The Joy of Programming
The Joy of Programming
Discover why understanding the “why” behind workouts matters, how to blend classic and modern techniques, and what it takes to tailor programs for athletes, especially rugby players.
How To Train for Selection
How To Train for Selection
Train for selection with this how-to guide with strategies ranging from aerobic capacity to calisthenics.
Grip Program to Never Drop a Deadlift
Grip Program to Never Drop a Deadlift
Think of grip strength like any other type of strength. To make it stronger, you have to train it heavier.
Cluster Training for Strength and Hypertrophy
Cluster Training for Strength and Hypertrophy
Cluster training methods, like many of the less “traditional” methods, don’t get utilized enough in people’s training programs. Try them now!
Why I Hate the Deadlift
Why I Hate the Deadlift
The deadlift is just that thing you have to do in a meet before you go to dinner.
4-Day Outlaw Program
4-Day Outlaw Program
The 4-Day Outlaw Program is a combination of conjugate and bodybuilding style training, setup for the multiply lifter yet modified for raw lifters.
Create a Whole-Body Training Program
Create a Whole-Body Training Program
In this final part of these series, let’s create a full-body training program. Rule 1…
What to Do With Your Head in the Deadlift
What to Do With Your Head in the Deadlift
Learning what to do with your neck and head in your deadlifts might give you just what you need to hit a new PR. Don’t take head positioning for granted.
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Peaking for your meet day should happen around six weeks out. Here’s a thorough plan to make sure you get the most out of your lifts when the time comes to step on the platform.
You Are Not a Genetic Outlier
You Are Not a Genetic Outlier
Most people train like the athletes and Olympians they admire, but that’s poor practice. Train for YOU, and watch your progress skyrocket.
Training Considerations for the Aging Powerlifter
Training Considerations for the Aging Powerlifter
Your biological age is different than your training age. If you’ve racked up years of training in the gym, you should learn the difference between the two.
16-Week Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
16-Week Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
If you have an equal love for bodybuilding and powerlifting with a goal to become bigger and stronger, this program is for YOU.
14 Deadlift Tips and Tricks
14 Deadlift Tips and Tricks
His not-so-secret deadlift tricks and personal tips for fixing those bad habits. Insight from the man himself, Dave Tate.
#137 AJ Roberts ⎸ 1,200 Pound Squat, WSBB, and Entrepreneur
#137 AJ Roberts ⎸ 1,200 Pound Squat, WSBB, and Entrepreneur
AJ Roberts takes a seat in this 137th podcast episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk.
The Deadlift and CNS Recovery
The Deadlift and CNS Recovery
The deadlift creates more fatigue and takes longer to recover from. Right? Well, research shows this isn’t as cut and dry as suspected.
7 Deadlift Myths—Busted!
7 Deadlift Myths—Busted!
These deadlift myths have been around for too long and it’s time they disappear. Get ready to feel SHOCKED, LIED TO, or ANGRY.
#110 - BONUS: Jim Wendler's Strength Training for High School Football Players
#110 - BONUS: Jim Wendler's Strength Training for High School Footb...
Jim Wendler’s seminar Strength Training High School Football Players is compiled for you to implement as a coach or an athlete.
#105 - Training YOUR Ass Off with Dave Tate and Coming Full Circle
#105 - Training YOUR Ass Off with Dave Tate and Coming Full Circle
Sam talks about what it was like going from “Training HIS Ass Off” to “Training YOUR Ass Off” and going from a participant to an assistant.
#102 - Brian Carroll: Hating to Train and the Secret to Deadlifting
#102 - Brian Carroll: Hating to Train and the Secret to Deadlifting
In this episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk, Brian Carroll and Dave sit down and share a cigar and dive into what it means on going “all in” in the gym, not wanting to train, and how the hell these little guys deadlifting so much. Don’t miss this episode, filled with banter between friends and […]
Build Your Deadlift Without Deficits
Build Your Deadlift Without Deficits
There is more to building the deadlift than variety, and there is also a point of diminishing returns to consider.
#95 - Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond
#95 - Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond
Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond talk about training for both strongman and powerlifting, gross gym stories, and competition training.
#77 - Injuries, Perceived Maxes, & Squid Game
#77 - Injuries, Perceived Maxes, & Squid Game
Dave Tate and Sam Brown discuss how injuries can make you better, perceived maxes, and Squid Game? What’s going on?
#57 -  Jujimufu on Dave Tate's Table Talk
#57 - Jujimufu on Dave Tate's Table Talk
Get the inside scoop on the legendary Jujimufu that you won’t see anywhere else!
