USPA Drug Tested National Powerlifting Championships — Meána Franco PRs ...
I needed to regain confidence in myself as a lifter and take a step out of my comfort zone. I accomplished this at USPA Nationals.
Special Olympics Ohio: The Definition of Strong(er)
The powerlifting community could learn a lot from the Special Olympics.
Deadlift Q&A: Block Pulls, Tension, Hip Mobility
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today's topic: deadlifting.
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
What I overcame for this meet is far more than I have for any other.
50 Things All Handlers Need to Know
This list and the included video give you what you need to know before, during, and after the meet to help your lifter reach their competitive goals.
3 Reasons You Can't Lock Out Your Deadlift
I’ve heard many times that there’s no technique to deadlifting, you just grab the bar and pull. I have to disagree.
Juarez Valley 8 Deadlift Workout
You’ve probably heard of ascending or descending pyramid methods. The Jaurez Valley 8 is different. It’s a valley that is as brutal as it is effective.
Lifting on the Platform — In Honor of My Father
The journey was difficult but I walked away accomplishing something much more important at the Women’s Pro-Am than a big total.
Things I Have Learned From 15 Years of Conjugate Training
Through a lot of ups downs since 2002, I’ve learned things both the hard way and the easy way. In one quick read, here are 137 of the best things to remember about conjugate.
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
The whole point of the US Open was to show Tarra and instill some confidence in what I already knew: that she would still be able to perform well at a lighter bodyweight.
Big Squat, Big Bench, Big Deadlift — Big Air
So, you want a big squat, bench and pull? You better learn how to breathe.
REGISTER NOW: April 30th Training Camp with JL Holdsworth, Swede Burns, ...
You will have the opportunity to learn about any topic in strength training you choose, from execution of the main lifts all the way down to minute details of accessory work.
Building Aerobic Capacity with Barbell Conditioning
The concept is simple but undergoing this challenge will feel anything but easy.
WATCH: Table Talk — Finding Solutions to Deadlift Weaknesses
Leverages will influence your ideal deadlift stance, but that’s only one small part of finding your weakness is.
2016 Arnold Sports Festival — Expo, XPC Meet Reports, and S4 Compound Ev...
Team elitefts did more than just compete this year at the Arnold. Everything we did is compiled here in one super-sized article.
Fix These Simple Mistakes to Lift Heavier Weights
These mistakes in the squat, bench, and deadlift seem small on their own. But add them to together? You’re leaving pounds off your total.
Reliving the Powerlifting Glory Days: Pride, Inspiration, and the 2008 I...
Fame? We never wanted it. My, how times have changed.
Health Considerations of Powerlifting Technique
Consider the major powerlifting movements, cues, and technical adjustments that may prove helpful in both improving strength and prolonging health.
Coaching CJ Piantieri at the Special Olympics Southeast Meet
For over six years I have watched CJ overcome many obstacles. I am always impressed by his competitive tenacity and love for powerlifting.
WATCH: Getting Into A Deadlift Position
It might take you 10 reps to find your groove, or it might take you 100. Keep working until that position becomes automatic.
WATCH: Deadlift Tips on Tightness, Speed Pulls, and Hook Grip
Looking for guidance from one of the best of all time? Steve Goggins breaks down the deadlift in video form.
Time Under Tension: It's Not Just For Bodybuilders
As a powerlifter, you have one goal: move the weight. The faster, the better. Or maybe not.
WATCH: Darden Q&A From the Compound — How Long Should Your Warm-Up Be?
What is the best way to prepare for your training session? Do you need a foam roller? Muscle activation techniques? A reverse hyper?
Strong(her) Deadlift Progressions for the Novice Female Lifter
The final powerlifting movement may seem simple, but it isn’t. Use this teaching progression with the proper cues to help new lifters.
The Training of Vince Anello: How He Became the First Man Under 200 Poun...
The five-time IPF World Champion and York Barbell Hall-of-Famer opens up about his life and the methods he used to build his incredible strength, including a 14-week deadlift routine.
An Alternative Look at Concentrated Loading in the Sport of Powerlifting
This revision and reconsideration of the ‘block’ misnomer helped me better understand concentrated loading and produced a new way to program each lift.
16 Methods to Optimize Your Glute Ham Raise
We have known for years that the Glute Ham Raise (GHR) was regarded as one the best movements for the posterior chain (lower back, glutes, hamstrings and calves).
Jesse Norris Breaks All-Time World Record 198-Pound Raw Total
Supplanting his own previous record, Norris moved the bar even higher and out-lifted the records for both wrapped and wrapless classes.
