Equipment 101: The Deluxe Competition Bench
The more you know about your equipment, the better you can use it.
Suspended Push-Ups with Blast Straps
To increase the difficulty of this exercise, try placing your feet on an elevated surface or a stability ball.
The First Time, What was it Like?
Now that I think about it, I’ve had a lot of shitty “first times.”
20 Items You Need in Your Gym Bag to be Stronger
Of course, you’ll find this in Chad Aichs’ bag, but you’ll also find it in McMillan’s.
Have you seen this?
If you’re looking for some entertainment, there may be a traveling side-show headed your way.
Top 5 Advantages of Swiss Bars
If you have no means to do chin-ups, you can put it on the top of a power rack – and voila! An