2 Exercises to Get Your Stalled Deadlift Moving Again
2 Exercises to Get Your Stalled Deadlift Moving Again
If your deadlift sucks at lockout, mid-position, or from the floor, you’ll want to add the stiff-legged deadlift and Romanian deadlift into your training program. Here’s how to do them correctly, with a sample training template to get started.
Why Hook Grip, If It Hurts So Bad? Could It Be Worth It?
Why Hook Grip, If It Hurts So Bad? Could It Be Worth It?
Hook Grip is a complicated beast. On one hand, it HURTS. On the other hand, Eric Maroscher has a few reasons why it's a skill worth learning.  
Never Let Go
Never Let Go
Grip sport events to help powerlifters quit dropping their deadlifts.
3 Plateau-Busting Accessory Exercises
3 Plateau-Busting Accessory Exercises
Sometimes it’s just not enough to deadlift to make the deadlift stronger. More than likely, we have to add supplemental movements to build our deadlift, the bench press, and standing overhead press.
Five Tips for the Early Deadlifter
Five Tips for the Early Deadlifter
Is the bar even with your shoulders to optimize the pulling distance? Or is the bar pulling you forward? Are you keeping your head up? Are you holding your air while pressing your belly into the belt?
Speed Pull Cycle for Athletes
Speed Pull Cycle for Athletes
What athletes can I use this with? How do I know how much weight to use? How do I peak for an event or playoffs? I thought you’d never ask.
An Underrated Training Tool: Timed Deadlift Sets
An Underrated Training Tool: Timed Deadlift Sets
You can only set 60-second rep records in the deadlift for so long before you experience burnout and injury. Here’s how to increase your reps without the burnout and injury.
5 Exercises to Improve Back Strength in the Deadlift
5 Exercises to Improve Back Strength in the Deadlift
There are a ton of great back exercises to choose from, but what exercises translate to more pulling power? More specifically, what exercises bring up weaknesses found in your erectors, lats, and rhomboids?
The Best of the Best Content From July
The Best of the Best Content From July
Sifting through Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, coaching logs, and articles, here’s the best!
230 Max Effort Variations You Can Do With 1 Bar
230 Max Effort Variations You Can Do With 1 Bar
If you think having one bar means you can’t do max effort variations, you’re wrong. It’s time to think outside of the box. If you can’t, no worries! I already have, and I came up with 230 variations you can use with a straight bar. No specialty bars required!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Should Bigger Lifters Pull Sumo or Conventional?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Should Bigger Lifters Pull Sumo or Con...
Debating switching stances? How can you know which one is better for you? Dave Tate drops some wisdom on how you’ll know when it’s time to switch, and how to best train the deadlift.
Glute Training for Meatheads
Glute Training for Meatheads
Training to get Instagram-worthy glutes is just as much for the guys as it is the girls. Not only will your backside look better, but working on your glutes might help out with knee and back pain, too.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Common Causes of Hip Shift
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Common Causes of Hip Shift
Hate to break it to you, but you can’t out-correct a corrective exercise.
5 Common Strongman Weaknesses and How to Fix Them
5 Common Strongman Weaknesses and How to Fix Them
Consider the Press, Deadlift, Farmer’s Walk, Death Medley, and Atlas Stones. I’ll pinpoint the common weakness in each event and provide an exercise (a solution) for you to fix the weak point. No excuses!
Got Upper Back?
Got Upper Back?
It seems that lifters do not understand the importance of the upper back or how to use it in the three main lifts. The lifters I judged at a recent meet and just about all of my clients prove that to me, so let’s fix that.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dan Green and Andrew Herbert's Weekly Back Workouts
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dan Green and Andrew Herbert's We...
“I do feel the back is the engine of the powerlifter. You could almost not train anything else but just pound the shit out of your back four times a week and still be strong.”
Daily Undulating Periodization Programming for Your Next Powerlifting Meet
Daily Undulating Periodization Programming for Your Next Powerlifting Meet
Want to smoke your old PRs? Try applying daily undulating periodization, or DUP, to your programming. Rather than changing sets, reps, and intensity every 6 to 12 weeks, DUP changes those variables on a daily basis.
Romanian Deadlift Variations for Stronger Hamstrings
Romanian Deadlift Variations for Stronger Hamstrings
Other than the GHR, nothing else builds the hamstrings better than Romanian Deadlifts. Try out these variations, and you’ll see a difference in those hammies.
Is Technique the Same for Raw and Geared Lifters?
Is Technique the Same for Raw and Geared Lifters?
The debate between raw versus gear has died down, more or less, but the debate of how to train one versus the other is still on-going. This might be controversial, but for the most part, I don’t think you need to train differently raw or geared with a few exceptions.
