Vincent Dizenzo's BAMF Program
Vincent Dizenzo's BAMF Program
A few weeks ago I blogged about how I was mistakenly looking for a one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with my injuries, and my circumstances are different. But with the help of four friends (and my wife), we came up with a BAMF program. Here it is.
WATCH: Doctor Deadlift Teaches The Hook Grip
WATCH: Doctor Deadlift Teaches The Hook Grip
The doctor is in! Specifically, Doctor Deadlift (whose real name is Cailer Woolam) is here to teach you why you should switch over from your alternating grip to a hook grip and show you how it’s done.
Meet Attempt Considerations For Every Situation
Meet Attempt Considerations For Every Situation
When it comes to selecting meet attempts, there are a lot of things to take into account. The big one is your goal, but the strategy for getting that goal varies depending on lots of factors. You wouldn’t use the same process for selecting your opener and for winning — at least, I hope you don’t.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Cailer Woolam Bombed Out of His 1st Meet
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Cailer Woolam Bombed Out of His 1st Meet
Even Doctor Deadlift has bombed out, and for him, it was at his first meet as a 15-year-old in high school. Cailer Woolam was ready to quit, but he kept on pushing, and look at him now: one of the youngest people to make the deadlift world record.
Powerlifting Takes More Than Just Brute Strength
Powerlifting Takes More Than Just Brute Strength
Powerlifting is so much more than physical strength. Yeah, that’s part of it, but only a fraction of the big picture. Are you strong mentally? Are you strong intellectually? Are you strong emotionally? Let’s find out.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What Lift Are You Most Proud Of?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What Lift Are You Most Proud Of?
While Dave’s AWOL, Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, and Vincent Dizenzo fill in and answer questions. This question (what lifts are you most proud of?) sparks a conversation about coaching and fond memories this trio of friends shared and are now sharing with you.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Cailer Woolam on Gaining Weight and Going for WRs
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Cailer Woolam on Gaining Weight and Go...
Believe it or not, Cailer Woolam gets a lot of questions about why he’s not gaining weight to break more records. But at age 24, he’s got plenty of time and work ahead of him.
5 Things Beginner and Intermediate Lifters Should Understand
5 Things Beginner and Intermediate Lifters Should Understand
Newer lifters seem to think that they can squat 1,200 pounds in less than a year of training. I hate to burst your bubbles, but that’s not going to happen. It’s a long game, and you need to understand that if you’re going to survive in this sport.
Let's Get Awkward
Let's Get Awkward
Through the use of unconventional movements (or awkward movements), you can really force yourself to utilize better form and recruit numerous additional muscle fibers. Here are a handful of Big 3 variations you can try out.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Wendler, Rhodes, and Dizenzo Respond to Robert Oberst’s Criticism of the Deadlift
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Wendler, Rhodes, and Dizenzo Respond t...
It’s not really a controversy unless we talk about that particular controversy, right? Well, if you wanted some hot takes on Robert Oberst’s deadlift criticism, you’re in the right place!
Simple 8-Week Barbell and Bike Conditioning Program
Simple 8-Week Barbell and Bike Conditioning Program
Tired of the same old training program? Want a break from your normal training specificity? Why not mix things up with this program? All you’ll need is a barbell, plates, a bike, a box for squatting, and a bench.
Now THAT'S What I Call Impressive!
Now THAT'S What I Call Impressive!
Not everyone is as lucky as me when it comes to seeing some of the most amazing moments in powerlifting. Since that’s the case, I’m sharing memories from the archives starring Chuck Vogelpohl, George Halbert, Steve Goggins, Travis Rogers, and Oleksandr Kutcher.
The Most Important Training Article You Will Read This Year
The Most Important Training Article You Will Read This Year
elitefts has a strong focus on the freedom of education — so strong that we’re willing to invest in all of the content we provide for you. For 20 years, the strength of this value has enabled us to earn your trust, and therefore, produce more content.
Meet Report: 2019 USPA Nationals with Dan Dalenberg
Meet Report: 2019 USPA Nationals with Dan Dalenberg
2018 was not a good year for my powerlifting career. 2019 has been better. My training’s gotten better, I’ve gotten better at caring for myself, and I competed better. I want to do better next time around, though….
