The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Ed Coan 
The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Ed Coan 
The greatest powerlifter of all time has learned a thing or two about how to be the best in the world. He approaches life the same way.
WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Weak Point Training
WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Discuss Weak Point Training
Ed Coan and Dave Tate explain their rationales and favorite accessory movements and variation lifts for training weak points.
The Geology of Power
The Geology of Power
To this day, that month-long experience of a geology class at Yellowstone helped shape how I look at duration, time, patience, and longevity. That experience helped me apply the view of time to virtually all facets of life, including strength training.
Omaha Barbell Is More Than Just a Gym
Omaha Barbell Is More Than Just a Gym
“When we opened this gym, I just didn’t want it to be a gym; I wanted it to build a legacy that would always be remembered in Omaha.” Bret Carter, owner of Omaha Barbell Gym, talks about the growth of his gym and how he keeps his diverse gym membership thriving.
The Time In-Between Sets Matters
The Time In-Between Sets Matters
You see lost lifters jumping from one diet to another or from one program to the next, thinking they bought a long-lost ingredient to the stew that is strength and power. But the actual missing ingredients are right in front of them: consistency and an understanding of the basics.
WATCH: Dave Tate and Ed Coan Show the Women How to Deadlift at Omaha Barbell
WATCH: Dave Tate and Ed Coan Show the Women How to Deadlift at Omaha Bar...
When a lifter at Omaha Barbell struggles with her deadlift during a training session, Ed Coan offers her technical advice, and Dave tells her to “clear your fucking head.”
5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
“Pull your lats in” to “slow down” are two of five cues that can make an incredible difference in the execution and lockout of your deadlift.
Beware of False Prophets
Beware of False Prophets
There is a huge list of things the sport of powerlifting has produced over these seven decades. Within this sizable list, the sport has consistently produced two specific items over and again, each and every single decade.
WATCH: The Truth Behind Training with Chuck Vogelpohl
WATCH: The Truth Behind Training with Chuck Vogelpohl
One such legend is Chuck Vogelpohl, widely known for his extreme intensity and longevity with regard to powerlifting competitions. In this clip, Tate and Coan address the question of what it was like to train with Chuck.
WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Coach the Squat
WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Coach the Squat
As Tate and Coan provide hands-on instruction and demonstrate proper squatting technique, the difference that their expertise makes in the athletes’ performance is clear and immediate.
 WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate on Their Powerlifting Inspiration
WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate on Their Powerlifting Inspiration
Whether it was aspiring to be the next legend of the sport, reading industry magazines, or simply setting personal strength goals, once Coan and Tate got their first taste of powerlifting, they were hooked.
What Is the Common Denominator?
What Is the Common Denominator?
If you want to be relevant in the sport for years to come, you need to know how to tell the difference between the coaches and the players.
The Gift of Perspective: Things to Know as a New Powerlifter
The Gift of Perspective: Things to Know as a New Powerlifter
In this first part of the perspective series, I share five perspectives for you to consider as you make your initial steps into the journey that we call powerlifting.
The American Idol Phenomenon in Powerlifting
The American Idol Phenomenon in Powerlifting
Without that experience in their back pocket, they simply get eaten up and spit out by the industry.
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
There’s a lot of history shared between these two men. Now they’re adding to it.
A Call to Arms Series: Eccentric Biceps Training
A Call to Arms Series: Eccentric Biceps Training
Try this one-armed eccentric barbell curl to induce sleeve-busting growth.
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
I’m making some changes and have employed the knowledge of several lifting legends to answer these crucial questions.
WATCH: Old School Seminar Videos of Tate, Wendler, Coan Resurface
WATCH: Old School Seminar Videos of Tate, Wendler, Coan Resurface
Before elitefts ever thought of a 'Learn to Train' or 'elitefts Powerlifting Experience', Dave and Jim were already traveling for educational seminars.
 MGG Interview with Ed Coan
MGG Interview with Ed Coan
In this 30-minute interview with the King of powerlifting, Ed Coan covers time travel, special powers, a possible comeback, and oh, powerlifting.
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
This is REALLY good and worth the time to watch. One key take away aside from the content of the video is to understand you have to ALWAYS keep learning! - Dave Tate
Powerlifters or Keyboard Cowards?
Powerlifters or Keyboard Cowards?
Longevity in the sport often reveals which competitors are driven by false confidence.
Is Powerlifting Dead?
Is Powerlifting Dead?
Is Powerlifting Dead? Read this and decide for yourself.
"Everyone Knows Me As A Dick"
"Everyone Knows Me As A Dick"
Stevey P gives your athletes a mental body slam.
Goggins and Coan Reflect on their Epic Platform Battles
Goggins and Coan Reflect on their Epic Platform Battles
It goes beyond who wins on that day or even the records posted. What legacy have you left when you hang up your belt? Goggins and Coan have enriched the sport during their decades on the platform.
Monster Garage Gym: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Monster Garage Gym: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
It is pretty much true, you are what you eat…or you will be.
Strong Mind: Excellence
Strong Mind: Excellence
Anyone can make that good, right choice once in a while…but it takes so much more than that.
Monster Garage Gym: Powerlifting and the Secret
You have the power through your positive thoughts to take your powerlifting to another level of success and achievement just like Dorothy, who had the power all along to go where she needed to go.
Strength Inc: 14 Minute Q&A with Ed Coan
Strength Inc: 14 Minute Q&A with Ed Coan Inc Advisor & Strength Inc Founder Ed Coan answers your questions.
Reno Hardcore: My Learn to Train Seminar 6 Experience
Reno Hardcore: My Learn to Train Seminar 6 Experience
You would be hard pressed to find another seminar anywhere with the stacked deck in attendance at the LTT6.
Strength Inc: 15 Minute Q&A with Ed Coan
Strength Inc: 15 Minute Q&A with Ed Coan Inc Adviser & Strength Inc Founder Ed Coan answers your questions.
The Death Lift!
The Death Lift!
Nowadays, people can put a lot of time into mastering their supportive gear and get hundreds of pounds of carryover, especially in the squat and bench.
By the Coach for the Coach: The Trip 2013
By the Coach for the Coach: The Trip 2013
Enjoy the ride (including a bike ride) because it’s over too quickly.
Why Every Training System Sucks But Mine
Why Every Training System Sucks But Mine
Bashing other programs to promote yours…how very noble…
Monster Garage Gym: What was Old is New Again
Monster Garage Gym: What was Old is New Again
Fads and trends ebb and flow, but there are a few things that will always remain constant.
Reno Hardcore: Champions of Sport and Life
Reno Hardcore: Champions of Sport and Life
Many strength athletes are way more than just big strong muscle heads.
Iron Subculture Podcast (Episode #5)
Iron Subculture Podcast (Episode #5)
We have our first Listener Feedback segment and I also check in with the three new members of Team elitefts™: Mickey Manley, Chad Walker and Marshall Johnson. The episode is one hour and eleven minutes.
Whatever Happened to…Ernie Frantz?
Whatever Happened to…Ernie Frantz?
Ernie can still walk in and squat 450 and deadlift 405 pounds, which is a claim that cannot be made by many people approaching their eighth decade.
How I Got Strong, How I Got Weak, and Where I Go from Here
How I Got Strong, How I Got Weak, and Where I Go from Here
When I first began powerlifting in 1993, I had about ten years of training and competing in bodybuilding under my belt. The first routine I followed when I made the switch to powerlifting was the one that Ed Coan had laid out in his training videos.

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