Resistance Training for Youth Lacrosse Athletes
Resistance Training for Youth Lacrosse Athletes
I introduced my daughter to resistance training a couple of years ago. This August, we ramped up the training with two weekly sessions and speed training. This article details some excerpts from the resistance training portion of our program.
The Dogg Shitt Method™ 12-Week Powerlifting Program
The Dogg Shitt Method™ 12-Week Powerlifting Program
This 12-week cycle is very effective when followed to a T. If picked apart, it won’t work as well, so listen closely.
WATCH: Back Training with Justin Harris
WATCH: Back Training with Justin Harris
“Dumbbell rows are bodybuilding burpees.” For more wisdom and the full post-Table Talk Podcast workout with Justin Harris, read on. This back workout is complete with pull-overs, pull-downs, deadlifts, and multiple row variations (one by which Justin deems as the best lat exercise there is).
Romanian Deadlifts Revisited: How to Appropriately Apply The Hinge
Romanian Deadlifts Revisited: How to Appropriately Apply The Hinge
There’s an assumption (known or unknown) that everyone has the proficiency to perform what we see “if we just lower the weight.” That’s quite the caveat with a lot of assumption, especially when it comes to movements like the Romanian Deadlift.
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
Deadlifts for Huge Lats
When performed properly, deadlifts can be a powerful exercise movement for strengthening your lats. Emphasis on “when performed properly.”
4 Habits of an Intermediate Lifter
4 Habits of an Intermediate Lifter
How many of these things do you think about when you’re training? What could you be doing to make yourself and your training partners better?
3 Quick Fixes for a Stronger Deadlift
3 Quick Fixes for a Stronger Deadlift
Quick fixes: They’re usually bandages on a leaky pipe. But in some cases, a quick fix might be more like the duct tape that fixed the Apollo 13 module. These 3 technique fixes are like duct tape for your deadlift, so wrap up and strengthen that lift.
7 Supplemental Exercises to Build the Sumo Deadlift
7 Supplemental Exercises to Build the Sumo Deadlift
The more advanced you are, the longer the stretches between records become. If you’re in that position (trust me, I’ve been there before), consider doing some supplemental exercises. The ones listed here will help boost your sumo deadlift.
WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Weak Point Training
WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Weak Point Training
Ed Coan and Dave Tate explain their rationales and favorite accessory movements and variation lifts for training weak points.
Newton's Third Law (of Gains)
Newton's Third Law (of Gains)
You’ve probably heard Newton’s third law: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Turns out Newton DIDN’T tell you that he specifically wrote this law in anticipation of gym bros only training the muscles they see in the mirror. Let me explain.
12-Week Conjugate Deadlift Cycle for a Raw Lifter
12-Week Conjugate Deadlift Cycle for a Raw Lifter
Remember Cody, my client I talked about in my last article about benching? He absolutely destroyed at the Iron City Open and got a 10-pound deadlift PR total. The secret to his success? It’s in this program… because it IS this program.
Stirring the Pot, Volume 1
Stirring the Pot, Volume 1
I’ve been told I do a good job of being a heretic of the strength and conditioning coach profession, so I might as well keep it up and stir the pot with some of my hot takes on sumo deadlifts, box squatting, and more.
WATCH: Dave Tate's Definitive Guide for Wrapping Wrists
WATCH: Dave Tate's Definitive Guide for Wrapping Wrists
Learn the secret that we’ve kept under wraps until now: How to properly wrap your wrists for the Big Three: bench, squat, and deadlift.
WATCH: I am Vincent Dizenzo
WATCH: I am Vincent Dizenzo
“To be able to give back is a much bigger legacy than anything you’ll leave on a platform.” elitefts coach Vincent Dizenzo finds his calling in helping others by passing on knowledge, especially when it comes to dieting and weight loss.
What A Powerlifter Can Learn From An IFBB Pro
What A Powerlifter Can Learn From An IFBB Pro
As strength athletes, we care only about lifting the weight from Point A to Point B, but from a bodybuilding perspective, that is dead wrong, but how does that translate to powerlifting? The idea is to challenge the muscle — not just focus on completing reps and sets.
Concepts of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Methods Applied to the Sport of Powerlifting
Concepts of High-Level Strength and Conditioning Methods Applied to the ...
Over the last few years, I’ve had more time to visit some major universities and professional teams and talk shop with some very good strength and conditioning coaches, and these are some of the trends we’ve noticed in the weight room and think powerlifters should start implementing.
Everything You Need to Know About The Max Effort Method
Everything You Need to Know About The Max Effort Method
As with anything in training, the answer always is “it depends.” With the max effort method, I can do one of these things for two hours just on advanced principles that deal with the max effort method, or I can do one very that’s simple. I choose simple.

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