Meet Report: Making a Comeback at APF Nationals After a Painful Injury
Meet Report: Making a Comeback at APF Nationals After a Painful Injury
Two years ago, I injured myself at a meet. The pain was so bad I nearly pulled out of the meet. After talking with some experts, I decided to hop into the APF Nationals without a weight cut and with a quick prep. Let’s just say it’s good to be back.
20-Week Raw Dog Yoke Program Cycle
20-Week Raw Dog Yoke Program Cycle
To call this program hard is an understatement. The volume is high, the work is heavy, and you’ll want to quit. But I can promise you, your back will never be thicker and your PRs will become something of the past.
You Might Be a Serious Powerlifter If...
You Might Be a Serious Powerlifter If...
This life we live is comprised of sheep, and it is also comprised of shepherds. Followers or leaders. The flock goes where it is directed. Shepherds set the course for the journey. Are you part of the flock? Or are you a shepherd? Are you a serious powerlifter or not?
New Tattoo Do's and Don'ts for the Powerlifter
New Tattoo Do's and Don'ts for the Powerlifter
Getting a new tattoo doesn’t mean you have to throw the bar down and not step foot in a gym for two months. What it does mean is that you need to ensure you don’t do anything reckless for the first couple of months.
JL Holdsworth Pens Feature Article on
JL Holdsworth Pens Feature Article on
Owner of The Spot Athletics and recent elitefts seminar speaker JL Holdsworth co-wrote a feature article about the deadlift on Be sure to check it out!
Meet Report: A Squat Suit Depth Experiment at 365 Strong World Games
Meet Report: A Squat Suit Depth Experiment at 365 Strong World Games
My training was more organized than it was for the IPA meet. But I decided to experiment before this meet: I trained using my squat suit without the briefs. It actually improved my speed, depth, and how much weight I could handle.
How to Use Blood Flow Restriction with a Knee Injury
How to Use Blood Flow Restriction with a Knee Injury
Indoor soccer took a toll on my knee, so my training has been a bit limited. But that didn’t stop me from using Blood Flow Restriction on leg day, which I highly recommend using when working around injuries that force you to use lighter weights.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #12 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #12 with Joe Sullivan and Janis Finkelman
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate, Joe Sullivan, and Janis Finkelman talk about a variety of powerlifting topics and answer questions, both bizarre and mundane, and more.
The Lift Starts Before You Touch the Bar
The Lift Starts Before You Touch the Bar
Listen: Technique is a major part of why all top lifters are top lifters. It is crucial to being a successful strength athlete. Technique before the lift is just as important as during the lift.
Improve Your 1RM Deadlift with These Variations
Improve Your 1RM Deadlift with These Variations
In the third and final part of the 1RM Lift Variation series, my powerlifting friends suggest their favorite movements for improving the deadlift through secondary movements, accessory work, and more.
When Honesty is the Only Policy
When Honesty is the Only Policy
Not unlike with your spouse or significant other, the relationship between training partners depends on many things, but at the central core to this relationship is the quality of one’s honesty with their training partner.
Meet Report: 5thSet at the Kern US Open
Meet Report: 5thSet at the Kern US Open
Now that I had the trip paid for thanks to a seminar event, I could focus on helping my lifters at the US Kern Open: the reason I’d flown all the way from the East Coast to begin with.
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Are Deadlifts Overrated?
Powerlifting for the Bodybuilder — Are Deadlifts Overrated?
Part of my journey to getting that IFBB pro card includes getting more active in the online bodybuilding community… which also gets me into situations where I answer questions like this one: Are deadlifts overrated?
3 Don'ts for the Early Deadlifter
3 Don'ts for the Early Deadlifter
My son sent a text last week — just a video of him deadlifting in our garage gyms. We discussed one of the mistakes we discovered he was making at the start of the pull. It was our discussion that influenced this article.
The Death of the Powerlifting Crew
The Death of the Powerlifting Crew
Powerlifting is bigger and better than it was when I started in 2004. But there’s is one major exception to the positives regarding the sport’s growth: The death of the powerlifting crew.
How to Build a Yearly Plan for Powerlifters
How to Build a Yearly Plan for Powerlifters
Plan, execute, evaluate, readjust, and repeat. Those are the steps I take when developing a program for a client — and coincidentally, the same ones I cover in this article.
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
Alwyn Cosgrove's Rest-Pause Program
This program was based on a study that burned 450% more calories post-workout than a traditional workout. Are you ready to feel the burn?
When Did Everyone Become Allergic to the Eccentric?
