8-Week Deadlift Program for the Sumo and Conventional Puller
Whatever side of the fence you’re behind, you should train the deadlift sumo AND conventional. Why? They work synergistically to get you strong while minimizing weak points.
Programming for the Strongman Deadlift
The deadlift program I’m going to outline will prepare you for both a heavy event and a high rep event. This will be perfect for those in strongman that are not given events for a specific contest.
Three Quarters of a Century and Still Getting Strong(er)
How long will getting stronger continue? At what point, or age, or condition does deterioration begin? Am I racing a clock? Is my time on the platform limited?
Hang On: The Al Caslow Deadlift Program
This is the original deadlift routine Alwyn Cosgrove drew up for Shawn Frankl after he stalled in the mid- 700s.