Dario vs The Deadlift: 100 Pounds in 10 Months
By designing his training program to address each of his technical, mental, and muscular weaknesses, I was able to help Dario claim the record he deserved.
Training Around an Injury: Weak Point Troubleshooting
Consider what areas of the body are affected, analyze what lifts aren’t improving, and come up with a plan for recovery. Now is not the time to give up.
WATCH: Table Talk — What Are the Best Core Exercises?
You should be doing core exercises as part of your warm-up and as part of your accessory work on certain training days. Are you doing the right ones?
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After A...
Coming off a debilitating injury, respect your body’s range of motion and only push the limits when the time is right. You’re on your way back, don’t blow it now.
A Powerlifter's Guide to Wimpy Exercises
As you focus on moving maximum weight on squats, benches and deadlifts, wimpy isolation movements just don’t have a place. Or do they?
How the Mighty Fall: Pride Comes First
Illness didn’t stop me from competing, and dropping 525 pounds on my chest didn’t stop me from finishing the meet. But later that night, I realized I was in more serious pain than it seemed at first.
The 5 Worst Mistakes I've Made in Powerlifting
You learn a lot from the mistakes you make at your first meet. Imagine all you can learn from the mistakes spanning an entire powerlifting career.
The Seminar That Changed Training (full version)
This seminar is the real deal, not a staged production. It is exactly what I was teaching years ago.
Upset Biker Reminds Us Why We Started Training
"There is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift!" - Jón Páll Sigmarsson
101 Ways to Use the OBB Power Handles
Get more out of your standard barbell and dumbbell set by the swivel of a bolt and the tightening of a wing nut. It’s that easy.
Stiff Leg Deadlifts....In A Hack Squat?
Do you struggle with stiff leg deadlifts? Use a hack squat to get more out of your stiff leg deadlift!
The Quick Fix: Simple Ways to Conquer Common Powerlifting Mistakes
You might need a long-term progression to overcome nagging pains and to increase your lifts. Or maybe you just need these simple tips.
WATCH: Tate, Dizenzo, and Goggins Present Coaching Methods from The Powe...
Three of our best experts discuss world-class coaching of the squat, the bench, and the deadlift.
Your Lats' Responsibilities During Deadlifts
It is imperative to keep your lats tight while deadlifting; Joe Schillero shares 3 coaching cues that help keep him in an ideal postural position.
WATCH: Steve Goggins and Swede Burns Explain How to Coach The Big Three ...
Author of the upcoming ‘5th Set’ ebook joins lifting legend and hall-of-famer Steve Goggins to break down powerlifting movements and programming.
It's Not Just Five Pounds: Understanding Personal Records
When you’re chipping away at that all-time PR, every pound matters.
"Speed Kills" Speed Pulls with Jo Jordan
Want to get back to the basics on your deadlift? Jo Jordan shows you how “speed kills” by incorporating speed pulls into your workouts.
Lessons from the 2015 CSCCa Conference
In constant strive to get better as a coach and staff, these six things will prove useful.
4 Ways to Test Your Grit in the Weightroom
If you can survive these challenges it will be good for…but it won’t feel that way.
Of Levers and Lifting
The human body is a system of levers. When we understand the concepts of these mechanisms, we then increase our force-production capabilities.
Hang On: The Al Caslow Deadlift Program
This is the original deadlift routine Alwyn Cosgrove drew up for Shawn Frankl after he stalled in the mid- 700s.
Huge Weekend For Strongman: World Records Fall and One Team Rises
500+ pound logs and 1700+ pound deadlifts. You know, typical strongman stuff.
The Powerlifting Experience II: By the Numbers
Seven reasons to sign up for the Powerlifting Experience including a 2:1 athlete to coach ratio and 3 new coaches added
How To Program Your Training for Kettlebell Sport
Two programs outline how to use the ballistic methods of kettlebell training to improve joint mobility and strengthen ligaments and tendons for a competitive edge.
Revisiting 14-Day Microcycles in Powerlifting
These alternate setups for non-traditional microcycles in a powerlifting program have allowed my clients and I to target the specific needs of individual athletes.
Register Now For The Second elitefts™ Powerlifting Experience
Discover your strengths. Conquer your weaknesses. Build the best strength of your life.
Qualifying for XPC Finals: RPS Lexen Spring Fling Meet Report
After a challenging training cycle and career change,
Programming Progressions for Beginning Personal Training Clients
Whether you’re a beginner to a training program or a personal trainer working with first-time clients, these progressions work as a fool-proof guide to producing results over time.
LISTEN: Eric Cressey on Performance, Baseball, and Staff Synergy
The most sought-after baseball performance coach details his journey in the S&C field.