When Did Everyone Become Allergic to the Eccentric?
Nobody wants to watch their favorite athletes practice what they do best. But if you want to be the Michael Jordan or Reggie Jackson of powerlifting, you’ve got to work on the eccentric.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #6 with Dave Tate (Rant Edition)
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, you might want to grab your headphones because Dave Tate has some choice words on a variety of topics.
Meet Report: Taking Third Place at APF Women’s Pro-Am
Meet Report: Taking Third Place at APF Women’s Pro-Am
I told Dave to listen carefully because this is the only time I’ll ever say it, but this was a pretty good meet. I’ll take a 50 lb meet PR.
Turning Pro at the 2019 APF Women's Pro-Am
Turning Pro at the 2019 APF Women's Pro-Am
My goal for this meet was a 400-pound squat until Dave asked, “What’s the Pro total for your weight class?” In that moment, I knew that was no longer the goal — it became a Pro total.
Murphy's Law Reigns Supreme at Tennessee State Championships
Murphy's Law Reigns Supreme at Tennessee State Championships
Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. That’s pretty much a solid description for how the Tennessee State Championships went for me. But hey, good job to the victors. Now it’s time to prepare for my next meet…
Unlocking Your Muscle Chain
Unlocking Your Muscle Chain
Muscle chains are like dominoes: It’s enough for you to drop the first one, so the others fall from the power that is constantly transferred from one domino to another and then the weight takes over the job and pulls over the domino that falls and hit the next one into falling… and the next one… and the next one…
The Evidence Supporting Partial Rep Training for the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
The Evidence Supporting Partial Rep Training for the Squat, Bench, and D...
While full range of motion reps may be more convenient for the more inexperienced lifter, partial range of movement reps may be a good tool for advanced lifters hitting a plateau. Partial reps can overcome the main limitations of full range of motion training.
Conventional or Sumo? Or Both?
Conventional or Sumo? Or Both?
I’ve noticed a lack of variety in how people deadlift — conventional or sumo — as well as the fact that they rarely change pulls. As someone who does both, I wondered why that was. I set out to solve that mystery with a survey and found some answers from a variety of respondents…
Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
Alwyn Cosgrove's 4-Week Program for Busy Times
We get that training is a top priority for most of our readers, but we also understand that life is messy and complicated. School and/or work can get in the way of training. It’s not realistic for training to come first all the time, which is why this realistic program was made.
Equipment Feature — elitefts Power Bar
Equipment Feature — elitefts Power Bar
In this video, Equipment Sales Director Matt Goodwin shows off the elitefts Power Bar and its specs, focusing on the bar’s gnarly knurling. It’s amazing how it easily fits into just about any gym — garage, private, or commercial. It’s no wonder it’s a favorite!
Leg Workout of the Day with 8x8x8 Banded Leg Extensions
Leg Workout of the Day with 8x8x8 Banded Leg Extensions
No, you’re not seeing deja vu. This workout features: 1. Lying Leg Curls 2. Leg Extensions 3. Cambered Bar Squats 4. Banded Leg Extensions 5. Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deads. Per the usual, click to see the sets, reps, equipment used for this leg workout, and find out what’s super-setted.
The Meet That Was Like a Family Reunion
The Meet That Was Like a Family Reunion
This was the first meet that I attended neither as participant, lifter, nor spectator; instead, I was a coach, cheerleader, and go-fer. At this meet, Flex Gym proved it is as much a family as any group I have ever seen. Everyone is there for everyone else.
WATCH: What I'm Seeing and Why It’s Wrong: Fixing the Sumo Deadlift
WATCH: What I'm Seeing and Why It’s Wrong: Fixing the Sumo Deadlift
elitefts coach and 2019 Stronger Sports Training Success Summit speaker Julia Anto has seen far too many social media lifts with poor form — enough to start up a video series to correct lifters’ form. In the first video of the series, she fixes the sumo deadlift.
Matt Mills Finishes in 18th Place of 40 at the 2019 Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships
Matt Mills Finishes in 18th Place of 40 at the 2019 Arnold Amateur Stron...
I might not have made it as a top-10 heavyweight finalist in the 2019 Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships, but I sure learned a lot while I was there. Plus, I’ll be sure to apply everything I learned this time around at my next competition.
JP Carroll Takes Second Place at the 2019 XPCs
JP Carroll Takes Second Place at the 2019 XPCs
Before I get into my recap of the 2019 XPC World meet, I want to say, I took second place — even with my fifth 2,200-pound total and seventh 900-pound squat — for no other reason than I wasn’t strong enough that day.
