjugate method isn’t simple for everyone, which is why Dave decided to write down an explanation on the Table Talk table.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #35: Dave Don't Know Edition
Dave didn’t realize he had a podcast scheduled for today, so he’s in the hot seat without any prep. If you have questions for Dave, fire away on YouTube’s live stream, NOW.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Key Indicators for a Big Bench
There are so many movements you can do when it comes to strengthening the back for the bench press — so which ones SHOULD you do?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #34 with Ross Kolodziej
Before the Buckeyes face off against the Badgers, University of Wisconsin’s head strength and conditioning coach Ross Kolodziej joins Dave for a late-night Table Talk Podcast episode.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #33 with Brian Alsruhe
Brian Alsruhe, Maryland’s Strongest Man and owner of NEVERsate Athletics, pays a visit to the S5 Compound to train and to talk with Dave Tate on a Table Talk Podcast episode.
Power in Motion: A One-of-a-Kind Gym Culture
“We’re the only functional training gym in the Midwest.” Power in Motion is truly one of a kind, from its focus on functional training to individualized services for its diverse clientele to its arrangement of specialty equipment.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Yellow Brick Road of Powerlifting
Don’t pay attention to the man behind the curtain; instead, keep your eye on the goal through your training journey.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #32 with Nick Showman
It’s showtime — and why wouldn’t it be since this week’s guest is Nick Showman, owner of Showtime Strength & Performance?
3 Easy Ways to Be a Better Training Partner (Even as a Newbie!)
You don’t have to be an expert lifter to make your training partners better. You just have to always be actively watching and engaged in training. Here is how you can be an asset to your group — even as a newer lifter.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate's Favorite Part of Powe...
For someone who says he doesn’t like the competition aspect of powerlifting, it comes off as a surprise that Dave Tate’s favorite part about powerlifting is a moment that happens at meets.