The Basic Workout Template and FAQ
There are a number of things that can be done to help a lifter that has a weakness off the chest.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 4
This is part four of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 3
This is part three of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 1
This is part one of the original Tour De Force Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
The Deadlift Training Secret No One Talks About
The Deadlift Devil has tormented me for years. I hate that dirty, scaly son of a bitch.
Congrats Dr. Thomas Deebel!
Not only did he have to get stronger as a Masters lifter, he had to do so while cutting weight.
Iron Sport: Do Sumo Deadlifts Suck...or Is It Just Me?
On Friday, I had a rare opportunity to be visited by not one, but TWO of my Facebook tormentors.
EFS Classic: The Intermediate Deadlift Cycle
The deadlift may be the purest test of strength in the iron game. Heavy weight. On the floor. Must pick it up.
Biomechanical Analysis of the Deadlift
The deadlift can be considered as one of the best tests of overall body strength. It is a multi joint movement that in simple terms involves picking up a barbell from the floor and standing to the erect position.
Whatever Happened to…Ernie Frantz?
Ernie can still walk in and squat 450 and deadlift 405 pounds, which is a claim that cannot be made by many people approaching their eighth decade.
EFS Classic: My Epiphany of Strength
This article is a culmination of my 35 years of learning about strength, including the cliff notes to all my training logs and a brief look inside my mind.
EFS Classic: Top Five Lifts for Football
If you’re a football coach or a strength coach for football, check this out. It may give you some ideas.
Discipline and Regret
I was first introduced to powerlifting in 1983 by my sixth grade geography teacher, Mr. Spero Tshontikidis. In addition to teaching, Mr. Tshontikidis was a competitive powerlifter in the ADFPA.
Comparing Notes: A Strength and Conditioning Discussion
What I ask of you, as a strength coach, is to reach out to other coaches and learn, listen, and grow while helping our profession grow.
Paying the Bills – My First Year in Powerlifting
So how exactly does one get mixed up in the sport of powerlifting?
Al Caslow Teaching the Sumo Dead
Al Caslow teaching on of the attendants of the Elitefts UGSS how to Sumo deadlift.
Starting a Powerlifting Club
My father once told me that a good teammate is someone who can carry his own weight and some of yours too when you need him to.
Lightning Deadlifts
Until recently, the deadlift was the bastard child of the strength and conditioning community!
Training with Hip Mobility
Dave Tate discusses how to push your hips through at the end of the deadlift and break parallel in the squat, while wearing gear.
How to Win Meets and Influence Squats and Deadlifts
I would like to share with you a movement that has been extremely beneficial to my athletes.
Partial Movement Training For The Deadlift
This article will explain how to use partial Deadlifts to improve your pull and also some pitfalls you should avoid.
Back to Basics: Back Training Considerations
Joe provides a few pointers on some exercises that are widely discussed and debated.
Deadlift Training Overview
After 25 years of competitive lifting, I’ve picked up a few things I’d like to pass on in the hopes that it can help you move this most difficult lift upward.
Box Squats
I drove all the way home and realized that I left my Holy Briefs hanging outside the gym door (to dry in the Sun) so I went back and got them.
Top Ten Checklist: Do You “Train?”
Below is a checklist I came up with to help you determine whether you’re truly training or just wasting your time.
Deadlift and Learn
I learned that what I have been doing is working just fine and as long as my lifts keep moving.
Brain Drain: The Neurological Cost of Training
Do you ever consider the energy costs of your neurological system when you plan or program your workouts or those of your athletes and clients?
I just returned from a consulting engagement with a division 1-football program. I was contracted to review and give insight on their strength-training program.
Toalston Earns First-Place and a Huge PR at 2010 APF Senior Nats
Enjoy the early accomplishments of a young (and pre-male pattern baldness) baby-faced Ted.
Week 5 with Brian Carroll
This will take me well into pre-comp training and lead to some important sessions.
Strength Training for a UFC Fighter
Techniques can be learned, but it takes exceptional power and strength to perform maneuvers on another of similar size and strength in a competitive setting.
Gear Tweaks: Get More From Your Gear
They’ve hit some crazy numbers, so they must be doing something right!
Stepping Up and Under the Bar
Matt relays his experiences competing in his first ever powerlifting meet.
A Peaking Cycle for a Raw Stalling Deadlift
This is the exact deadlift cycle I’ve used for the past three meets.
Off-Season Training for High School Basketball Players
It’s important for young basketball athletes to have a sound understanding of what they can do to recover physically from the rigors of a long season and prepare themselves for the next season.
Three the Hard Way
Jimmy discusses time, exercise selection, and conditioning and how all three are important for reaching your fitness goals.
Rickshaw Deadlift
The Rickshaw deadlift is very similar to a rack deadlift in that it is a limited range of motion.