Bryan Doberdruk Returns to Full Power Pro at 2019 XPCs
Bryan Doberdruk Returns to Full Power Pro at 2019 XPCs
I moved back to northeastern Ohio and started training with a new group to prepare for the 2019 XPCs. For the last couple of years, I’ve only done the 21-Deadlift Salute. This year, though, I decided to come back and do the full meet, and here are the final results.
Jo Jordan Cuts Squat Suit to Lift 965 Pounds at 2019 XPCs
Jo Jordan Cuts Squat Suit to Lift 965 Pounds at 2019 XPCs
“It got to a point where I couldn’t feel my legs… I got the up call, and nothing happened.” Join Team elitefts athlete Jo Jordan as he receives his medal on-stage for the 2019 XPC Worlds competition. He recounts his lucky comeback in the squat event and shares a sneak peek at what happens behind the curtain…
The Staggered Leg Deadlift with Dr. Eric Serrano
The Staggered Leg Deadlift with Dr. Eric Serrano
This is a great exercise to use before the leg training session begins to activate the posterior chain and wake up dormant muscles. Feedback from numerous clients, including NFL athletes, tells us that squatting and running feel much better following this specialized movement.
C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #2
C.J. Murphy's Specialty Bar Car Show #2
In my second Specialty Bar Car Show, I’m going to teach you everything I know about the Tsunami Bar, Bandbell Bar, and — one of my all-time favorites — Safety Squat Bars. If I haven’t sold you on any of these bars, remember this…
Add 100 Pounds to Your Deadlift
Add 100 Pounds to Your Deadlift
These are the deadlifting tips that have helped my deadlift the most. If they helped me and my athletes, they’ll help you too.
XPC 2019: Bryan Doberdruk's Doing More Than the Deadlift
XPC 2019: Bryan Doberdruk's Doing More Than the Deadlift
Four of Team elitefts' athletes are headed to the Arnold, three of them will be competing in the XPC Worlds, and one such athlete is Bryan Doberdruk, who competed in the XPC Worlds' 21 Deadlift Salute event for the last two years. But this year, he's doing more than the deadlift...
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
If you think you’re getting a solid upper back that’ll improve your bench press, deadlifts, and squats by using hard, forceful rowing exercises and lat pulldowns, think again. When you realize that, you’ve figured out that you need to change the way you train. Not sure what you should do? Let me explain.
5 Tips That Will Increase Any Lift
5 Tips That Will Increase Any Lift
It’s inevitable that a lifter will hit a plateau at some point or another. It’s frustrating, I know. Trust me, I’ve been there. But after 10 years of powerlifting and 14 years of strength training before that, I think I’ve unlocked some of the secrets to making gains. Here are five things that helped me increase my lifts.
Powerlifting and Wrist Straps 101
Powerlifting and Wrist Straps 101
There is a tool for every job, and as there are many jobs for the powerlifter, there are many tools at their disposal. The key is to apply the proper tool to the proper job at the proper time. Let’s focus on the tool known as the wrist strap.
Learn to Train X: Drop Your Nuts to the Bar Deadlift Set-Up with Ted Toalston
Learn to Train X: Drop Your Nuts to the Bar Deadlift Set-Up with Ted Toa...
Don’t want to see Ted drop his nuts on the bar? Then look away! Keep your eyes off the bar! Besides, that’s exactly what Ted does when he sets up to do the deadlift: He doesn’t look at the bar.
WATCH: Dave Tate and Ed Coan Show the Women How to Deadlift at Omaha Barbell
WATCH: Dave Tate and Ed Coan Show the Women How to Deadlift at Omaha Bar...
When a lifter at Omaha Barbell struggles with her deadlift during a training session, Ed Coan offers her technical advice, and Dave tells her to “clear your fucking head.”
4 Accessories to Fix the Deadlift Lockout
4 Accessories to Fix the Deadlift Lockout
As I got stronger with pulling conventional, a funny thing happened. My weak point went from being off the floor (where it was when pulling sumo) to just below the knee. I had to go back to the drawing board and figure out what exercises would get me stronger.
5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
“Pull your lats in” to “slow down” are two of five cues that can make an incredible difference in the execution and lockout of your deadlift.

Items 60 to 118 of 524 total